Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 967: Longtan Tiger Cave

Shi Xiong has been completely stunned!

On that day, Xu Wuzhou told them that when he returned to the Human Race in the future, he would **** them back in mighty force. At that time, Shi Xiong thought Xu Wuzhou was joking. He felt that it was already very good to be able to sneak back.

But looking at the camp in front of him, he stayed. Three great abilities, hundreds of strong, the Demon King personally ordered escort. This... Shi Xiong felt that the world was crazy and completely unreal.

Especially looking at Ning Yao who was sitting high in the incense cart, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. I don't know, I thought Ning Yao was the emperor of the demon clan.

Ning Yao, who was sitting high in the chariot, looked at the man in front of the dangerous mansion, biting her teeth slightly.

Last night, he sneaked into his room again.

Obviously he rejected him, but he was tough. Hmph, he is also taking care of the overall situation, and he is afraid that he will be exposed to his identity in the Demon Race Continent.

But he was too much. Knowing that he was not strong enough to bear it, he still communicated so deeply.

The most excessive thing is that he claims to be... a beast, a pervert, a beast.

I am older than him, and I want to be my own daughter.

It is not enough to profess, and I have to force myself to call him the same.

snort! Even if I was killed by him, I couldn't say it!

However, seeing everyone Xu Wuzhou standing there watching her leave, Ning Yao felt uncomfortable. He asked Xu Wuzhou why he didn't go together.

But I heard him say that he was going to be the real king. It is appropriate to be active in Mozu Avenue. Back to the human race, I am afraid that it will take a long time to accumulate.

Of course, there is a reason Xu Wuzhou would not say. That is, Venerable Feng should have some doubts, if Xu Wuzhou and Ning Yao go together, he is afraid that he will react soon.

But if he stays in the magic city, Venerable Feng's sight will fall on him, and he will be able to buy time for Ning Yao and others.

Three days is enough!

In order to rescue the Holy Remnant Star as soon as possible, the large troops went through the domain gate to the Demon Cave. Three days were enough for the two parties to reach an agreement.

In three days, Venerable Feng should be still recovering from his injuries. His gaze fell on himself, and it was not easy to grow out of the box.

Thinking of the Great Dao Divine Gold, Xu Wuzhou thought that after they left, it was time to swallow the Great Dao Divine Gold, and then reached the true king in one go, and then found an excuse to return to the Human Race.

It's just that he fulfills the law, fearing that it will bring down the heaven and earth visions. This will be a problem in the demons.

Forget it, don't care about it.

Swallow the Dao Shen Jin first.

Sending away Ning Yao, Ning Yao's eyes were full of resentment when she saw him. She had a million words to say to Xu Wuzhou, but in the public courtyard, after all, she didn't say a word, and left with the mighty people.

Back at the mansion, only a small number of people who were aware of Jinbo by dozens of real kings. Most of the dozens of true kings have already realized the six-character mantra.

Although the Buddhism and Taoism exercises restrained them, they could learn that the tempering of themselves was tremendous, and they all felt that their own strength had improved greatly, and they chose to practice in retreat.

Xu Wuzhou wanted to find a reason to swallow the golden bowl before, but there was a great gold, and he couldn't look down on it for the time being.

Entering the inner courtyard, Xu Wuzhou sat down cross-legged and directly swallowed the Great Dao Divine Gold with a black bowl.

The black bowl is extraordinary, even if a treasure like Daojinjin touches the black bowl, it will be swallowed up in just a few breaths.

In an instant, the liquid in the black bowl poured out like a fountain, and I don't know how much it was. The cracks on the black bowl are also being repaired crazily. Soon, Xu Wuzhou discovered that the first floor was repaired.

At the moment of restoration at this level, Xu Wuzhou felt that the black bowl was devouring his Dao Yun. At this moment, Xu Wuzhou felt that his avenue was cut.

Xu Wuzhou's discoloration changed, wondering if the black bowl was going to swallow his avenue.

But seeing his Daoyun drying up, the black bowl stopped swallowing.

And those gushing liquids continue to merge, ten drops merge into one drop, and one hundred drops merge into one drop...

The liquid melted into Xu Wuzhou's body, and Xu Wuzhou immediately felt a homogenous and homogeneous Taoist rhyme into his body. His avenue was nourished, recovered quickly, and grew up.

"The black bowl swallows the golden gold of the avenue really changed. The liquid effect of this layer should have the effect of dao rhyme and nourish the avenue. Before, only 80% of them were sure to advance to the true king. Now that the liquid has this effect, there are nine. It's nine."

Xu Wuzhou looked at the liquid that was still pouring out, and he no longer worried about insufficient resources.

What we have to do at this moment is to sort out the road, settle ourselves, and then achieve the law in one fell swoop.

"After the rule of achievement, I will return to the human race."

"Humph! Mo Daoxian doesn't know if he has gone back. If he does, he will definitely want to regain his position as Taoist master."

"Although I have some arrangements, Mo Daoxian is so insidious. Taking advantage of my absence, I will definitely be able to get back some of the situation."

"If I didn't guess wrong, he must have found a reason to send my iron directly to the Devil's Lagoon and said he was looking for me."

"Oh! I have to fight him with wits when I go back."

"But I reached the real king state, and my strength was overwhelming. In that sense, I won most of the way."



Xu Wuzhou thought about this, and headed for Wei Ran's mansion. Venerable Feng was staring gloomily. He frowned slightly when he saw Xu Wuzhou hadn't left at the mansion.

That time he fought Xu Wuzhou, and he felt that Xu Wuzhou was human. There is some suspicion that Xu Wuzhou is a fake from the human race. However, he is clearly in danger. Wei Ran has been his subordinate for so many years, he is very familiar with Wei Ran's breath, he is indeed dangerous.

But why, the moment he confronted the enemy, there was a human atmosphere? There is also the secret technique, which is very weird.

Venerable Feng was full of suspicion. For a while, he suspected that Wei Ran was pretending to be a human race, but for a while, he felt that Wei Ran had just learned some magic.

Venerable Feng is now the dog of the mourning family, can only hide. Otherwise, in his capacity, he can use a lot of resources to find out what is going on. Therefore, he could not get the answer.

However, now that Wei Ran has not left, he is still in the magic city. He felt that it was unlikely that Wei Ran was a human race.

If it were Human Race, he would never leave without taking this opportunity.

What's more, if it were a human race, Wei Ran would not dare to come to Demon Capital so boldly. It seemed that the human aura that broke out was probably the result of black magic.

"In a few days, my injury will completely recover. After recovering from my injury, I will regain the Great Dao Gold from him at that time." Venerable Feng sneered. As long as he has the most powerful combat power, he won’t be able to **** the Great Dao Gold. What a thing.

Of course, at that time, you could also expose the face of Danger Ran by the way. Humph, when the time comes, you will only have a dead end.

"Let you live a few more days!"

Xu Wuzhou didn't know that Venerable Feng had already left him on the verge of exposure.

As soon as his identity was exposed, he was simply a tiger's lair in the magic city.


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