After closing the lid, Xia Yan turned around and clapped his hands, "I believe everyone has figured out what my recipe is."

"Panlongcai, a serious palace recipe." Zhu Qi said, rubbing his nose.

Yan Xian just smiled, took the wine gourd from his waist and took a sip of strong wine.

Mila's blue eyes seemed meaningful: "The old ship carries the new era, your heart is big, and the blueprint of the things on the plate is grand."

Xia Yan's eyes moved to Sun Erniang, whose lips were slightly raised.

This beautiful lady with foul-level breasts kept sneering: "The recipe is very good, and it is widely circulated, which shows that people like to hear about it."

"The ingredients are also very good. Although I don't know their place of origin, origin and flavor, my professionalism tells me that they are good."

"But, you are too arrogant. Do you think that with such recipes and ingredients, you can completely pry open the tongue of a Phoenix chef, fill his stomach, and make the Phoenix chef consider himself defeated?"

Xia Yan: "..."

Yan Xian almost spat out a mouthful of strong wine and hurriedly wiped the corners of his mouth.

Mira and Zhu Qi smiled at each other.

This is a classic speech that has never been beaten!

Soon, the dishes will be out of the cage. Xia Yan first takes a long plate and puts it on the freshly washed lettuce leaves. Then he takes out the 'red meat strips' that have been broken into two parts and places them on the vegetable leaves.

The knife cuts piece by piece.

Pieces of solid flesh were densely stacked, eventually forming the entrenched body of the dragon.

Xia Yan then connected the fruit and vegetable faucet, dragon claws and dragon tail that he had just carved out to his body, then put the whole plate into the big steamer and steamed it for another stick of incense.


When the cover is lifted again.


The light of the sacred cuisine soars into the sky.

"Mother Yaksha" Sun Erniang stared at the dishes revealed in the mist. The bloody dragon entrenched on it seemed to be breathing hot air waves.

Sweat beaded on her pretty face. Sun Erniang felt that at this moment, she was naked and naked, facing the dragon's nest. The scarlet blood filled her field of vision like a tide, which made her feel involuntarily. produce fear.

Shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

Not only was the scene completely silent, but the live broadcast room seemed to have become a no-man's land. The lively scene a moment ago suddenly turned deserted.

Even across the screen, the aura of the Blood Dragon entrenched in the clouds and mist was conveyed to the hearts of everyone in the Halberd-Shiking World.

"This kind of aura is -" Mr. Senzaemon, who was watching from the tea room in the Nakiri family house, suddenly stood up, knocked open the low table in front of him, and ignored the tea soup and snacks spilled on the tatami.


"This kind of brush strokes, one stroke at a time!"

"The word dragon is undoubtedly there!"

Lu Yi and Lan Feihong couldn't calm down either.

Including Zhu Qi, Yan Xian and Mila, they were all dumbfounded.

To them, the brilliance of the cooking in the dining room is not as astonishing as the aura and image on the dinner plate.

The light of cooking can be achieved by special or Lin levels. There is no obstacle to the realm stage. It is just a manifestation of perfect state and perfect quality.

But the blood-colored dragon's pure and innocent aura.

The original flavor of the ingredients was not leaked at all, and the roar of the mountains and tsunamis made their scalps numb!


"Only by stacking those kinds of ingredients can we create such a deep and sea-like atmosphere!" Yan Xian was stunned, raising the wine gourd in the air. He usually wouldn't spill a drop of his cherished wine, so he didn't care about it and just let it go. Drinks spilled.

Xia Yan placed the dinner plate on the table not far from Sun Erniang:


Hand over the chopsticks.

But Sun Erniang stepped back one after another, her pretty face was full of steaming complexion and full of hot sweat.

Xia Yan stared at her playfully, "Didn't you just say that I'm arrogant? Even if I put new ingredients into my old recipe, I can't pry open Chef Phoenix's mouth?"

Sun Erniang looked away and spoke evasively:

"I admit, you are qualified for me to take you seriously, because you are already a dragon chef."

After saying that, her eyes moved back, and she regained her composure with a calm smile on her lips, and said: "But as I said before, prying open the mouth does not mean that the stomach is completely satisfied! It does not mean that the Phoenix chef will admit defeat!"

Xia Yan spread his hands: "I don't mean to let you admit defeat. I just want you to see my 'dark cuisine' and taste it to see how it is different from Kaiyou's."


