Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 973: Invincible

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Above the central imperial city, in the gate of space, three people and a cow stepped out of it.

A girl, a teenager, a youth, a strong green bull.

This is a somewhat special combination, but at this moment it replaced Shenrong's gaze.

Because one of them is surprisingly the strongest demon king, the Peacock King, who is well-known all over the world. He is beautiful but cold and indifferent.

Among the people in this group, it seems that it is not headed by the Peacock King. The one in the middle is the handsome young man with loose black hair. He was born very handsome and handsome. There is a looming mark of the moon in the eyebrows, adding a few more. Points unique charm.

His appearance caused many people to change their colors, because this person was the last victor in the Hundred Wars Mountains three months ago-Qian!

Unexpectedly, he all appeared, also to participate in this martial arts contest?

But it also made many people excited, adding some suspense to this martial arts contest.

Standing in the void, Ye Chen did not pay attention to the grand occasion of the ninety-nine eighty-one pass of the starry sky. Instead, his eyes flowed, following the feeling, he looked straight at the three graceful and graceful shadows on the central palace of the emperor city. At this moment, I want to roll down and express my thoughts.

He is the invincible young supreme. He has always been strong and domineering. He is respected and worshipped by countless people of the younger generation. He is also jealous by the real kings and regarded as the greatest enemy on the road of the emperor.

But he is also a man of flesh and blood, with his own feelings, not a walking dead who only knows how to fight.

After a few decades, I finally saw the three beautiful and beautiful wives again, close at hand, so close, never before, so that his calm state of mind suddenly shocked thousands of waves.

"Jingruo, Wuer, Chener..."

Ye Chen called out softly, calling the names of the three girls, and felt the emotions of the three girls at the moment. It was the fox-mei-like goddess Zhao Jingruo. At this moment, the mist between his eyes was hazy, and tears rolled over the fairy who could be broken by a bomb Yan, crystal clear, tells the thoughts and love in my heart.

Yi Wu, the first lover of the past and this life, is gentle and virtuous, leaning toward himself, and will never change until death.

Chen'er, a young girl who is pure and innocent, like a green lotus, is pure and innocent, charming and lovely.

Zhao Jingruo, the young Jurchen king known as the goddess, is admired by countless handsome people in the world, cold and noble, but in front of him is enchanting like a fox, confusing.

The three are the rarest and most beautiful women in the world, and they are all fiancee who made a promise to him for a lifetime.

Now that he met, after a lifetime, and for the first time to meet so close, he had endless emotions in his heart.

It's just that he suppressed it forcibly, and said softly: "Wait for a moment, I will go through eighty-one levels, win the final crown, and welcome you with the most shining identity."

Although the three daughters are all pears with rain, they want to rush over at this moment, embrace him, and express the feelings of parting for decades.

But knowing that the thought in his heart has not been stopped, he can only lightly tap his head and gently said: "We are waiting for you!"

We are waiting for you, leaving Ye Chen's heart full of surging pride, turned around, stepped out, appeared in the door of space on the stage of martial arts, and stepped straight in.


In the ninety-nine and eighty-one levels, even though Shenrong was the first one and rushed to the first level, no one is invincible, but the other saints still rushed to the last level quickly to see Shenrong’s strongest posture. How did he break through the dangers set by the Three Fairies.

At this moment, the stars boiled.

There was a long howl, the clouds moved in ten directions, how many broken stars exploded in the sky, and the huge meteorite shattered.

A figure tore open the starry sky and rushed towards the depths of the starry sky.

The slender and heroic body is like a pouring of gold from the Nine Tribulations, strong and powerful, possessing a mighty power to crush the world.

Where he passed, the void was distorted, the band of broken stars exploded, the meteorite was torn apart, and the clouds collapsed in the chaotic world, like the invincible God of War in the prehistoric world, nothing could stop one step.

"who is it?"

Many people in the depths of the starry sky were alarmed, because the fluctuations were too strong and terrifying, overwhelming the sky, flooding the starry sky, like a vast ocean, shattering everything.

Even the saints must tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's Qian, he's here!"

Some of the saints exclaimed and recognized the true identity of the person who came.

That was a heroic young man whose slender body was so tall and majestic, flowing with majestic golden brilliance, making those saints who were immortal in the ninety-nine and eighty-one levels cold and oppressed by a powerful breath. Want to cramp.

The invincible Qian has arrived, and he also wants to break through the ninety-nine and eighty-one levels, and go straight to the final level.


The thirty-sixth pass was exploded. It was a broken little world, opened up by the gods of the gods of the age, and there were also some reincarnation-class remnants, although it was broken by the saints and the five strongest. But it is still not easy for ordinary people to break through.

As long as the Holy Lord enters it, he will be trapped for a long time.

However, such a dangerous barrier could not stop Qian. He was strong and invincible, and directly moved horizontally, breaking this broken piece of land and rushing straight out.

Too domineering, who can stop it!


In the depths of the starry sky, a terrifying purple unicorn appeared, with a terrifying aura rushing into the sky, and roaring in the star field.

"Is it pure blood unicorn holy spirit?"

Many people are exclaiming that this holy spirit has grown to the extreme like the existence of the ancient emperor.

The experienced old undead said: "You misunderstood, this cannot be a unicorn holy spirit, nor a living thing. Legend has it that in the age of the gods, a unicorn beast with a high degree of pure blood appeared, standing at the level of reincarnation, and is about to become the king of heaven. However, he was killed by a strong personality in the starry sky. This purple unicorn should be the immortal remnant of the unicorn beast, combined with the blood of the fallen saints to recover in a short time."

All in all, this purple unicorn is so powerful that it is at least at the Xeon level, although only for a short time.

It was disturbed to fall asleep, and it roared, and the purple energy was 30,000 li, impacting Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's eyes were cold and shocking: "It happens to be missing a corresponding The top sky blue cow is not good, you are the only one."

He passed across the sky like a **** or devil, releasing strands of golden essence, shining in the starry sky, and colliding with a purple unicorn head-on.


The starry sky exploded, and several nearby dangerous barriers were shattered. It was very fierce, but there was no real battle, because it was over soon.

The strands of golden essence turned into a chain of order gods, blocking the purple unicorn straight away, and Ye Chen could make it fall from the sky and sit on its back. No matter how hard it struggles, it is useless, and it will never work.


Ye Chen drove the purple unicorn to the depths of the starry sky, breaking the barrier forcibly.

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