Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 987: Struggling

Xu Wuzhou became a crossing mouse in the Mozu, especially with a huge treasure, which attracted countless warriors to search for him, wanting to find him to kill and win the treasure.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou is all enemies. Taking Yuxi Mountain as the center, the warrior who wants to kill him is like a crucian carp crossing the river, I don't know where it is.

If no one attracts the attention of these people, it will not take long for them to find the cave and discover the human warrior.

Xu Wuzhou sneaked to the northwest by painting the skin, and then restored his original appearance. He did not appear in a hurry, but continued to hide secretly. He believed that someone would find him.

On the contrary, he is deliberately showing his feet, and it is easy to doubt his purpose.

Sure enough, he was intercepted and killed by a warrior by a stream while hiding as a human being.

This is a great power with two true kings, and when he saw Xu Wuzhou, he suddenly came and killed him. At the same time, the two true kings directly intercepted Xu Wuzhou's back path and locked in front and back.

Obviously, they have been planning for a long time.

Needless to say, Xu Wuzhou fought with them when they met.

Powerful and full of energy, he used extremely strong combat skills to evolve into a fierce beast, just like an evil eagle. The vast spiritual energy turned into a feathered arrow, covering Xu Wuzhou over the sky.

Obviously, this person's method of spiritual utilization is stronger than that of Venerable Beihan.

The arrows of Lingyu that these spirits turned down pressed down, going through Xu Wuzhou's divine sea. But he underestimated Xu Wuzhou, he was agile, and his figure jumped and avoided most of it. The rest is unavoidable, confront the opponent with the Divine Soul Technique, and wipe out the opponent's Lingyu.

Da Neng shouted angrily, but the blow was unsuccessful, the figure leaped, his arms turned into a grinding wheel, and his hands turned to grind towards Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou exploded with Sky Splitting, blood rushing into the night, and the vast blades were red, like the sun burning, and the long sword slashed at him.


Thousands of rays of light lased, really like a confrontation between a knife and a grinding disc, sparks shot everywhere, the world rumbling and shaking, the ground they stepped on collapsed, the beam of light rushed into the sky, directly scattered the clouds, and raindrops fell from the sky. .

Xu Wuzhou's Sky Splitting cut, cutting three times in a row and went out.

He wants to fight out again, but great power is great power. The opponent didn't give him time to continue cutting out the fourth knife, and the grinding plate went down strongly.

Three knives and the grinding disc blasted together, temporarily blocking the grinding disc.

But the powerful force shook Xu Wuzhou's blood and energy, and the whole person flew out, which happened to be the direction blocked by the real king.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou falling towards him, he shot out instantly, exploding his way of entering the way. The whole person turned into a big red bird, burning red in the sky, like a sky fire rushing towards Xu Wuzhou.

"Hahaha! Good come!" Xu Wuzhou laughed, his rhyme transpired, and while flying backwards, his body turned into a strange head, fierce and mighty, his instantaneous speed increased several times, and he slammed towards the other side without any concealment.


Qiongqi and Big Red Bird collided with each other, and the fire-like light that day extinguished instantly, his body flew out, spurting blood from his mouth, and falling to the ground, the dust was flying.

"Just by you, you want to stop me?"

Xu Wuzhou laughed loudly, walking away on the whole person, his figure as ethereal as a storm, turning into an afterimage, and fleeing away.

After becoming a true king, how can ordinary true kings be his one-in-one enemy. The two true kings joined forces, and it is possible to stop him. But one after another separated, how to stop him?

Da Neng looked at the young man who had Lian Yuan escaped under his feet, his face was gloomy, and he chased away.

But the opponent's body is too weird, and between the steps under his feet, there is a sense of supernatural power that is close to the end of the world, even if he is powerful, he can't catch up with his speed.

This person's physique feels integrated into the heaven and the earth, and then the heaven and earth are moving him, much like the law of space.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou's disappearing figure in the distance, he was anxious. Seeing the great gold of the hand, it was lost like this.

His gaze fell on the true king who had risen from the ground, his gaze was like a knife, and he couldn't wait to cut it thousands of times.

A true king did not even stop the opponent. It was so easy to be hit by the opponent, it was a waste, just like Venerable Beihan!

This fight naturally attracted the surrounding warriors to come. When they arrived, Xu Wuzhou had already left.

But Xu Wuzhou's escape did not make them feel a pity, on the contrary, they were all delighted. This means that the Great Dao Divine Gold has not been captured by power.

"Okay! I finally found him, then he must die!"

"Chasing! Dao Jin is mine!"

"Hmph! Dare to show off your power in my Demon Race Continent, and you will surely thwart him!"

"Hahaha! He can't escape!"


Countless warriors chased and killed Xu Wuzhou, and the news that Xu Wuzhou was discovered swept all over the place in an instant. The warriors who originally searched for Xu Wuzhou all over the world were attracted to this side at this moment, and they followed Xu Wuzhou's traces to hunt him down.

Of course, Xu Wuzhou's record of escaping from the hands of Da Neng also made many warriors vigilant. Fortunately, as powerful as mighty, they are confident that as long as they find Xu Wuzhou, they can take him down, and the warriors below might begin to join forces with others.

Xu Wuzhou's battle attracted the attention of countless warriors.

Although his soul is powerful, he has the ultimate speed of mystery. Along the way, avoid the warriors who don't know how many groups want to kill him.

However, he can't avoid everything.

From time to time, he and Mozu warriors broke out into wars. He is very powerful, ordinary true king martial artist, even if several people besieged him, he is not an opponent.

But this is the continent of the Demon Race, as long as a big war breaks out, it is very easy to attract the surrounding warriors. No matter how powerful he is, he dare not face so many warriors of the Demon Race.

Therefore, in every battle, Xu Wuzhou was not in love with battle, he broke his mouth forcefully, and fleeed away directly.

The demon martial artist obviously knew Xu Wuzhou's plan, so every time they made a move, they used various secret techniques to trap and kill him.

Under such circumstances, Xu Wuzhou had to make a strong move and forcibly opened a way to escape.

And this kind of battle seemed extremely passive to him.

He kept fighting and fleeing far away. However, the long escapes and the wars have caused him to suffer continuous damage.

There are too many demon martial artists, one after another one after another. Needless to say, they are powerful, they are too strong. There are also some demon martial artists, they master the extraordinary secret technique, several times Xu Wuzhou is almost cut and beheaded.

Fortunately, what he learned was extraordinary, all extraordinary methods, and he had eight or nine profound arts to train his body, and he was tempered by the thunder of the condemnation, reaching a new level. Only then did he resist a few deadly dangers.

But despite this, he was badly wounded, and his body was stained with blood. Someone else had his own.

And this, more and more warriors came in, and he was besieged more and more times, struggling to move, and extremely dangerous.


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