Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 962: Xu Wuzhou sets up bureau

"Brother, have you been here for a long time?" Venerable Feng greeted him with a smile on his face.

Xu Wuzhou also smiled and looked at Venerable Feng and said, "I just came here for a while, I don't know what Brother Feng asked me about."

"I came here this time to tell my brothers good news." Venerable Feng was very cordial, and pointed to his belt, "The Dao God Gold is now in hand, and you and my brother will be brilliant in the future."

Although Xu Wuzhou knew that Venerable Feng had a calculation, he guessed that he would get the Great Dao Divine Gold tonight. But now that he really heard him get it, he couldn't help but be surprised.

After all, Daojinjin belonged to several venerables, and it was never easy to **** from them. Venerable Feng's strength, it is reasonable to say that he can't do it.

I don't know how he did it.

But this doubt should be known soon.

Xu Wuzhou said with joy and excitement: "Congratulations, big brother."

At this time, Venerable Feng was a little embarrassed and said: "But there is one thing, today I know that I did something wrong."

"what's up?"

Venerable Feng said: "The last time I gave you the combat skills, there was a set of Lingyin Youwangxiang, do you remember?"

Xu Wuzhou thought that it really came, but there was a doubtful expression on his face: "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

Venerable Feng sighed and said, "I just learned today that this combat technique has a name called You Di Nian."

"What?" Xu Wuzhou exclaimed, staring at Venerable Feng with round eyes, his face turned pale, his voice trembled, "The Royal Family's Secret Technique You Di Nian."

Seeing Xu Wuzhou doing this, Venerable Feng showed a smile on his face. Few people knew the fact that Lingyin Youwang was also called You Di Nian, and he knew it by chance, and the result was exactly as he expected.

"Oh! I only wanted to give my brother a set of superb secret techniques to improve your combat power, but I blamed my eldest brother for knowing it late. This is a royal secret technique, representing the identity of the royal family. If you touch it, you will die."

Xu Wuzhou's tone was still trembling: "Big...Big brother, what should I do?"

Venerable Feng patted Xu Wuzhou on the shoulder and said, "You don't worry. Only you know and I know about this. As long as you don't use this method, naturally no one will know. As for me, naturally I will keep it secret for you. After all. ,we are brothers."

Xu Wuzhou showed gratitude: "Thank you, brother!"

Venerable Feng waved his hand and said, "Our brother's words of thanks are too much, but the eldest brother also needs your help."


Venerable Feng said: "I heard that the Wei family is not a single pass. Your father has a brother. It was just raised outside by your grandfather, so very few people know about it."

Xu Wuzhou's heart condensed, thinking that this is Venerable Feng's calculation? What is the use of this news for him?

Raise a sword! right! It must be a sword-raising technique!

Venerable Feng knows how to raise a sword, and today's seizure of this method is by means of this technique. Therefore, he wanted to put the blame on the Wei family and divert his attention, to make time for him to refine the great gold.

All doubts were cleared, Xu Wuzhou looked towards Venerable Feng.

Sure enough, I heard Venerable Feng say: "Today, someone used your sword-raising technique to attack the two Venerables, and I was lucky enough to get the gold of the Great Dao."

Venerable Feng squinted at Xu Wuzhou, thinking that if he had said so thoroughly, he should understand how to do it.

"You have such an unreasonable uncle, who will indeed cause you big trouble. But if you are greedy, you will definitely die. Now these troubles are not fatal, let alone I become a giant in the future, these I can help you solve it if I have trouble. We are good brothers, and I will definitely help you."

Venerable Feng explained the benefits and thought that you would either choose to die or just follow my instructions. Although it will be very difficult now, you can save your life. The most important thing is that I drew a pie. Now that I am wronged, I will become the confidant of the giant.

Such a choice is an individual's choice.

Venerable Feng looked at Xu Wuzhou, whose face was blue and white, and he looked at the opponent with a smile, and if a powerful person wanted to grasp a true king, he had to follow him.

"Brother, have you thought about it? Do you have such an uncle."

Venerable Feng looked at Xu Wuzhou and asked with a smile.

"A few powerful people will also kill me." Xu Wuzhou said.

Venerable Feng shook his head and said, "After all, you are from Prince Geng. They don’t look at the face of the monk to see the face of the Buddha. What's more, your uncle did it, and you can’t be blamed on you. So you will suffer a living, but you won’t kill you. . You just have to endure this period of time and wait for me to refine the Dao Divine Gold, everything will be fine."

Xu Wuzhou was silent.

Venerable Feng thought that someone would chase here soon, and he urged: "Have you thought about it?"

Xu Wuzhou nodded and said, "I'm done!"

"Hahaha! I know brother you will figure it out. Brother, if you just bear it for a while, you will surely be brilliant in the future."

Xu Wuzhou looked at Venerable Feng, but shook his head and said, "There is no need for brilliant Tenda. After all, it is impossible for you to make me brilliant Tenda."

Venerable Feng's eyes condensed slightly, this kid is full of resentment. But it doesn't matter, as long as you follow your own plan.

"Follow what I said, and you will understand how wise it will be in the future."

Xu Wuzhou shook his head, looked at Venerable Feng's belt, and then said, "My lord, there is actually something I haven't told you."

"What's the matter." Venerable Feng looked at Xu Wuzhou in doubt.

Xu Wuzhou sighed: "I have been an orphan since I was a child, and I don't have an uncle."

Venerable Feng was slightly taken aback, what does this kid mean? He would rather die than agree to him?

Just when Venerable Feng was about to say something, he heard Xu Wuzhou continue to say: "The thing I want to tell you is: I also want the **** of gold."

Venerable Feng simply heard a joke, how dear and capable he actually wanted the gold of the Great Dao. Isn't he looking for death?

Good good! He underestimated Wei Ran's backbone. But it doesn't matter if he is obedient or obedient, the Dao Jin Jin is already in his hands, and no one looks away, so he can only hide and refine the Dao Jin Jin. This is also the last step he prepared.

Since this person doesn't know the current affairs, then kill him. A true king dare not listen to his orders.

Venerable Feng just wanted to kill Xu Wuzhou, when he heard Xu Wuzhou say: "Are you trying to kill me?"

Venerable Feng was startled.

At this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou say: "It's a pity, all your actions are wrong. So, I'm going to make a decision for the **** of gold."

Venerable Feng only found it funny, thinking that Wei Ran, you can't recognize yourself, do you need three tricks to kill yourself?

Venerable Feng was about to burst out of power, but when he burst out of power, he was slightly startled. Because he realized that he was weird, the driving force just rushed in, he was cut off inexplicably.

Before he could react to his doubts, he saw the young man in front of him, slamming at him with a dagger in one hand and grabbing his belt with the other.


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