Eternal food paradise

Chapter 461 Workers

Tokyo, area near Shinjuku tram station.

Kobayashi Rgentan came out of the tram station, followed the group chat mission map, walked around in the alley of a nearby shopping street, and finally arrived at the mission location.

"Is this right here?"

Senior Totsuki, who has long burgundy hair, amber cat eyes, and extremely good looks, walked into this deep alley with small steps.

In the middle of the alley, there is a small shrine hidden in the urban jungle. There is a wild cat lying leisurely next to the torii gate of the shrine. Hearing the footsteps of pedestrians, it is still minding its own business lazily licking its paws.

Kobayashi Ryoden ignored the shrine and continued walking inside.

Soon, this third-year senior, the second-ranked woman among the top ten, saw an incredible door at the end of the alley.

The door appeared unremarkably in the open space.

On the thick door panel is a copper sign——

A little kitten.

Holding a plaque engraved with "Cat House" in his mouth.

"Sure enough, the boss is the boss. The group duty task that asked me to squat on time and grab it instantly... the location was actually the cat house?!" Xiaolin Ringtong's eyes showed a little bit of shock.

Cat House, this name, is very loud in the group chat. After all, Xia Yan has hosted live broadcasts to promote it again and again, and no group member will not remember the name of this fantasy restaurant.

But what Riento Kobayashi couldn't think about was.

Why, the "door" of the cat house.

Will it be set in a corner of Tokyo in the world of "Shougen no Soul"?

With such a strong doubt, Kobayashi Ryo opened the door, and the "ding ding bell" greeting bell that was very familiar in the live broadcast rang.

As she stepped through the door, she couldn't help but glance sideways at the strange metal bell hanging behind the door.

"Hello." Kobayashi Gentian politely bowed to Aletta and Faldaniya who had heard the news and greeted them with the standard etiquette of a neon person. "In the next week, I will As the trainee chef of "Cat House", I am sitting on the first floor of the restaurant. Please take care of me! "

The two maids who had been notified by Xia Yan were not surprised either.

This rotation of trainee chefs started with Megumi Tadokoro, and later with sisters Alice and Erina.

Now it’s Gentian Kobayashi.

The two parties met for the first time and after a friendly exchange.

Taking advantage of the free time before the store opened for business, Kobayashi Rgentan rushed to the second floor. Sure enough, he saw Manager Xia at the bar in the open kitchen, who was tinkering with some new dishes.

The senior sister who had taken off her high school girl uniform and put on the costume of a cat house chef crossed her hands together, propped herself up, and made a cat-like posture to relax her muscles, "Hey, boss, I can help you. Place?"

The senior high school senior had a standard dog-licking smile, and her tone was full of flattery.

She knew that her ability to take on the first chef rotation task from "Cat House" was still of blue quality, and her group point reward was not low, all because of the " Insider Intelligence”.

In other words.

It all depends on the insider.

The dragon eel ingredients requested in private chat did not come true, but you must know that dragon eel comes from the cat house, so you have the opportunity to be on the front line of high-end mysterious materials, but are you afraid that you will not be able to get access to them?

Therefore, if he can lick everything he wants, Kobayashi Ritsou doesn't mind showing humility in front of the boss at all.


While he was studying the remaining two items on the weekly rotating menu on the second floor of the cat house, Xia Yan looked up and saw Kobayashi Ryodan coming with the mission, "No, you are a bit far behind. You must at least be a special level to be qualified to be my assistant."

All right.

Ringtong Kobayashi felt like he was hit by an arrow in the heart. He pouted in dissatisfaction and asked, "What about Miss Erina? The tenth seat..."

"If I said she was already a special-level person, would you believe it?"

"How, is it possible!" Xiaolin Gentian cried out.

Xia Yan's smile was unpredictable.

In fact, that's exactly what happened.

Erina Nakiri achieved a leap from nothing to something when she obtained the "Regenerator" profession/cell template.

Even if it is only Level 1, it has taken a step towards a qualitative change. From now on, you can completely rely on your own cell control power to use all 'magic level' materials.

