Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2649: Show good to the human race!

Chapter 2649 Show favor to the human race!

After a full eight months of negotiations, it was beyond imagination.

The envoys of the heavenly forces spent a lot of time, and only then did the conditions overwhelm the human race's initial price by about 80%, while the conditions of the king-level **** city were rejected and exchanged with other treasures.

In this way, Human Race reluctantly agreed.

It can be said that the powers of the heavens are very painful. After paying a huge price, the human race promised to release the suppressed powers of the heavens to freedom in three months. This is also what Ye Chen meant.

"Well, I'll wait for the various races to wait for the human race to release people, and then leave first!

The envoys of the major forces left the Qin family imperial realm with the divine ship.

It's just that the forces of the heavens are still not clear. The people who were suppressed at the beginning have become Ye Chen's slaves. They are all enslaved souls, and they cannot betray Ye Chen forever.

However, because of the master’s order of Ye Chen, none of these slaves would be able to disobey the order and would not inform them of the enslavement. Everything is the same, and the powers of the heavens will be considered as if they were the Primordial King searching for the soul inch by inch and going deep into the soul. It is impossible for the Primordial King to detect it.

Watching the enslaved powers of the heavens leave vastly, Ye Chen showed a cold smile: "The powers of the heavens, since they still want to seize the Tianling Tomb of my human race, this time I will let you wait. I really understand what a heavy price it takes to offend my human race."

When the powerful forces of the heavens returned to the various races, they found that apart from their aura a little, and the many treasures on their bodies had been exploited, there was basically no major problem, and the major forces were relieved.

After all, these powerhouses are the true backbone of the major forces and are indispensable.

"Huh, Human Race, I thought that this negotiation would be delayed for dozens or hundreds of years. You waited until you were willing to release the powerhouses of the major forces, such as me. You didn't expect to succeed in just eight months. Although you paid a huge price, Don't worry, this time the Tianling Mausoleum is killed, I and the major forces will seize it anyway."

The emperors of the heavens, the immortals, and the Primordial Kings of the Ten Heavens Realm are all showing a wisp of coldness, looking at the Qin Family Emperor Realm of the Eighth Heaven Realm.

Apart from anything else, it took a lot of medicines, divine spiritual sources, and heaven and blessings to quickly recover the strongest who returned from suppression.

The forces of the heavens are all ready to go, the strong are equipped, once again the best preparation for attacking the human race.

And this time, it must be the last war.

For the human race that has repeatedly asked the lion to ask for a huge price, the forces of the heavens are no longer merciful. This time, the thunder will sweep away and all the losses will be returned.

The ten-day realm ancient domain seemed to have restored its former calm once again.

However, hundreds of millions of sentient beings have felt what a terrifying storm is brewing under this calm, and all of them are trembling.

The second day realm ancient domain, Eternal Sky City.

In this immortal ancient city left by the ancestors of the past generation, at the central mansion on the sinking sky, a figure stands tall in the sky, and the whole body is covered with heavy brilliance, as if it surrounds the heavens, superbly superior.

It is the Eternal Sky God King.

Behind him, several old figures appeared silently, standing tall, all of them at the level of a half-step **** king.

At this moment, an old antique spoke slowly, with a hint of admiration: "The patriarch, ten years ago, the Human Race invited me to wait for a few of the Eternal Sky Clan to enter the Tomb of Death. At that time, the old man was still full of expectations. Among them, there is a breakthrough in understanding, one or two more hopes to become the king of God, but you stopped it. At first, I was puzzled, but now I finally understand, the patriarch, you see long enough to know that the human race will eventually prosper and decline. Otherwise, if so When my clan went there, if it forms an alliance with the human clan, it will eventually become the opposite of the heavens and all the clan."

Ten years ago, when the Human Race was in its heyday and glory, I thought of the Eternal Sky Clan's help to Ye Chen, and therefore gave this race a number of places, which can be used to enter the Tomb of Death.

Several half-step gods, Lao Kui, were still very excited at the time, hoping to use this to break the shackles of the gods a little more hope, but they were all stopped by the patriarch, the **** king Eternal Sky, and said that he was not in a hurry, and waited for a while. It's not too late.

Unexpectedly, in just a dozen years, the Human Race had undergone such a huge drastic change, and it was prosperous and declining. Most of the peak powers such as the Wuxiang King and the Worldless Emperor left one after another and returned to the sealed universe.

Therefore, they all have a fear. If the Eternal Sky God King hadn't seen it long enough, they would have been tied to the human race a long time ago, and they would not be able to escape.

