Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 964: Identity is about to be revealed

Seeing Venerable Feng fleeing away, Xu Wuzhou did not catch up.

Before the shot, he made two preparations. One is that during the period of being a mortal, he directly beheaded Venerable Feng, and then arranged a situation of black and black, and picked himself out.

Another situation is that he cannot kill Venerable Feng. This possibility is much greater than the first possibility. After all, it is powerful, and it is not so easy to kill.

Since it's good, then naturally there are other arrangements.


Venerable Feng flees away, he is going to hide to the place he has already arranged.

However, when he was about to reach his destination, he saw dozens of venerables, Xin Yunhu and others.

Venerable Feng's face changed drastically.

"Wei Ran actually blamed me, and why did he arrange for someone to lie in ambush here?"

Venerable Feng felt a chill in his heart and thought of a possibility. That is Xu Wuzhou knows his plan well, and Xu Wuzhou also knows the secret place he has prepared.

That is to say, if he still goes there, it is likely to be sent to the door.

He was seriously injured at this time, and if he was surrounded, he would undoubtedly die.

Venerable Feng gritted his teeth and hated Xu Wuzhou.

"Dangerous, one day I will cut you a thousand times."

Venerable Feng roared, but at this time he had to stop and dare not move forward.

Xin Yunhu and others naturally saw Venerable Feng, and everyone peeped at each other: "That person is Venerable Feng? It looks like he has been seriously injured. Who can hurt him like this?"

"It's very strange, why did he see that we were so scared to be like this, full of vitality and murderous intent in his body."

"He is a Venerable, how could he be afraid of us. Besides, Brother Wei is under his command, and we and Brother Wei are brothers."

"Yeah, then what is he doing, it's so weird."

Only Ye Min saw this scene with a clear understanding: Brother Wei guessed it right, Venerable Feng must go to calculate today to **** the gold of the Great Dao. He doesn't know if he can succeed in this situation.

There are dozens of them here, naturally Xu Wuzhou arranged it.

Knowing that Venerable Feng had no good intentions, Xu Wuzhou asked Ye Min to stare at Venerable Dianfeng. In Xu Wuzhou's view, after Venerable Feng succeeded, he would definitely find a place to stay.

Venerable Feng acted very vigilantly, but nevertheless Xu Wuzhou had mental arithmetic and unintentional. From what he said we met at Sanlizhan in the east of the city, plus the information obtained from tracking. Xu Wuzhou guessed the approximate direction of his footing, and the place where Ye Min and the others were at this time was the only way for Venerable Feng.

Ye Min remembered Xu Wuzhou's instructions, and shouted angrily at Venerable Feng: "Venerable Feng, you can't escape."

This sentence gave Xin Yunhu and his party a glimpse of each other. Xu Wuzhou asked them to help, but he didn't say that he was dealing with Venerable Feng.

They couldn't help looking at Ye Min, wondering what exactly Xu Wuzhou and Ye Min were doing? Why did you suddenly act on Venerable Feng!

Venerable Feng didn't think about this, and at this moment his figure retreated. Even during the whole body period, facing these dozens of people would be a problem, not to mention the serious injuries suffered at this time.

Ye Min took the lead to kill the Venerable Feng, and then angrily rebuked: "Weiwei Ran really treats you as your own brother, but didn't expect you to calculate him behind your back. I really am a hypocrite."

"Go away!" When Venerable Feng saw Ye Min killing him, he shouted angrily, and a large amount of power burst out, shocking Ye Min.

Ye Min stepped back and said to Xin Yunhu and the others: "Brothers take action together, take him down!"

Xin Yunhu watched Ye Min kill again, they looked at each other, and they could only kill together towards Venerable Feng.

Venerable Feng saw a group of true kings come violently, he snorted coldly: "You want to kill me, but you are delusional."

As he spoke, his figure retreated extremely quickly, trying to flee away.

At this time, Ye Min said again: "We don't need to kill you. As long as you are restrained, you can catch Prince Geng and the four venerables, then we will stop."

Venerable Feng would naturally not be caught without a fight, he would be caught with nothing in his current situation, it is very likely that he would be killed by a dangerous murder.

Therefore, Venerable Feng fled without looking back.

The true king headed by Ye Min wanted to stop Venerable Feng, but in the end he didn't stop him. When Venerable Feng did not hesitate to let the injury worsen again, he used extreme speed, and finally escaped.

At this time, Xin Yunhu and others asked Ye Min, "Brother Ye, what is going on? Do you say that Venerable Feng calculated what is going on with Brother Wei?"

Ye Min glanced at dozens of true kings who were full of doubts: "Wait for Brother Wei to come and talk to you."

At this moment, Ye Min only knew that Wei Ran was calculated, but did not know how it was calculated.

When they were talking, they saw Xu Wuzhou's figure coming.

The group hurriedly gathered around and asked Xu Wuzhou, "Brother Wei, Venerable Feng just now..."

Xu Wuzhou waved his hand to interrupt them and looked at Ye Min. See Ye Min said: "He is very vigilant, we can't form an encirclement. If a great power does not fall into the encirclement, we can't keep him."

Xu Wuzhou was not surprised by this, thinking that he had never killed Venerable Feng. He also didn't want these people to kill him, because if Venerable Feng was killed, Venerable Feng would not be able to help him.

The biggest reason why he invited Ye Min and his party to come was not Venerable Killing Wind, but an eyewitness.

So Xu Wuzhou explained at this time: "Me and Brother Ye got the news that Venerable Feng is going to **** the Great Dao Jinjin today and set the blame on my dangerous family. So I ask you to lie in ambush here to see if this news is true. Just now. I was guarding at the residence of Venerable Feng and saw a man in black using my dangerous family swordsmanship to **** the gold of the Great Dao."

A group of people suddenly realized, Xin Yunhu said: "I said why Brother Wei was not with us, it turned out to be at the residence of Venerable Yun."

Even Ye Min didn't think much at this moment. I felt that Xu Wuzhou was staying at the residence of Venerable Feng, otherwise how could he know what happened in Venerable Feng’s mansion so quickly, after all, the residence of Venerable Feng was far away from here.

As for Xu Wuzhou's fight with Venerable Wind, he didn't even think about how a true king would fight Venerable Wind.

"Hey! Venerable Feng blamed me on the family. This is offending the four Venerables. I hope everyone will testify to me at that time and return my innocence."

"That's natural!"

"Huh! It's really mean, how can Brother Wei follow him, and he actually did it."



Everyone was filled with indignation.

When Xu Wuzhou saw this, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

There are corrections from these people. The four venerables will investigate, and the things that venerable Feng did can't stand scrutiny at all, and everything about him will be exposed. At that time, the suspicion of the Wei family will naturally be lifted.

Dadaojinjin is his.

However, against Venerable Feng, he used a secret technique that was all mortal, because he used non-dangerous means. Venerable Feng, as Venerable, can definitely see the clues.

Now he can't figure out why for a while, but when he reacts, sooner or later he will know that he is a human race.

In other words, he is already on the verge of exposure.

Fortunately, Venerable Feng is now seriously injured. Before his strength was restored, he didn't dare to appear at all. Therefore, he still has a period of safety.

"It's time to send Ning Yao back to the human race."

Xu Wuzhou sighed lightly, thinking that his game could start.

The saint of the human race naturally also has a card face. Someone must be escorted, not to mention the danger of the demons, and at worst, they must be able to lead the escort.


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