"The theme is also 'Palace'. Do you want to eat?" Without seeing how lively the live broadcast room was, Xia Yan smiled slightly and invited Sun Erniang again.

I don't know why, despite her seemingly friendly behavior, Sun Erniang couldn't help but sweat break out on her forehead.

So weird, so abnormal.

There were a few people in the room who were familiar to her, including Yan Xian, the prodigal son, with strange eyes.

Zhu Qi and Mila were on opposite sides of the battle, and there was some indescribable compassion in their eyes when they looked at her.

But to be honest, Sun Erniang was unconvinced. This time she gathered people and her accomplices, and went downstairs in an aggressive manner to take away people and things, and to welcome back the legendary kitchen tool "Garuda Knife" that should be in charge of the Tai Chi cooking world.

But who would have thought that being defeated immediately after starting a battle would be like a ruthless person.

If you don’t want to leave like this, you can’t lose the battle if you lose... well, at least you can’t lose in terms of momentum!

Sun Erniang gritted her teeth and forced a smile: "The original version, the real owner? That's fine, I really want to know the so-called dark secret that made the Spice Empress and the Feitian Great Sage bow. You may not know, in Kaiyouli In front of Liang Shanbo's flag, in that era of chaos and ignorance, only Liu Maliu's light could rival it."

"You may also know the later story. Liu Maliu withdrew from the battle for the first seat due to an incident, and took off his armor and retired to seclusion. Of the two stars in the dark world, only Kaiyu remains..."

Everyone could hear the sarcasm in these words.

Kaiyou occupies a high position and is now the dazzling star. In comparison, in Sun Erniang's eyes, the person in charge of the "Garuda Sword" may only be regarded as a firefly.

Xia Yan wanted to spread her hands and say, Sister, your mouth is really tough.

Of course, tough-talking players are not helpless.

This is what he does, so just pry it open.

It's worth saying.

After being promoted to the [Master] stage in "Spice Inequality", Xia Yan now had an idea for cooking and delineated the theme of palace cuisine in his mind. Suddenly those complicated thoughts and the vast amount of ingredients formed a series of organized , logical and rigorous process pictures.

“I want to make ‘dark cuisine’.”

After these words, a bunch of process pictures disappeared from my mind.

Xia Yan seemed to be searching the database accurately:

"Use 'magic' ingredients."

Many projects were also excluded.

To be more specific, when it came to the designated ingredients, Xia Yan thought for a while. Since they had moved out of the 'dragon eel blood' sinkhole, and the quality of the dragon eel ingredients was already good, it would not be a shame for him to take it out with his backhand.

Keywords, dragon eel.

More detailed——


I had many recipes in my mind, and finally settled on a dish that looked like a Chinese dragon entrenched on the dinner plate.

"That's it." Xia Yan's lips curled up slightly.

This is a mixed dish that requires 'dragon eel meat', and it is made from multiple parts with different meat qualities. It is seasoned with salt, chives, ginger, etc., and starch eggs are used as a fully mixed binder.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the [Master's] spice inequality cooking skills being useless.

"Everyone, wait a minute."

After saying that, Xia Yan went to the back room of Juxia downstairs. Without turning off the live broadcast room, he took out many pieces of cleaned dragon eel meat in front of the eyes of everyone in Shiji World.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was not surprised by the method of retrieving objects out of thin air. Most of them had their own backpacks.

But what's the use of having empty backpack grids? Without points, I can only stare at the group chat shop and drool.

Seeing Xia Yanhao angrily taking out the extremely expensive 'dragon eel' material, many people were dissatisfied and shed tears of poverty.

It's not enough to have dragon eels.

‘Banshee Egg’ replaces normal eggs.

‘Carnivorous vine rhizome powder’ replaces starch.


"That's enough!"

People in the live broadcast room were sweating like crazy.

"Is it really okay to control so many high-end materials at the same time?"

"He is the mighty Demon King of Summer..."

On the way back, Xia Yan took a moment to glance at the barrage and saw everyone speaking. He couldn't help but laugh, "What does this mean? I dare to make even the blood of the Pillar God into food."

After finishing speaking, I realized that I was speechless. It seemed that in the world of "Isekai Cafeteria", every time I made a chowder pot with the blood of the Pillar God Demon Dragon, there was no live broadcast to expose it, and the only insiders were Nakiri Erina.

Returning to the kitchen where Ju went downstairs to start the showdown, Xia Yan started immediately, with a rhythm like a gust of wind.

Boom, boom, boom!

A variety of dragon eel meat from different parts and meat textures were minced into minced meat.

In a large stainless steel basin, the minced meat and compound seasonings were mixed, white powder was stirred in, and a whole plate of eggs was broken.

Seeing this, Zhu Qi, Mila, Yan Xian, Sun Erniang and others more or less guessed Xia Yan's recipe.

Among the crowd of onlookers at the scene.

Lu Yi is here, Prince Jiang and Lan Feihong are also there.

However, in the king-level duel, Lu Yi and Lan Feihong felt suffocated that they could not intervene, so they seemed to have no sense of existence before.

But when he saw Xia Yan, who was of a similar grade and had weak cooking skills, he was looking at the focus with a relaxed expression, cooking his recipe. He wanted to show the 'dark cuisine' to the famous female chef Sun Erniang.

The two couldn't help but show admiration.

Among the Heavenly Kings generation, the aura is not weak at all, and this alone is enough to talk about.

"It's most likely Panlong meat." Lan Feihong took a deep breath when Xia Yan retrieved the ingredients, and then spit out his thick breath.

"Panlong meat..."

Lu Yi has a weird expression. Panlong meat can also be called Panlong cuisine. There is no problem in calling it 'palace cuisine'. However, this palace recipe has been spread from the palace for a long time and can be ordered in larger restaurants all over the world. This is a delicious dish.

Therefore, the quality of palace cuisine is gone. This is an old recipe, not something Xia Yan prepared and created on the spot.

Prince Jiang couldn't help but look disappointed: "I thought it was his own recipe, but to my surprise...don't you have confidence in your own accumulation? So you can only inherit the wisdom of your predecessors and don't dare to show it in front of several king-level chefs." , show what’s in your mind.”

Hearing this, Lu Yi and Lan Feihong looked at each other and shook their heads at Prince Jiang.


Lu Yi's eyes are deep.

Lan Feihong did not explain anything to Prince Jiang who was in the special stage. He was not a person of the same level. He only said softly: "It is like a ship, only the shell is left, and the inner structure such as the keel has been replaced. "

At this time, there was a commotion among the crowd.

But Xia Yan took out the mixture from the basin and kneaded a long strip of minced meat on the clean table.

The cross-section is about half the size of a hand.

One and a half feet long.

But the process didn't end here, and everyone's eyes widened.

Only the yolks were taken from the eggs, stirred into egg yolk liquid, and 'dragon eel blood' was also mixed in, so the bowl of egg liquid quickly turned scarlet.

Xia Yan held the brush and began to apply it on the meat strips on the table, repeatedly until the minced meat strips turned into blood.

Set up the steamer and close the lid!

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