Eternal food paradise

Chapter 468 Dragon (Part 2)

Xia Yan soon encountered an embarrassing situation. The chopsticks could not hold the tofu cubes in a small bowl.

No matter how hard he tried, the brightly colored tofu always broke with the slightest touch of the chopsticks.

Well, just change the spoon.

After taking a sip, Xia Yan suddenly narrowed his eyes.


Tofu, minced meat.

When the two are in the mouth, it is difficult to distinguish the taste and who is who.

You must know that Xia Yan has unlocked the "Tongue of the Second God", and identifying ingredients is the most basic ability, but now the information about tofu and minced meat is completely confused.

He blurted out his comment:

"Is it the double-boiler stir-fry operation just now?!"

Lu Yi saw that Xia Yan tasted his test answer sheet first and looked very happy. He nodded and replied:

"The double-boiler cooking technique perfectly processes the sauce while preventing the tofu from breaking."


Lu's expression and tone showed a certain cheerful confidence:

"Turning it in the wok just to twist it into a 'ball' shape."

"After the tofu and all the auxiliary ingredients are formed into a sphere, they are rotated back and forth and heated. This is the highest level of skill in this "Ma Liu Emperor Mapo"!"

Amazing skills!

Xia Yan recalled the previous processing and cooking operations of tofu, minced meat and other ingredients, and could only give this evaluation.

Damn it, in the world set in "Chinese Ichiban", everything can "rotate"?

Yajian's Tianxiong Flame Wheel is spinning.

Pastry King Luo Gen’s Bai Luo Snake Tian Lian also rotates.

Now, Lu Yiyou's "Jade Unicorn" stunt in the dish "Ma Liu Emperor Mapo"... is actually spinning!

And technology is one thing.

As Lu said before - materials, techniques and secrets.

Only the trinity can be called a complete dish.

The ingredients of this "Ma Liu Emperor Mapo" are ordinary.

The technique has been analyzed.

So the meaning of "putting into the soul" is...

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and continued to taste.

After eating a few more spoonfuls.

Um? !

A breeze from the open space blew in my face.

Suddenly, Xia Yan had the illusion that he was the only one left in the world. No, his existence was gradually wiped away by the wind.

In my mind, there is only a picture of a blue sky, pure.

"I" disappeared...

Not only the diners, but also the chef is nowhere to be seen.

And on such an extremely pure picture, doubanjiang, refreshing tofu cubes...

Ingredients, condiments.

Emerge one by one.

On the selfless sky screen, it is so clear and its outlines are real!

Xia Yan's heart was shaken, and he quickly came out of this fantasy state:

"Is this "emptiness" and "nothing"? ! "

Lu Yi smiled:

"Yes, this is the starting point of the secret that Master Malu and I share."


“‘Nothing’ means selflessness. Try to erase the shadow of the chef from the dishes and plates as much as possible. "

"'Emptiness' means no thoughts, which does not mean to completely get rid of the seven emotions and six desires, but compared to appetite, other thoughts are all distracting thoughts, infinitely weakened or even annihilated, leaving only a sky blue tablecloth of appetite. "

"In this way, the ingredients under the melody of selflessness and thoughtlessness, what is vented and what the tongue taste buds the essence of flavor!"

Xia Yan inhaled gently.

Needless to say, this is the first time to experience the 'Secret of the Dragon' at such a close distance. Although it is half-hatched and incomplete, it is amazing enough.

The sky blue tablecloth in his mind was still there, and the ingredients such as chili peppers and bean paste seemed to be carved there!

Every stroke is true!

Is this the word "dragon"?

But it's a pity that Lu Yi's dragon character is not perfect.

If Liu Maliu, the Jade Qilin and the Emperor of Sichuan cuisine, were to perform this Mapo dish.

The "emptiness" and "nothingness" created by him.

What does it look like again?

Xia Yan finished the bowl of Mapo and turned around to serve Lan Feihong's "Camel's Hoof Soup".

The moment the soup bowl came close to your nose, a unique flavor seemed to hit your mind with its own image.


