Eternal food paradise

Chapter 462 The drug dad wants an interview

Cat House 2nd floor.

I saw six ladies sitting in a row in front of the bar.

They actually stopped staying in Private Room No. 1.

"Shura" Saiba Joichiro came to the cat house for about an afternoon.

"How about it? Can you master the seven dishes in this menu booklet? Do you have any questions?" It is worth mentioning that besides the six ladies, the store manager Xia Yan has taken off his chef uniform and is dressed in his usual clothes. Wearing clothes makes you look relaxed.

Saiba Joichiro closed the guidebook with cold sweat on his forehead: "I have no doubts about the content of the recipe."


"Those main ingredients..."

Xia Yan waved his hand and said, "Are you worried that you won't be able to control high-end materials? You can rest assured that the material reserves in the Cat House warehouse will all be purified, and there is no control threshold before cooking."

Saiba Joichiro suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, ecstasy filled his eyes, which were usually calm and did not reveal emotions.

no doubt.

Each of the seven rotating dishes on the second floor is a dish using high-end mysterious ingredients.

what does that mean?

While he was sitting on the second floor of the Cat House, he could spend almost the whole day embracing the "mysterious side"!

In other words, Nekoya seems to have become a wealthy backer who provides him with materials, and Saiba Joichiro has a lot of confidence in his own understanding and talent. If he stays in Nekoya for three months or even half a year...

Wouldn’t it be possible to understand these materials?

They say they are part-time workers, but they are actually the huge material resources behind the hidden prostitution cat house, and they use this to hone their experience in mysterious materials.


Saiba Joichiro glanced at the mission log, a little crazy.

"It's only been a month for me!" he roared in his heart.

"I can work for a longer period of time, three months, half a year, one year... Why is the period one month?!"

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that what makes Ichiro Saiba worried.

The job of chef on the second floor of Cat House has not yet been officially accepted, and there is a pre-interview stage.

Now, six ladies plus the Summer Demon King.

This is the interviewer he wants to please.

Saiba Joichiro was a little nervous and uneasy. You know, he was a star in the food industry who became known as "Shura" in high school. A bunch of offers were piled at his door before he even opened his mouth. The interview process was really unfamiliar. Very.

So, at this time, Saiba Joichiro's state of mind was very similar to that of a rookie who had just entered the workplace.

"So, will the assessment begin?" Xia Yan asked.

Yao Daddy nodded.

"These six ladies are the most important guests of our cat house, so if you want to sit in the position of chef on the second floor, you must first satisfy their appetite and appetite."

Xia Yan smiled slightly.

"Ladies, there is no charge for today's seven dishes. You can order any of them."

Hear the words.

All six ladies shook their heads.

“The soulful entrée is missing from the menu!”

Seeing these six ladies with different temperaments, but all extremely beautiful, they looked at Manager Xia frequently.

Saiba Joichiro felt that his presence in front of the interviewer could not be low, so he couldn't help but interjected: "What kind of soul main dish is it? In addition to seven dishes, adding a soul main dish may not be considered a soul main dish for me. What a burden."

Hearing the words "Shura".

With different hair colors, they may be female knights with long legs and waist, or beautiful women with plump gauze, or priestesses in plain white robes.

The six native gods present all showed expressions of surprise.

The 'Red Lady' with red hair and red eyes thought about it carefully and then shook her head: "No, you can't."

The other ladies looked at each other.

"There's no way you can make that complete version of "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang"!"

"Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang"?

Isn't this dish in the guide book?

There seems to be an enhanced version?

Saiba Joichiro held his breath and plucked up the courage: "I can try!"

The ladies still shook their heads.

"Okay, you really can't make that complete version of "Sichuan Flavor Maoxuewang", Senior Caibo." Xia Yan looked at the six pairs of eyes filled with strange colors next to him, and his scalp was a little numb, "What do you mean? Well, uh, the 'material' put into the soul in the complete version is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most wonderful thing in the world, and it is in a form that is ready for use."

"I'm not here, you can't control the possibility!"

Saiba Joichiro opened his mouth, unable to refute.

Facing the threshold of high-level hardcore, he, "Shura", could only bow to the boss.


As expected, Ichiro Saiba served several dishes one after another.