Even if it is a plant-type 'weird level', there is a high probability that Erina Nakiri can try to control it.

Therefore, highly controlled materials are naturally stacked on the dinner plate with [magic] index/characteristics.

Isn’t it strange that it has reached a special concentration of broken paintings?

Looking at the back of Xiaolin Gentian walking downstairs in despair, Xia Yan raised the corners of his mouth and said secretly:

"It seems that the news of Erina's promotion to the special level will soon be revealed in the group chat."

"As the first among the top ten outstanding students, the first among current students."

"This special grade has extraordinary significance!"

Soon, the business hours of the cat house came, and several ladies were regular customers, and they got into the private room No. 1 one after another.

Leonard, Barakas.

and Victoria, Aldousius, and others.

They are all familiar faces, old gluttons.

The "door" opened in the human kingdom in the world of "Isekai Cafeteria" is obviously not affected by the upgrading of the world at all.

Xia Yan had a headache. The business on the second floor was good, and the magic props were soft. But the problem was that he seemed to be unable to get away to do other things. So, would the second floor also have to follow the example of the bottom floor and recruit permanent or rotating staff from the group chat? Replaced by a senior chef?

"Fardaniya is one of our own, but Pseudo-Lin is the only one on the second floor who is qualified to take charge, so Miss Elf still has a long way to go."

"And in the group chat, there are people in the pseudo-Rin rank, Dojima Gin, Saiba Joichiro... huh? Maybe Senzaemon and Erina's mother, Nakiri Managi."

Taking into account the special nature of the guests on the second floor, as well as the recipes on the weekly rotating menu, those are his strong personal style and imprint.


"The drug father seems to be pretty good."

"He left Yueyue and traveled around the world under the name of 'Wandering Chef'. His cooking style is a mixture of hundreds of schools of thought. Therefore, there should be no obstacles to learning and mastering the menu I have drafted for the second floor of the Cat House. .”

Furthermore, in the original work of Shokuki, Yao Daddy left Yukihira Cafeteria to work for a friend, but now the location has been changed from the American Hotel to the Cat House.

As for whether Saiba Joichiro would agree or not.

Xia Yan raised his hand to initiate the "Purple Quality Group Mission" with a smile in his eyes:

"Task, points."

"Between the three main paradise worlds, the White Castle is at the forefront of the food industry and leads the trend of the times."

"Even Mr. Senzaemon can't refuse!"

Violet Shopping Street.

Yukihira Restaurant.

"Dad?" Soma Yukihira, who came back after taking two days off, was standing at the familiar bar of the restaurant, taking a piece of eel meat to study his own dish. When he found "Shura" standing on the stove next to him, he suddenly felt a rush all over his body. Shocked, his dull eyes were filled with curiosity and solemnity.

"Soma, I may have to leave for a while."

Saiba Joichiro quickly took off his apron, cleaned up the messy traces of developing new dishes in the kitchen, and then patted his son on the shoulder:

"I have left enough materials for you. You must understand that the reason why these high-grade materials can be used by us for cooking is because there are people above who help us erase the dark energy and negative pollution that originally existed in the materials."

“This is an implicit reward for this event’s ingredient gift pack.”

"Therefore, there is no doubt about the preciousness of these materials. You must make good use of them! Don't waste a drop!"

After giving the instructions in a serious tone, Yao Daddy took two sets of clothes, packed his bags and hurried out.

Saiba Joichiro left not long ago.

Dojima Gin came to the door, and the hearty laughter spread in Yukihira Restaurant:

"Joichiro, how is your research and development progress? If you can't come up with interesting new recipes, I will win this battle!"

As a result, there was only a boy with red hair and a spiky head in the restaurant, and another mature and charming man with long red hair was missing.

"Yukihira-kun, where is your father?" Dojima Gin was dumbfounded.

"Well, he said he was going out for a while."

Dojima Gin: "..."

What's more important than staying at home and developing recipes related to dragon eel ingredients?

He took out his cell phone and made a call.

Unexpectedly, Saiba Joichiro said directly:

"I'm going to work in the cat house, don't cue."

Dojima Ginzhi took a breath:


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