Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 972: coming

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Shenrong, a young man, born Fengshen Langxiu, born better than Pan An, heroic and starry.

A dark and crystal-clear battle suit was added, only one head was exposed, and the head was wearing a black gold crown, which was majestic and majestic, which made people unable to face it.

He is the emperor from the heavens and ten thousand domains, the young generation's top leader, truly invincible.

His appearance attracted everyone's attention, and he suddenly exerted his strength from all the saints, and then came to the top and rushed into the 72nd pass.

Because it was him just now, the attacks of the five strongest were unable to work, and they were blocked.

These powerful methods are enough to teach everyone to look away from each other. He is a terrifying young Xeon.

"Shen Rong, it was you!"

The five strongest people changed their color slightly at the same time, and then looked gloomy.

Obviously, as the three strongest races, they also know the true identity of the gods, a supreme emperor, from the outside world.

They all felt that Shenrong was very powerful, the Xeon beyond imagination, otherwise it would not be possible to easily resist the enlightened streamer attack of the five Xeons, but no one could stop the Xeon.

It just doesn't mean that they are all afraid. After all, the five of them are the strongest of all races. They are invincible under the Heavenly King beyond the Holy Tibetan Realm. How could they be afraid, let alone a young junior.

"Huh, he is really an arrogant young man, what about the emperor, kill!"

Venerable Cang Qiong was the first to make a move, but none of the other strongest players made a move because he was unwilling to bully the small with the big and lose a bad reputation.

Even if this is a terrible emperor.

"Junior, you should be humble and shouldn't participate in this battle." Venerable Sky said, and when he raised his hand, thousands of miraculous splendor poured over. The avenue was surging, sweeping the sky, showing the mighty power of the avenue. Over.

As soon as he stepped forward, he displayed such supernatural powers that could damage the strongest, showing that the Venerable Sky of Heaven paid much attention to the glory of God, and he had never taken it lightly because of his age.

But God Rong stood in that area, let the Venerable Sky attack attack, his body was shining with pitch black and crystal, and the runes of the avenue were shining, blocked, and there was no damage. It was shocking. He Also sneered: "Is this the method of what you call the strongest? Old guy, it's not your age for a long time. Everyone is a person who has failed in reincarnation. You should enjoy your old age instead of fighting for the crown."


Shenrong shot, he was extremely powerful, and suddenly Shenhui flooded the sky and hit the Venerable Sky.

Among them, a celestial stele appeared, engraved with ancient mythological characters, moving around the heavens and suppressing the past forcefully.


Venerable Sky is angry. He has never been so scorned and scorned. He has been blocked by a series of magical secret techniques. He is indeed very powerful. He is the strongest person at the reincarnation level, otherwise he would not become one of the pillars of the human race. .

But Shenrong is more powerful, he is the strongest, and even the emperor, showing the shocking methods of the emperor, pushing it horizontally, showing invincible power.

The dilapidated ancient Guanzhong war in the 72nd pass was very fierce, and many cracks appeared in the broken ancient city.

However, this battle soon ended. Less than twenty rounds before and after, the figure of Venerable Sky flew horizontally, blood splashed, and even a piece of his arm was torn off. It was far from a glorious opponent. .

This kind of combat power is shocking, too outrageous, is the strongest person in reincarnation so unbearable?

It seems that Shen Rong's face is not red or panting, and obviously there is still more energy left, which is shocking to the methods of the emperor's strongest.

Shen Rong smashed that arm into pieces, disdainfully said: "I said, you outdated people should withdraw. If you want to deal with it, you don't need to be alone. Five people should go together."

"Junior, you are arrogant!"

Although feeling the unexpected strength of Shenrong, the five strongest people were secretly angry, and no longer planned to challenge alone, but the five jointly shot.


The five strongest players directly shot, the majestic and majestic, illuminating the ancient and modern, and jointly dealt with this god, and launched a terrible lore.

This is an earth-shattering battle. I am afraid that in the entire ancient emperor continent since the age of the gods, there has not been a single person against the five strongest.

Shenrong is indeed very powerful, far beyond everyone's imagination. It is trembling and unbelievable.

One person actually faced off against the five most powerful players, and the battle was inextricably difficult to solve. In the depths of the starry sky, the endless battles were exploding, shattering broken ancient gates, and killing the evil spirits of the world.


In the end, after a terrible battle, the five greatest powers were all swept away, blood was splashed in the starry sky, and Shenrong was independent of the starry sky, and the world was invincible.

This caused many people to take a breath of cold air, and I am afraid that the king's shot is nothing more than that.

After sweeping through the five strongest, Shenrong ignored them, but began to forcefully attack the nine levels after the 72nd level, to completely break through, reach the end, and embrace the beauty.

The remaining nine levels, one level, is more difficult than the first level, and there are three more levels set in the dangerous land of the gods in the age of the gods, adding an infinite crisis.

Even the secret killing arrays one after another are all killing the enemy for the enemy, full of all kinds of dangers.

This was set by the three daughters of Zhao Jingruo deliberately, not to let someone really break through these levels, even the strongest.

But obviously for an emperor, it seemed suspicious.

Shen Rong was breaking through the barrier strongly, and he couldn't stop him for long. Each seat was cracking, and his Emperor Invincible was constantly showing up, and the people behind saw bursts of cold air.

Such characters are indeed unparalleled. In the entire huge ancient emperor world, without the arrival of the heavenly king, I am afraid that only the three-month-old emperor Wuming and mysterious Qiang can be compared.

"Sister, what should I do?"

Yi Wu looked worried. Qianyue hadn't arrived yet, but Shenrong had already broken through quickly. Although they could finally go back and fear Shenrong, they had corresponding means, but for their plans in this world~www ~ The loss is great.

Without a last resort, they really don't want to go to the last step.

When everyone was watching the starry sky, Emperor Shenrong broke through the last nine dangerous barriers, a surging spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared in the sky above the imperial city, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It can be clearly seen that the power of the endless space emerges quickly, autonomously forming a large road rune, and then condensed into a huge space portal.


The door of space opened slowly, and under the eyes of the city, four figures fell before the eyes of the world.

Two men, one woman and one cow.

The head is a crescent moon!

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