Taking off the chopsticks in his hand, Sun Erniang glanced at the bloody dragon on the dinner plate. After a moment's hesitation, she took off her chopsticks and picked out a piece of meat from half of the dragon's body.

The meat slices that are cut and re-steamed have a kind of elasticity.

Egg skin dyed with dragon eel blood.

The meat filling inside is also mixed with eggs, so it has a light yellow color.

Red and yellow, smooth and oily!

Sun Erniang opened her mouth to eat, her teeth felt extremely elastic, and her mouth was filled with a fragrance that seemed to never fade:


In a trance.

A huge ship was coming towards her.

Breaking through the layers of fog on the pier, he reached directly in front of her on the pier.

"The giant red ship!" Sun Erniang looked up in shock and saw that the ship was surrounded by scales, and there were faint shadows of dragon claws spread out under the water, while the bow and stern of the ship were stretched dragon heads and tails respectively.

Behind Sun Erniang, the scene at the dock seemed to represent the old times.

Restaurants and teahouses were deserted with no customers, and idle food industry workers were squatting in the streets and alleys. There are also the flags of the Dark Realm, and the shadow of Kaiyu who is sitting on the throne without any breath. The "One hundred and eight people with the word Lin" who raised their arms and shouted in response are also missing.

The deck of the ship was crowded and noisy.

Sun Erniang saw Yan Xian, the prodigal son, sitting on a high building drinking heavily, and Zhu Qi, the Feitian Great Sage, who was facing the huge waves and sea breeze on the bow of the boat, taking a deep breath and feeling the taste of a piece of dried salted fish in his mouth.

Then he saw the Spice Empress Mila holding a transparent spice bottle and looking calm in the cabin.

What's more, he saw that the team of guards led by Xiang En were kneeling devoutly and crazily outside the captain's main cabin door.

On the shore, Lu Yi and Lan Feihong lined up.

Sun Erniang tried to follow, but the sailor said coldly: "I'm sorry, you don't have a ticket!"

The words fell.

Sun Erniang, who had not yet recovered, was bitten by the silver eel dragon that suddenly jumped out of the sea and dragged down into the deep sea.


In my ears, I could hear the sound of myself suffocating and drinking sea water.

real world.

Sun Erniang woke up with a start, and found that her hands were squeezing her neck, which was a dull color. She let go in a daze, and the suffocation feeling quickly disappeared, but the sweat all over her body soaked into her dress. At this moment, Sun Erniang was still in a daze. It felt like I had just escaped from a shipwreck and a sea monster.

A hot palm rested on her soaked shoulder.

Sun Erniang trembled all over, the mist in her eyes dispersed, she saw clearly the person in front of her, and she opened her mouth: "Your dishes, why..."

Xia Yan just waved his hand: "How about it, you are not controlling people's hearts!"

"This is my 'dark cuisine'. It is just a visual expression of what you think and fear in your heart. In other words, this is the picture in your mind."

"No." Sun Erniang said hoarsely, shaking her head wildly, "That ship, the ticket, no, why would I think about these things!"

Hearing this, Xia Yan was surprised, with strange eyes: "You actually think of the black ship in the new era, no, the red ship? So do you need a ticket, sister?"

Sun Erniang backed up to the threshold, then turned around and ran away, disappearing in an instant.

Xia Yan: "..."

Everyone: "..."


Too much stimulation?

Xia Yan shook his head and saw Zhu Qi, Yan Xian, Mila and others gathered around to watch. He waved his hand and said, "If you want to try it, go and eat it yourself. My 'dark cuisine' is never dark, it just gives you a nightmare. That’s not right either, but you’ll have an interesting experience anyway!”

Immediately, immerse yourself in the system rewards.

[Task 1 has been completed. 】


What is the content of mission 1? The Dragon King’s son-in-law, how can he reach the dragon level and then take revenge? But before the fight was over, he relied on the comprehensive rewards and upgrade materials from missions 2 and 3 to upgrade "Spice Inequality" to the master stage, and even frightened Sun Erniang away.

So, does this mean to achieve revenge at the system and wash away the shame of Phoenix Chef blocking the door?

The reward list expands, with 3 options.

Another master upgrade material.

Upgrade the Tongue of the Demigod into the complete version of the Tongue of God.

A dark purple quality ingredient unlocking card.

Furthermore, Xia Yan frightened Sun Erniang away and achieved two great achievements unintentionally:

"You are promoted to Dragon Chef (deviation value +10)."

"You satisfied a Phoenix chef (bias +10)."

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