"Why are the flavors of the same ingredients made by Chef Xia so different from those made by Chef Caibo?"

"I have never heard of alchemy potions prepared from the same recipe and the same set of materials. There is such a huge difference in senses! Sure enough, the 'cooking skills' and 'cooking' that Manager Xia often talked about are indeed the same. A people-centered skill..."

Listening to the "interviewers" chirping and making unceremonious comments.

Saiba Joichiro's whole face was twitching.

How long has it been since, in the world of "Spirit of the Shokugeki", no one dared to criticize Shura's dishes so wantonly and without regard for human feelings.

Xia Yan also had a headache.

The six ladies expressed their dissatisfaction directly in their words and deeds.

After eating a few bites, I threw away my chopsticks and spoon.

Why are you embarrassing the famous drug father?

Obviously, Yao Daddy's interview was probably a failure.

But Xia Yan didn't plan to change people. Even if Senzaemon came in person, Ms. Six, whose appetite had been cultivated, would still be picky.

As for these six ladies, we really can't neglect them. At least before Xia Yan can 'unify the seven colors into one', ignite the divine fire, and refine the ownerless godhead, it is very necessary to continue to have a good relationship with these ladies.

"In this way, I will be open on Sundays during the weekend. If you want to eat my food, just come over on this day."

The noisy sound on the second floor of the cat house finally disappeared.

"Ah, is it only one day on the weekend?"

"Saturday and Sunday, okay?"


Xia Yan sighed.

It operates one day a week, still on the weekend.

With this sense of déjà vu, how come you have the guts to change the operating rules of the "Cat House"? In the old cat house, the "door" to the other world was always opened on Sunday every week.

"Hei and I are waiting for you in Private Room 1. We have something to talk about." After Ms. Hong finished speaking, she left the bar area with the other ladies.

Xia Yan was left speechless with Yao Daddy.

"I can't help it. I can only entertain these guests from now on." Xia Yan shrugged.


Saiba Joichiro had adjusted his mentality and emptied the depression in his heart. What he showed at this time was his excitement about getting a new job and his future work plan. He clenched his fist fiercely and whispered to Xia Yan:

"Although I don't know why the group chat system was directed and assigned this task to me, but since you are the owner of the cat house, there must be part of your intention, right?"

"Ahem, that." Yao Daddy changed his tone and suddenly looked straight.

"Can the deadline for part-time work be extended?"

"One month is too short, at least half a year!"

Xia Yan:? ? ?

There are also part-time chefs who think that working all day long is not enough? Do leeks have a long life?

While Yao Daddy was studying the recipes, Xia Yan went to Private Room No. 1 and found that the exquisite girl transformed by the 'Black Lady' had already put on a familiar black maid outfit.

Ms. Hong half-pushed the Black girl's shoulder and said with a squinted smile: "Hei doesn't want to go back to the moon. She said the moon is too quiet and a bit lonely."

Xia Yan: "..."

Ms. Hong’s eyes revealed some profound meaning:

"The Cat House must also need more manpower, right? Whether it's the waiter level or other aspects, after all, our world has changed dramatically."

Isn't this the scene in the original Canteen novel in which the mouthless Black Dragon Lady becomes the maid of the cat house.

Xia Yan was very happy and chuckled:

"No problem. From now on, Hei will be the third maid in the Cat House."

Hearing this, everyone except the Black Dragon Lady herself.

Including the entrusted lady, the other five ladies all cast envious glances at the delicate girl wearing a black maid outfit.


It's a pity that they are not as "homeless and jobless" as the Black Dragon Lady.

Hong is busy controlling the demon tribe in the wilderness.

Green governs the blue sea.

Gold is the ruler of the sky.

Green is the mother of earth and life.

Bai Geng has a growing Glorious Sect.

There is only the Black Dragon Lady, hiding on the dead moon. I am afraid that since her birth, she has never paid attention to the people of darkness who believe in her, let alone the troublesome ritual of selecting dependents and bestowing divine blood.

Therefore, it is impossible for the five ladies to abandon their family business and only care about themselves, go to the cat house and enjoy the company of delicious food day and night.


The third maid of Cat House has officially taken office.

On this business day, the guests were quite surprised because Miss Heilong never spoke, so her cold voice would ring in their hearts and minds.

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