Hua Hua——

The wind and sand are howling.

In the blink of an eye, I arrived at the trance-like impact of a sea of ​​sand outside Dunhuang.

In the wind and sand, a Persian business trip coming from the ancient trade route of the Western Regions gradually approached, and they brought spices with a strong exotic flavor.

Xia Yan's eyes couldn't help but reveal curiosity and solemnity.

Compared with Lu Yi's half-dragon mysteries.

The secret of Lan Feihong is a bit blurred, but it is close to the dragon, but it fails to pierce that layer of paper.

Therefore, the scene in the wind and sand was blurry.

Only the shadows of camels and people could be seen. As for what spices they carried...

Xia Yan shook his head, intending to use his "Tongue of Second God" to identify it himself, so he held a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of thick soup, and slowly put it into his mouth.


That momentary feeling of drowning and suffocation.

The violent impact spread from the tongue to the whole body in an instant.

It was like being trampled by a herd of camels.

Deeply embedded in the sea of ​​sand.

"Can a camel's paw describe the Kingdom of Sand?" Xia Yan was a little confused about Lan Feihong's secret direction.

Is it from the ingredients, tracing back to the terroir that gave birth to it?


An idea flashed in Xia Yan's mind.

In the original work, Lan Feihong is a natural match for the Garuda Sword.

This astonishing compatibility cannot be matched by the real protagonist Liu Pleiades, who has no tricks to play with.

If we use the magical power of "purification" of the Garuda sword to interpret...


This angle is interesting.

Xia Yan took the second and third spoonfuls, but the corners of his mouth gradually turned up.

Ordinary diners would definitely exclaim——

Ah, why is it that the more you eat, the lighter the food images in your mind become.

But Xia Yan, who has roughly figured out the truth from the clues, is now in the mood:

"As expected of him, he is comparable to the real protagonist Liu Pleiades in the original work."

"His secret direction is exactly the same as the 'purification' of the Garuda knife. However, it is a knife that cuts apart the flavor of the food and the terroir that nurtured it."

"The terroir and sceneries will disappear as the diners taste them, and in the end only the pure flavor of the ingredients will remain..."

Just think of this.

Xia Yan looked a little weird.


Regardless of the esoteric meanings of "emptiness" and "nothingness" of Lu Yi and Liu Maliu's schools.

Or is it the secret of the dragon character that Lan Feihong is trying to hatch.

In the end, the core of the sword is undoubtedly "food-based" and "food-based supremacy".

Therefore, the "emptiness" of no thought and the "nothing" of selflessness are all trying their best to build a gourmet world on the dinner plate that is washed away and exists only for the ingredients.

Lan Feihong's "one knife" is to cut off all unnecessary things.

What native terroir.

What a story about a foreign land.

None of it matters!

As a delicacy destined to be enjoyed by everyone, it is enough for diners to remember the simplest taste of the ingredients!

Xia Yan slowly ate the soup dish made by Lan Feihong.

The camel paw is full of collagen and has been soaked in the soup, giving it a fresh and rich flavor. In addition to the camel paw, there is also stock, which has just the right amount of spice.

After finishing the soup, there was a small lump of transparent vermicelli at the bottom of the bowl. This was the potato starch that disappeared after the whole pot of camel hoof soup was put into it.

Xia Yan was stunned, opened his mouth, and sucked up all the potato noodles. The fans, which did not originally have a strong taste, actually formed a piece of material after being chewed and melted in his mouth due to long soaking...

The wind and sand filled the air, and the footprints left by the camels in the distance were completely invisible.

Xia Yan withdrew his gaze, closed his eyes lightly, and quietly felt the food.

A very impactful start that was stepped into the yellow sand by the camel's hooves.

The potato starch that melts in your mouth slowly takes away the last corner of the desert scenery.

Forming a closed loop before and after.

Strict structure.

No wonder this "Camel Hoof Soup" is regarded by Lan Feihong as the highest expression of his court style skills.

