Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 963: God gold

Venerable Feng couldn't understand why this was so, why he suddenly disappeared. The huge gap frightened him, and he was not familiar with the state of becoming a mortal.

Therefore, he couldn't react correctly when he looked at the dagger that Xu Wuzhou had grabbed. In fact, even if he resisted, it was too late.

He and Xu Wuzhou were too close. This was originally Xu Wuzhou's strategy.

The dagger plunged directly into his body without any surprise, of course, the belt around his waist was also directly caught by Xu Wuzhou.

The severe pain made Venerable Feng react, and his body quickly backed away.

But Xu Wuzhou was already done well, and the dagger in his hand once again drew through a tricky angle, and pierced it again towards Venerable Feng.

Venerable Feng turned his body sideways, trying to avoid it.

It's just that both of them are mortals at this time. I had no intention of mental arithmetic, and he avoided it.

The dagger plunged into his body again, and Xu Wuzhou twisted and twisted a blood hole while holding the dagger. At this time, it was pulled out suddenly, with bleeding flesh.

"Ah!" Venerable Feng screamed.

He was about to dizzy in pain, but the fear of life and death made him dare not dizzy and tried to stay awake. Da Neng's resilience was revealed at this moment. Seeing Xu Wuzhou stabbing again, he suddenly grabbed Xu Wuzhou's hand with his hand.

Although, Xu Wuzhou has not been completely blocked. But this dagger never hit his vitals, it just scratched a blood mark on his arm.

"Wei Ran, what kind of magic do you use?"

Venerable Feng's crazy driving force, but found that he is a mortal, there is no road left, he roared again and again, his eyes red and glaring at Xu Wuzhou.

But Xu Wuzhou ignored him at all. He was a mere mortal when he showed great abilities, and the load on him was extremely heavy. He didn't know how long he could hold on.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou killing him again indifferently and harshly, Venerable Feng changed his expression and shouted with stern voice: "Dangerous, do you dare to commit and kill me? You are looking for death!"

Xu Wuzhou looked at each other coldly, and sneered: "You count me with You Emperor's thoughts and want to kill me, why can't I kill you?"

While speaking, the dagger once again pierced Venerable Feng's blood hole.

"You knew it a long time ago?" Venerable Feng's expression changed.

Xu Wuzhou said: "Lingyin Youwangxiang is indeed very few people know this name, but don't forget, I am in the counselor's pavilion. The counselor's pavilion is full of talents, and you can always find out when you inquire. You don't think it, I really trust it. You, I can use whatever you give me with confidence."

Venerable Feng stared at Wei Ran, and based on his understanding of Wei Ran, he shouldn't be so careful.

"So you counted me from the beginning?"

Xu Wuzhou sneered and said, "It's all about the tricks."

"You are a true king, even if you get the Grand Dao Divine Gold, you can't refining it. And you can't bear the charge of killing a venerable one."

"These things are not something you need to worry about, just go to death with peace of mind."

While Xu Wuzhou spoke, the dagger kept stabbing past, and at the same time his legs and feet fiercely kicked towards Venerable Feng.

Although Venerable Feng is powerful, how can he be an experienced opponent of Xu Wuzhou in such a fight. Moreover, Xu Wuzhou still has a weapon in his hands.

Under Xu Wuzhou's awe-inspiring murderous intent, his body was constantly being damaged, and his dagger pierced a lot of blood holes in his body. Many parts of the internal organs were struck by Xu Wuzhou.

Although he is an ordinary person at this time, his essence is powerful after all. So even if this is enough to kill a mortal, he can hold on.

But the specificity and injury made it harder for him to face Xu Wuzhou's attack, and he would undoubtedly die if this continues.

Venerable Feng's body rolled frantically on the ground, avoiding Xu Wuzhou's dagger.

At this moment, Venerable Feng only felt that he was like a mourning dog, without dignity at all. He had never been like this before, but he was more frightened than shame.

What the **** is this? Why would I become a mortal! Today, is it really hard to escape?

His body was getting heavier and heavier, and his injuries made him unable to hold on anymore.

Hateful! Why does Wei Ran hide so many hole cards?

Seeing Xu Wuzhou's dagger blasting out again, Venerable Feng was truly desperate. This dagger fell, killing him again!

However, the dagger has not yet fallen on him. Suddenly seeing Wei Ran, the dog thief's face changed, his figure suddenly backed away.

Venerable Feng was startled, but immediately realized why. Because of the way he lost, he is back now.

Xu Wuzhou fell to the ground, standing in the distance to keep a certain distance from Venerable Feng. He sighed, power is power. The full display is for a mortal, but it still didn't last long, and it didn't quickly result in him.

Venerable Feng propped up his body, feeling the sharp pain. Such a terrifying injury, even if he regained his strength at this moment, he still couldn't bear it.

But he was finally relieved at the moment, his life was saved.

Although he was seriously wounded, he could not be killed by a true king.

"I want you to die!" Venerable Feng yelled, the main road surged, and the breath on his body burst out and he was about to kill Xu Wuzhou.

In the face of great power, Xu Wuzhou didn't want to fight hard. What's more, he is a mere mortal when he uses his powers. He is also a little weak at this time, and he can't please him in a fight.

"If I were you, I would run away now. Dozens of my true king brothers, do you think they are furnishings?"

This sentence made Venerable Feng's action pause. Even if he is seriously injured now, he has the confidence to kill Xu Wuzhou. But with dozens of true kings, he is the one who died.

Venerable Feng felt the Quartet and sneered: "Will you be scared when you think I am?"

"I know that you are powerful, so let them stay away. What I'm afraid of is being noticed by you. Now that you are exploding, they should feel that they are coming soon."

Venerable Feng looked at Xu Wuzhou, who stood with his hand in his hand and stared at him coldly, his face was blue and white.

Wiping an empty waist, he said to Xu Wuzhou, "Give me the belt and I will go now."

"If you are so naive, don't say anything about it in the future. Otherwise, I will think you think I'm as stupid as you."

Venerable Feng's eyes were blood red, and he looked at Xu Wuzhou with awe-inspiring killing intent. Among them is the **** of gold, this is his hope. But now, he actually fell into the hands of the dog thief Wei Ran.

However, Venerable Feng stared at Xu Wuzhou at this time, and his brow was slightly raised. He felt the familiar breath of Wei Ran, but under this breath, there was another inexplicable breath. This breath was very strange, not like what Wei Ran should have.

Xu Wuzhou knew that he was in his current situation, and he used mortals, and the aura of other races would inevitably leak. Looking at Venerable Feng, he also wanted to kill the opponent.

But now, unless he takes advantage of the strength of the black bowl old man. Otherwise, even if the opponent is seriously injured, his strength can't kill Da Neng.

Moreover, really want to fight. Soon, other warriors will be alerted, and it will be a big trouble.

Whether it is Shenjin or his identity, it will be exposed.

"Today you must die!" Xu Wuzhou thought about this, but the law of the mountain tower broke out and he was about to kill him.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou like this, Venerable Feng's expression changed. I thought Xu Wuzhou would drag him here and wait for dozens of true kings to arrive.

So, he didn't even think about it, the figure leaped and rushed to escape.


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