Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 986: Have to kill him

Xu Wuzhou was immersed in the opponent's exquisite Taoist rhyme, blended into himself with a black bowl of liquid, and was in a special state of enlightenment.

He touched Xu Bang's body, and his power penetrated in, and he used his power to perceive the mystery in it.

This process was not short. Xu Bang waited for Xu Wuzhou to break the ban forcibly, and he was ready to die. But after waiting for a long time, Xu Wuzhou did not act.

When he was puzzled, he felt a tyrannical Dao Yun directly pouring into his body, and then this Dao Yun actually penetrated into the prohibition and became one with the prohibition.

Xu Bang tensed his body, originally preparing his body to be crushed. But at this time, he felt that the restriction was like melting ice and snow, and in a flash, the Secret Art of the Great Dao that had originally imprisoned him dissipated from his body at this moment.

In an instant, he felt the long-lost avenue, and the vitality of the whole person was circulating. Although he was still very sluggish, it meant that he was no longer imprisoned.

Everyone felt the qi flowing in Xu Bang's body. They only felt dry and dry, and their bodies couldn't help shaking.

It's a success! It really succeeded! The Taoist master created another miracle!

Looking at Xu Wuzhou at the moment, they all had tears in their eyes and their eyes were red. The one in front of you is the **** sent by God to save them.

"Tao Master!" Xu Bang's voice trembled, and he knelt on the ground with a thump.

He is a mighty power, and he is a tycoon in the human race!

In the past, even if he met a real Taoist master, he would still know his identity, but now he kneels willingly and knocks his head several times.

Xu Wuzhou stopped him and helped him up: "What are you doing, get up quickly."

"Tao Master, I..."

Xu Bang had a thousand words to say, but Xu Wuzhou waved his hand and said, "Time is running out, don't talk about unnecessary nonsense. I will help you to remove the prohibition first."

Xu Wuzhou looked at hundreds of people, and he let out a sigh of relief. It is not easy to unlock the prohibition, after all, it is a powerful secret technique. Although he found a way, every time he unlocked it was extremely exhausting.

He has a black bowl of liquid nourishment, but it is not an unlimited recovery.

Each warrior was unsealed by him, Xu Wuzhou also felt tired, and the whole person felt a headache.

But Xu Wuzhou also knew that in the Demon Race Continent, these people could recover their strength.

So he forcibly endured his exhaustion, nourished and recovered with the help of the black bowl of liquid, and unlocked the restrictions of each warrior.

After unlocking hundreds of people, Xu Wuzhou's face was pale and scary.

During this period, many warriors advised him to rest, and Xu Wuzhou waved his hand to indicate that it would be OK.

Time can't wait, he has to finish this thing quickly, he has other things to do.

Everyone looked at Xu Wuzhou's state, each of them clenched their fists, their eyes flushed. They could no longer be surprised why Xu Wuzhou could continue to untie hundreds of people. They were more grateful and admired.

For the Taoists of the human race, they have never taken it seriously. Daozong is just a sect that is about to shatter.

But now... they worship and admire this Taoist master.

When the last Terran warrior was unsealed, everyone just wanted to help Xu Wuzhou to sit and rest. Xu Wuzhou shook his head and said, "You have been banned for too long, and your strength is sluggish. It will take time to recover."

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou took out many Baodan from the spacecraft and piled them on the ground like a hill.

"These resources can help you recover as soon as possible. You are here to recover with peace of mind."

Hearing what Xu Wuzhou said, Xu Bang asked, "How about you, Master?"

Xu Wuzhou said: "Although it is hidden here, if the demon martial artist really searches over the sky, he can also find you. It will take a while for you to recover, not to mention that you are not their opponents in the demon continent. Therefore, I will attract the demon martial artist. Attention, buy you time and opportunity, and then think of a way to send you back to the human race."

"Tao Master, are you going to attract the attention of the Demon Race? This is absolutely impossible!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, thinking that this was a life of nine deaths, how could the Taoist master be in danger.

Xu Wuzhou waved his hand and said, "Okay! I am not discussing with you, but telling you how to do it. Just follow it!"

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou looked at Pan Jinbao and others, and said to them, "Come here."

Although Pan Jinbao and the others wanted to dissuade them, Xu Wuzhou's unquestionable attitude made him hold back and walked to Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou took out a few human skins, and said to Pan Jinbao and Xu Bang, "I have a secret method that can give you the status of a demon warrior. This will make it easier for you to act in the demon continent.

Although it is hidden here, no one can guarantee that someone will find it. With your status as a demon warrior, you can patrol the surrounding area. Without a large number of people and powerful men, you can deal with it quickly. This is safe. "

What kind of means can create the identity of the demons? Everyone was puzzled, but they saw Xu Wuzhou put the human skin on them with the magical power of painting skin.

Sure enough, the demon aura was flowing in them.

Everyone was amazed, but immediately became excited again. Being able to pretend to be the identity of the Demon Race, the possibility of escaping from the Demon Race is greater.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou heard: "I can't use this magical power for all of you for the time being, only a few of them can use it."

Xu Wuzhou doesn't have so many human skins, these are those of the demon warriors who secretly pursued them.

In fact, Xu Wuzhou did not want to use such a method. But he is not a pedantic person, he will not ignore life and death because of the kindness in his heart.

After briefly explaining to them the precautions of the painting technique, Xu Wuzhou left the cave.

There are several demon martial arts identities that can be used, plus the secret here, he went to attract the attention of the demon martial arts. He believes that in the short term, the Mozu will not be able to find them.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou leaving alone, hundreds of people pursed their mouths. They didn't say anything. They just crawled silently on the ground and bowed again to Xu Wuzhou's back.

Dao Master on earth, righteousness!


In the holy capital, the news of the human Taoist saving the human warriors completely spread. Everyone was in an uproar and couldn't believe it.

This is the most central hinterland of the Demon Race. How could the Human Race Warriors save hundreds of people? This is simply a shame! It is even more serious than the enslavement of Saint Canxing by Human Race!

Of course, the news that the human Taoist is Danger Ran also spread. In an instant, Prince Geng’s reputation plummeted, and countless insults flooded on Prince Geng.

Even the Mozu emperor personally ordered Prince Sin Geng to ask him to go to the palace to give an explanation.

Of course there is still a wave of people, but secretly happy. These people are the warriors who covet the Great Dao God Gold. They all rushed to the east of the city. Whoever can win the danger will get the Great Dao God Gold.


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