The secret of "One Sword" that he is hatching, the cutting or cutting technique is not sharp or decisive, but just like the "Peerless Beauty Fried Noodles" he once made in the special examination, full of elegance and uniqueness.

"A son of aristocratic family is a son of aristocratic family."

"You guys are born to be good at palace cuisine!"

Xia Yan put down the empty bowl and spoon and gave Lan Feihong a thumbs up.

Suddenly, Lan Feihong showed a look of surprise, "You actually ate it? My dragon-character secret is on the way to be hatched, and it has not yet reached the half-hatched state..."

As he spoke, the handsome young man blushed a little.

"The direction is okay!"

"I'm optimistic about you~"

Lan Feihong, who was always cool, subconsciously averted his eyes and did not dare to meet Xia Yan's eyes, who was smiling and commenting.

Next to him, Lu Yi said dullly:

"Score it! I ate both dishes!"

Xia Yan smiled and said: "Yes, I already have the answer in my heart. Who's cooking is better?"

"But, since it's a three-way battle, you can't just sit back and wait for me to score."

"Start the mutual tasting session?"

It was said that they were tasting each other in order, but after Lu Yi and Lan Feihong nodded, their chopsticks reached out to Xia Yan's plain baking sheet in unison.

The piece of meat picked up by the bamboo chopsticks was tender and firm.

Lu Yi put the piece of meat into his mouth, clicked, his fingers suddenly clenched tightly, and the bamboo chopsticks made a snapping sound.

No wonder he doesn’t want to bake!

This was Lu Yi's first thought after tasting the barbecue slices.

At least, in the closed loop of materials, techniques and secrets.

Lu Yi noticed a weight of ingredients that was enough to overwhelm the last two rings!

This is not the weight, but the quality of the ingredients.

How to describe the deliciousness of the meat slices? It tastes softer than the highest-grade snowflake beef, without any greasy or fishy taste, and is full of a different kind of fragrant aroma.

That's right, meat with its own aroma, I wonder if you are afraid of it.

Lu Yi is certain of this. There is no pickling or seasoning, it is just what comes with the ingredients!

The key is...

Why is it that the meat is obviously barbecued meat, but when you chew it, there is a frosty smell between your lips and teeth? More like drinking a cold drink with fragrant gravy?

After eating, Lu Yiji shivered.

He opened his mouth uncontrollably and exhaled. In a cloud of white cold mist, he saw a colorful fantasy world.

"This vegetarian grill, this kind of food, this kind of ingredients, one link is enough to overwhelm others' strictness and three links! Even the chef doesn't need to do anything at all, as long as he controls the ingredients normally, puts them on the plate and serves them, he can compete Lin character..."

Lu Yi broke the chopsticks with his hands, his lips trembled slightly, and his eyes were filled with shock and unspeakable expressions.


Ingredients! !

Food! ! !

Lu Yi has already half-hatched the secret of his dragon, so he naturally understands it very well.

Look at the mountains as mountains, look at the water as water.

Dragon Character Secrets actually pursues the ultimate food ingredients.

Skill? To a certain extent, Linzi is the highest peak that can be climbed with pure skills.

The cooking skills and unique skills of those heavenly kings have incubated the 'craftsmanship' and the 'mysterious meaning of dragon character', thus widening the gap between them and the realm of Lin character.

Mysterious truth? This is not mysterious, just like the "emptiness" and "nothingness" of his genre. Everything he does is to build an absolutely pure stage for the "ingredients".

Cooking and food.

The beginning is food, and the end point will also be food.

Now, Lu Yi had a ridiculous idea in his mind:

"The clown is me!"

"It turns out that the 'ingredients' he controls can really beat three! No skills or secrets required?!"

On the other hand, Lan Feihong also felt ridiculous that the clown was myself.

In the imperial dining room institution.

Including that Admiral Li, the Minister of Food and Beverage.

The "original ingredients" and "supreme ingredients" that these veteran chefs cherished so much were suddenly placed in front of this underachiever in this way.


Why does something so pure and unreal exist in this world?

Lan Feihong had doubts about this world for the first time.

Simply put.

This genius's world view is under severe impact!

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