Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 965: Hostage

Venerable Feng's snatching of the gold of the Great Dao is not a small matter in the holy capital, but it is not a major event. Except for the parties involved, everyone else just talked a little after dinner.

In the sacred capital, the five sages are not the ones who can call the wind and rain in the sacred capital. If it weren't for a treasure like Dao Shenjin, there wouldn't even be a lot of people talking about it.

Of course, because Venerable Feng was a personal follower of Prince Geng, this made him very angry. Although Prince Geng was not afraid of the four Venerables, he could not underestimate him after all, nor did he want to offend him for no reason. Therefore, he came forward to entertain the four Venerables, and in the presence of the four Venerables, he reformed Venerable Feng, and spoke the words of Venerable Feng at the disposal of the four Venerables.

As for Xu Wuzhou, everyone didn't care about him. After all, after they checked all the clues, they knew that Wei's family was also a victim.

This also caused many people to call Venerable Feng a sinister villain.

Compared with this incident, another incident made the people of Shengdu filled with righteous indignation.

That is, the great-grandson of the saint emperor was captured by the human race, while 100,000 people of the saint and dependent races were enslaved by the human race for mining.

This incident is getting worse and worse. Hearing that it has spread to the palace, your Majesty may already know about it.

After sending off the four Venerables, Prince Geng said coldly to the many subordinates around him: "You also check where the Venerable Feng is hiding. Hmph, find him and take him directly to see me. Dare to resist and kill him directly."


Prince Geng nodded. Although he was a little angry, he didn't take it seriously. He cared about another thing more: "You all know the rumors of the holy capital recently? I heard that this incident made the father very angry. , For this to recruit Prince Gui into the palace. What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other, and the Saint Remnant Star didn't take it seriously, but no one dared to take it lightly. The most important thing is that His Majesty attaches great importance to Prince Shen's line.

"My lord, the villain has an idea, I don't know if I can do it?" Prince Geng looked over and saw that it was a new true king named Fengshenghe from the counselor's pavilion. So Prince Geng asked him to join his staff.

Prince Geng nodded and said, "Tell me."

"Prince Gui is not as good as the prince, nor is his ability comparable to that of the prince. However, the strong followers of his subordinates are not much less than the prince. The reason is that Prince Gui is favored by his majesty. And it is heard that the reason for the favor of the prince Gui is the appearance. Like Prince Shin."

Prince Geng frowned, this is something everyone knows: "Talk about the important point!"

Feng Shenghe hurriedly folded his hands and said: "If your Majesty favors the prince more, Prince Gui falls out of favor. Then, will all the powerful under his command belong to the prince? When the time comes, among the princes, who will be more powerful than the prince?"

Before Prince Geng spoke, he heard a venerable yelling: "Who doesn't know this, but how could Prince Gui fall out of favor?"

Feng Shenghe hurriedly said: "Your Honor taught that, but not before, now there is a chance."

"what chance?"

"Prince Gui is favored because of his image with Prince Shen, so this time the Sacred Remnant Star has an accident. Your Majesty first recruited him into the palace. But I believe that he must not come up with a solution. After all, the Sacred Remnant Star is in the human race. Can you beat Human Race to save him?

He can't find a way, his majesty must be angry. But if the prince can save the sacred star, what will your majesty think?

Your Majesty will think, I dote on you, Prince Gui Yinshen, but you can't even protect the descendants of your eldest brother. On the other hand, you, the prince, although you are not like Prince Shen, you have the ability to protect his descendants. With your majesty's love for Prince Shen, love the house and Wu, will you be more valued and pampered? "

Prince Geng frowned and said: "We can think of all of these, but even if I am the top, I can't beat the human race to save the Holy Canal Star, so the Holy Canal Star is captured, and there is no solution at all."

Feng Shenghe smiled at this time: "Master, others can't. But we may not?"

"Do you have a way?" Prince Geng was overjoyed, his eyes looked at Fengshenghe.

Feng Shenghe smiled at this time: "The prince has forgotten a person, Lord Wei Ran."

"Wei Ran?" Prince Geng frowned slightly, "What can he do?"

Feng Shenghe said: "In fact, everyone only pays attention to Master Wei Ran calling the Eagle King. It is precisely because of this that everyone has forgotten one very important thing. That is, Master Wei Ran raised a concubine, and this concubine is a human race. Saintess."

With this sentence, Prince Geng's eyes lit up, and he looked at Fengshenghe shiningly.

Sure enough, when he heard the wind, the crane continued to say: "If the saint of the human race is used to exchange the sacred star, can it be exchanged?"

Everyone was surprised, and then someone shook their heads and said: "As far as I know, there are many ancient human religions, and many are called saints. It is impossible to exchange an ancient saint for the sacred star."

"Yes. I heard that the person who took the Saint Remnant Star was the Taoist of the Human Race, the Taoist leader of the Human Race. Unless it is the saint of the Taoist, it won't work at all."

Feng Shenghe threw out a dull message at this time: "What if this human saint is the confidant of the Taoist master?"

With this sentence, Prince Geng stood up suddenly, and asked overjoyed: "This news is reliable. Where did you hear the news?"

Feng Shenghe said: "This is what Wei Ran personally said. Although he is greedy for the beauty of the saint of the human race, he also constantly digs out the news about the saint of the human race. This news was disclosed by the saint of the human race inadvertently."

Prince Geng's breathing was a little bit short, if that's the case, it's really possible to exchange for the Saint Cannon Star.


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