Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 960: finally come

From the outside world, the news about the imperial great-grandson being captured and insulted by the human race is getting more and more boiling, and the saints are filled with indignation.

Xu Wuzhou's life is the same as usual, the counsellor's office is doing errands, drinking, and researching, "Yao Miao Chu is incapable of aquatic life." ’

Life is so unpretentious.

It was another night, and Xin Yunhu and his party returned to the mansion after drinking wine and bragging. See a house in the inner courtyard with a light still on.

Xu Wuzhou went in naturally, and saw a woman on the bed in the room with the quilt covering her deceptively delicate body.

Xu Wuzhou lifted a corner of the quilt, got in, swept it smoothly, enjoying the silky smoothness. Feel the tenderness and tenderness.

"What are you doing in here?" Ning Yao was startled, and grabbed Xu Wuzhou. "Didn't I tell you that we made a mistake. What happened before was all accidents."

Xu Wuzhou listened to these words every day. Regarding what happened that day, Ning Yao repeatedly said that he had practiced too fast, which had caused instability and restlessness. This was what happened to Xu Wuzhou that shouldn't have happened.

But the two have to rein in the precipice and can't mess around again. The two should maintain their pure and good friendship.

Then, under Ning Yao's refusal and explanation. Xu Wuzhou was also very helpless. He approved Ning Yao's words, so he sullied the water first and reborn the water.


Of course, these days Xu Wuzhou also discovered that although Ning Yao is a saint, there is no sense of arrogance and majesty as a saint. Well, she always likes to cry.

Alas, it turns out that the saint still has such a side. I really can't tell. Xu Wuzhou thinks she will be very strong, but every time she shed tears and pear blossoms, Xu Wuzhou also feels distressed at this time and gave her father's care.

But every time like this, Ning Yao bit his arm with teeth and claws, scolding him for pervert!

In fact, Xu Wuzhou felt that he was also wronged. Is it wrong to give him the best care?

"Don't move, you leave quickly, you can't do such a thing anymore." Ning Yao looked at Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou kept his hands and took out the scumbag quotations: "You know I like you."

Ning Yao struggled to refuse, shook her head vigorously, with an expression of firm refusal, and resolutely said: "We really can't go on like this between us. Xu Wuzhou, I'm serious this time! Very serious!"

Xu Wuzhou ignored him and continued to deceive him.

At this moment, Ning Yao's martial intent was awe-inspiring, turning into the tip of a sword, and reaching up to Xu Wuzhou, her voice coldly said: "I'm serious! Don't force me!"

Xu Wuzhou felt the coldness at the tip of the sword, but Xu Wuzhou didn't panic too much.

What serious!

Seriously, can you keep the door at night? Can you sleep in bed and turn off the light? And um, I wear so little.

The arrogance brought by the dignity of the saint, he understands, at this time, he must firmly show that he forced him. She is reluctant, but she can't refuse, which is why Xu Wuzhou is repeatedly humiliated.

So Xu Wuzhou was very cooperative and said: "You can't beat me again! I won't listen to you."

She wiped out her martial arts in a blink of an eye.

So, it was the night when Nightingale wept again.


Xu Wuzhou was a little bit reluctant to think about it in the holy capital. Although the human race was a leader, there was a good life in the holy capital. At least, it can't be compared to the night in the holy capital. Sure enough, the moons of foreign races are rounder.

On such days, until a Venerable Feng sent someone to send him a message.

At the time of today's son, Brother City Dongsanlizhan was waiting for me, and I had something to discuss.

"finally come."

Xu Wuzhou sighed lightly when he heard the news.

These days, he and Venerable Feng are still close as brothers. He obeyed everything Venerable Feng said. Although he was the master of the counselor's pavilion at this time, he was still placed in the position of a subordinate.

In this way, Venerable Feng showed more enthusiasm for him, and his words were full of heart and soul. Xu Wuzhou couldn't help but complain in front of Ning Yao, how could there be such a shameless and hypocritical person in this world.

Of course, Xu Wuzhou's complaints drew Ning Yao's contemptuous eyes, which made Xu Wuzhou rub his nose and stopped continuing the topic.

"Dao Master, you really want to go to the game alone." Shi Xiong and others knew that Venerable Feng's heart was wrong, so seeing Xu Wuzhou really going, he was a little worried, "You also said that he will definitely do something to Dao Jinjin. It’s certainly not a good thing to invite you this time. You are the real king. If you get involved in the power, it is easy to get into trouble."

Xu Wuzhou naturally knew this, but he also wanted Dadaojinjin.

"Okay! You stabilize your realm again at home, and you must be stable to the point where you can control it freely and will not reveal the human breath of the warrior. It should be in the near future that I will send you away from the Demon Continent."

Although Shi Xiong and others were worried, it can be seen that Xu Wuzhou had decided. No matter what they said, they could only turn their eyes to Ning Yao.

Ning Yao worried: "Mighty power is strong after all, and his calculations are definitely not good for you. You will be in danger out of ten at this time. Do you think about it again? Or, take more people!"

Naturally, Xu Wuzhou would not explain to Ning Yao that he wanted the great gold. So he can only go alone. Otherwise, it is the real big trouble if someone knows that he is calculating the great gold.

Therefore, he can only face Venerable Feng alone.

Xu Wuzhou thought to himself, Venerable Feng should have almost made preparations. Today, nine out of ten times of the golden **** of the great avenue will fall into his hands. All he had to do was to **** it from Venerable Feng.

But there was one question he still didn't understand, what was the relationship between Venerable Wind's snatching of the Great Dao Divine Gold and himself, and how he planned to calculate himself.

After a while, I can get the answer today without any accident.

After simply comforting Ning Yao and asking them not to worry. Xu Wuzhou spoke to Xin Yunhu and the others for a while, and when he was almost there, Xu Wuzhou rushed to the place where Venerable Feng said.

Ning Yao looked at Xu Wuzhou's leaving back, she was full of worries. How many real kings can escape a true king who is able to deliberately and deliberately calculate?

Besides, Xu Wuzhou is still a human race.


When Xu Wuzhou rushed to Sanlizhan, he was at the mansion of Venerable Feng.

The Dao Shen Jin is placed in his residence, and the Dao Jin Yun nurtures the Dao. Even if it is not tempered into a weapon, it is extremely beneficial to practice with the Shen Jin alone.

Therefore, the several Venerables who got the **** gold together, they often come to Venerable Feng's residence to use the **** gold to practice.

Of course, as time gets longer and longer, the effect of divine gold on the Venerable's practice also becomes limited.

Later than today, there are only two venerables staying here, still practicing through the gods of gold.

These two nobles, one is that the talent is not as good as the other three nobles, so the **** Jinzhizhu still has a good effect.

The second is that Shenjin is owned by five people. Therefore, at least two Venerables are guarding the **** gold at all times to avoid problems with the **** gold.

The five people have already discussed, and recently they have discussed the allocation of the gods.

The two venerables, they sat quietly beside the **** gold, feeling the nourishment of the great aura of the **** gold, and working hard to improve their cultivation.


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