Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 966: It's so dangerous

Dangerous mansion!

Xu Wuzhou looked at Shi Xiong and the others, they had all reached the Great Practitioner.

"You are ready to prepare. Someone should **** you back to the Demon Cave Human Race in these two days."

When Shi Xiong heard these words in vain, they all turned to look at Xu Wuzhou in astonishment.

"Don't be so nervous, someone will **** you back, you just need to go back as if you are visiting the mountains and water, don't worry too much."

Ning Yao stood quietly to the side, with a graceful figure and straight legs, her beautiful eyes falling on Xu Wuzhou's body like water: "Where are you?"

Xu Wuzhou looked at this in-depth communication woman, smiled and said, "I'll wait."


Ning Yao wanted to say something, when someone came in the front yard, it was Ye Min: "Brother Ye, Prince Geng invites you to come."

Xu Wuzhou nodded, exchanged gazes with Ning Yao, and then said to Ye Min: "Let's go!"

Seeing Xu Wuzhou leaving, Shi Xiong looked at each other and couldn't help but said, "Could we really be escorted back to the human race?"

Shi Xiong shook his head vigorously, it is hard to imagine how Xu Wuzhou did it. Moreover, it really subverted his perception too much.

I feel that coming to the magic city this time is to enjoy, improve cultivation, and travel. The life is as comfortable as it is, and it is even more refreshing than in the human race.

He raised his head and glanced at the moon, as if the moon was rounder than the human race.


"Wei Ran, I heard that the saint in your mansion is the confidante of the Taoist Master of the Human Race?" Prince Geng asked Xu Wuzhou before he waited for him to speak.

Xu Wuzhou frowned, but still replied, "I dare not lie to the prince, it is indeed."

When Prince Geng heard these words, he laughed and said: "Okay! Wei Ran, I am going to use her to exchange the royal blood, what do you think?"

"This..." Xu Wuzhou showed reluctance.

"Huh? Is there any problem? For a long time, I think you have a very heavy blood line. Now that the royal blood is captured in the human race, are you willing to be humiliated?"

Speaking of this, Prince Geng paused, and then said, "Venerable Feng robbed the gods of the Dao Dao. After all, the technique of raising swords came from your dangerous family. If this king helps you block the four nobles, do you think they can easily Let you go?"

Before Xu Wuzhou said anything, he heard the sound of the wind and said, "Master Wei Ran, you will take care of you in the counselor's pavilion. I regard you as a close friend, but because of this, I feel that you can't raise a human saint. Human. Although the saint is beautiful, it is also a handle. Now because of your deterrence against the Eagle King, no one has attacked, but after some time, someone will definitely make a big fuss about this matter. What will you do then?"

Prince Geng also nodded at this time: "Dangerous, people who do big things can't be immersed in female sex. You hand her over, I won't treat you badly."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Prince Geng, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! The royal blood of my holy clan must not be humiliated."

"Hahahaha! This king knows Danger and you know the overall situation." Prince Geng was overjoyed.

Xu Wuzhou said at this time: "Since you want to send it out, you must maximize your profits. I have two suggestions, and I would like to ask the prince to listen."

"What do you think."

"The first is to invite the prince to see your majesty, and promise your majesty to do his best to rescue the sacred star. At this time, the other princes did not dare to get involved in this matter, but the prince took the initiative to take the initiative, and your majesty must be overjoyed.

Taking this opportunity, the prince used to ask his Majesty for a group of strong people on the grounds that it was difficult to rescue the Holy Remnant Star and needed the strong. I think his Majesty will not refuse.

Now that the strong came under the command of the prince, the prince could do more. Maybe, the people who can turn them into princes, the prince's power can also rise by this. "

Prince Geng's eyes lit up when he heard Xu Wuzhou's words. In fact, his previous preparation was to rescue the Saint Canvas first before asking for credit. But at this moment, it is also a good choice to report to your Majesty to issue a military order.

It's just that if the human race doesn't change, then the military order will be more than worth the loss.

"Is the prince worried that the human race will not change? The prince need not worry! This is the second suggestion I said: the prince obtains the imperial order to send the human saint to the Wandao Grottoes in exchange. One way to do this is to tell the prince of the world what to do The blood of the royal family has worked hard. Second, there must be princes who do not want the prince to get such credit. They may secretly count the saints of the human race. There are many strong escorts, so that they can face these dark arrows. Third, my saints have so much fanfare to exchange saints. Can Xing. The human races that are best passed on know that, in this case, the human races have to be changed."


"I learned from the saints of the human race that the Dao Sect of the human race has fallen, and this time it can rise. It is entirely dependent on a man named Xu Wuzhou, who took the Dao Sect to rise with the great righteousness of the Dao Zong. It is precisely because of this that the Dao Zong is righteous. There is absolutely no shortage. My saint can publicize the human race in the devil's cave, regardless of the death of the saint girl, and will not exchange it for personal selfishness. When the time comes, the Dao Sect will have to exchange it because of public opinion."

Prince Geng and others all showed joy. He was not ignorant of Human Race. What Wei Ran said was indeed the same as the information he had received.

"Good good!"

The identity of the saint of the human race and the confidante, coupled with the guidance of public opinion, is unlikely to change the human race.

Prince Geng looked at Xu Wuzhou and just wanted to compliment him. Xu Wuzhou opened his mouth, but he was embarrassed again.

Prince Geng asked unexpectedly: "What else do you want to say?"

Xu Wuzhou smiled sullily and said: "That... I and the saints of the human race, I hope that the prince will not let the saints pass it on in the devil's cave. If the Taoist of the human race becomes angry, wouldn't it be a major event that broke the prince."

Prince Geng laughed and said: "Don't worry, these things will never be passed on. This king will let the **** team honor the saint of the human race, creating a scene where my demons respect her, making people believe that she is pure and clean. Hehe , Wait for someone to return, and then tell them the truth."

After Xu Wuzhou heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he was afraid that someone would insult Ning Yao on the way.

"Then I will go back to do ideological work for the saint of human race, don't let her ruin the great affairs of the prince."

Prince Geng nodded and said: "Well! Don't worry, I will look for a group of beauties to send you a mansion later, and I will definitely not let you suffer."

Xu Wuzhou was overjoyed: "Thank you, Lord!"

"Okay! Go down and make arrangements. In addition, Venerable Yun, you send someone to hide in the dark to guard the dangerous mansion. After this king goes to the palace, the news will definitely leak out. This king will see if someone really takes the risk. Hey, if you can Whoever handles it will be enough for him to drink a pot."


Venerable Gen. Yun went to make arrangements soon.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou, Yun Venerable and the others who left, Prince Geng said: "Danger Ran is a person who understands the overall situation. It is a pity that he is the true king. If he is a Venerable, he can carry the banner of my line."

The warriors under Prince Geng's mind were condensed, thinking that in the future, we should pay more attention to Wei Ran. Wei Ran is already the confidant of the prince.


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