Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 961: Venerable Wind Seizes God's Gold


Silence is like water!

The two Venerables practiced quietly as usual, and they didn't have much vigilance. The Grand Dao Jin is owned by the five nobles, who dares to **** it easily?

Even if it is a great power, he is not willing to offend the five sages easily, after all, there are sacred sacreds behind the five sages.

What's more, the two powerful guardians can't be robbed by ordinary people.

While the two venerables sat cross-legged on the side of the divine gold to practice, they occasionally thought about what kind of weapons the divine gold should be used for after they were divided among them.

Although part of the Great Dao Divine Gold is not comparable to a whole one, it is also an extremely rare material, enough to build an extraordinary weapon to enhance its own strength.


Suddenly there was a sound outside the door, and the two venerables were slightly taken aback. Looking over, he saw a man in black robes slowly walking towards the **** of gold.

This scene made the two venerable faces slightly condensed, and they scolded, "Who are you?"

The two venerables reacted quickly, and the aura on their bodies immediately gathered. The two powerful avenues unfolded, and the heaven and earth moved along with it, and with great coercion, they directly attacked the black-robed man.

No matter who, except for the five of them, no one can approach the **** gold.

Looking at the black-robed man, they knew that this man had absolutely no good intentions. But they didn't take it to heart, as long as they shot, even if they were lost, they would alarm others. Even if it is the absolute top, you can't **** the **** gold.

They shot quickly, but the black robe people shot faster.

The long knife in his hand was pulled out of the scabbard at this moment. In an instant, the world trembled, and the long sword that was pulled out erupted into a peerless sword glow, and the sword glow blew up, and the vastness was incomparably vast, like a roaring river, bursting and pouring out like a bank.

In an instant, the space collapsed, cracking and reorganizing constantly

This knife was too strong, it was beyond imagination, as if it was a knife that had been charged for a long time. The blade light broke out directly, setting off a storm, swept away frantically, strangling everything, and the blade light shook the whole world.

The two powerful eyes widened, they looked at this scene in disbelief, and their figures retreated extremely quickly. At the same time, twelve percent of the power burst out, showing their strong avenue.

But even so, they were still terrified, and the speed of retreating crazily became faster and faster.

They retreated quickly, and the sword light came quickly.

With such a majestic knife, they collided with them. They bloomed their strongest combat skills, as if two heavenly rivers rushed out.

But in the face of this knife, he still lost his color. The blade light is dazzling, full of great horror, and it is truly devastating, and everything is cut off by the blade light.

The two venerables were directly cut, and huge wounds appeared on their chests, and blood kept dripping out. The two flew out.


The two powerful people shouted in horror, looking at the black-robed man in disbelief.

The black-robed people didn't care about them, looking at the **** gold, suddenly scrolling. Shenjin fell into his hands and was wrapped in him and taken away directly.

Then, the figure leaped extremely fast, sank into the alley, and ran away wildly.

The two powerful people endured the pain, and shouted to remind everyone, motioning to chase the black-robed man.

It's just that they just submerged in the alley. But found numerous boxes, with dozens or hundreds of figures in black robes leaping, rushing to all sides.

"Damn it!"

The two powerfully cursed, this black-robed man had already calculated. Such fish eyes are mixed with beads, which one is the warrior who has just snatched the **** gold.

The two powerful shots slammed one of the black-robed men. He was not strong, and his powerful shot killed him in an instant.

Obviously, this is not the person.

In the mansion of Venerable Wind, many warriors rushed out. In addition to the warriors recruited by Venerable Feng himself, there are other followers of Venerable who stay here, who are sent to stare at the **** gold.

Seeing this, the two great powers directly ordered: "Hunt and kill every black-robed man for me."

Everything happened too fast, so many warriors were forced away before the Shenjin could realize it. But when they saw the black-robed men rushing in all directions in the alley, they knew what to do without telling them, so they all chased them off.

The two powerful faces were gloomy, and they chased them away. At the same time, send someone to notify the other three Venerables. Venerable Feng and the three others are all going to work today.

"Hmph! With the knife just now, the explosive power is not worse than a full blow. Hmph, such a secret technique, I don't believe that I can't find out the clue."

The two great powers gritted their teeth, the **** of the road, and just lost it in their hands.

The two of them also chased the black-robed man. I want to get some information from the black robe population and see who sent it.

Go to the east of the city!

Venerable Feng ran all the way in a black robe, and a warrior chased him behind him. But it was not the two great powers, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't show great speed, which was about the same as the speed of other black-robed men. The people who came after and killed him have been keeping a close distance from him.

Until, he felt that the distance that the two great powers could not perceive stopped, and looked at the warriors who were chasing them, and the strength of the power broke out and killed them directly.

After the beheading, he did not increase his speed, but hid himself and continued to sneak away.

His hand touched the belt around his waist, and he was a little excited.

Dao Shen Jin is in hand, as long as he is refined into a life artifact, and the two blend together, his strength can skyrocket, and he can even fight against the absolute peak.

At that time, he was also a giant in the Saint Clan.


Venerable Feng wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, but he knew it was not over yet. He had to turn everyone's eyes away before he had time to refine Dao Jinjin.

"Sword-raising technique is really a secret technique."

Venerable Feng couldn't help but sigh. This secret technique was learned from Wei's family back then. Although Wei Ran's father only taught him the incomplete version, he didn't expect it to be so terrifying.

Venerable Feng was a little grateful that when he was in the Fallen Land, he regretted not taking this knife with him. It now appears that it was God's will not to take it. Otherwise, he had used the sword-raising technique at the beginning, and this divine gold might not fall into his hands.

Thinking of this, he rushed to the Sanli Zhan in the east of the city extremely fast.

The plan is only half completed, and half needs to be done.

No one knows that he can raise the sword, but many people know that the Wei family has the sword. As long as everyone's eyes are turned to Wei's family and people believe that Wei's family still has a great power, then he can completely remove the suspicion.

To make people believe that the Wei family has great power, the help of Wei Ran is needed.

Venerable Feng was not afraid that Wei Ran would not do what he said, he had calculated it for so long. Wei Ran has no chance to resist.

Venerable Feng was not in a hurry or slow, and slowly rushed to Sanlizhan. When he arrived at Sanlizhan, he saw the familiar figure standing there.

Venerable Feng smiled, took off his black robe, and walked towards Xu Wuzhou full of joy.


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