Moreover, facing those emperors and immortals, the Eternal Sky Clan is no more than a slightly stronger royal clan, but it will not be a force to destroy it.

Eternal Sky God King sighed.

This family, known as Eternal Sky, is a family capable of deducing the movement of heaven and destiny.

The Eternal Sky Ancestor God, a generation of ancient kings, was good at deduction and left an immortal and glorious feat for solving the Dark Blood Age, and it is still being celebrated today.

Also because of this, it was targeted by several king-level beast gods in the ancient realm, and finally fell.

Ten years ago, the Eternal Sky God King did not go and prevented the tribe from going there because he could not see clearly, but he knew that the human race was about to suffer an unprecedented catastrophe.

The Eternal Sky God King looked into the depths and sighed faintly: "This time the human race let go of the strongest people too early. If it is delayed for dozens or hundreds of years, it will be better, and there will be more time to cultivate in the Tomb of Death. Enough of the strongest people have the power to fight against the forces of the heavens."

In this regard, the Eternal Sky God King sighed.

"If the human race is really in trouble and faced with a difficult situation, even though it can't help openly, it's worth nothing if it can help secretly." The Eternal Sky God King ordered.

Although several half-step gods and old antiques were puzzled as to why they had to help at this stage, they admired the patriarch from the bottom of their hearts and had a long-term look, and they all nodded and said yes.

"Human, I hope you can survive this catastrophe."

The Eternal Sky God King sighed in his heart.

Scarlet Blood Lake, the land of the Crimson Scale Demon Dragon.

The father and son of Gu Jiuhua, Gu Qingyang, Gu Qingshan, etc. naturally understood the news from the outside world, and knew that the terrible crisis Human Race was about to face was far more than what the alien race did not know at the time.

This time, Gu Jiuhua directly proposed to help the human race, and not surprisingly, he was unanimously opposed by the elders of the family.

Faced with the overwhelming superiority of the forces of the Alliance of Heavens, there was a clan of Scarlet Scale Demon Dragons, and even the King of Gods was also lacking. At this moment, helping the human race was just a mantis arm and a chariot.

It’s just that Gu Jiuhua was firm in his will and didn’t want to drag his clan. He directly removed the position of patriarch. It’s better for the Crimson Scale Demon Dragon Clan to escape into the world of the Dragon Tomb immediately, with the protection of the old Crimson Dragon Emperor. Swire Kings did not dare to rush into it easily.

Gu Qingyang insisted on following up, and Gu Qingshan did the same.

Gu Jiuhua originally wanted them to stay, which was the future hope of the Crimson Scale Demon Dragon clan, but the two heirs were firm in their will and insisted on following.

In this regard, Gu Jiuhua could only nodded helplessly.

Before leaving, there was a will from the Dragon Tomb World, letting Gu Jiuhua go.

"Meet Guzu!"

Gu Jiuhua bowed and saluted in front of the tomb of the Scarlet Dragon Emperor.


In the huge dragon tomb, the red blood dragon emperor’s old body spotted a **** brilliance, which fell on Gu Jiuhua’s body, and disappeared directly in the latter’s body, saying: "Go ahead, if a king-level war really breaks out, You can crush this **** token, and this seat will make one shot for the human race."

"Ancient ancestor!" Gu Jiuhua was surprised. The new souls born by the ancient ancestors of Longdi can only survive in the world of the dragon tomb. Once they leave, they are likely to be crushed and annihilated.

Long Di said in the old way: "You don't need to ask more, just go."


Gu Jiuhua left the world of the Dragon Tomb.

Soon after, there was a wave of will in the Dragon Tomb World: "Ancient Ancestor, why would you help Human Race like this?"

The Scarlet Dragon Emperor said in the old way: "The Human Race will not really be in trouble. Back then, the Human Race Supreme had left behind before he left. The Supreme naturally considered long enough, and these heavenly forces are nothing more than clowns. , It's just a goodwill to the human race."

In the depths of the Ten Heavens Realm, Wanbao Pavilion Master.

When he learned of all this, he looked condensed, but unexpectedly appeared firm, saying: "Big brother, I could not listen to your words and help Human Race last time, but this time, I will gamble once and stand here. Aside."

In the ten-day realm, everyone felt the tense atmosphere of the mountains and the rain coming and blowing the wind all over the building. In addition to the heavenly emperors, immortals, and many royal clans who attacked the human race, there were still some top forces that did not blend in.

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, let alone the human race, who once appeared in the supreme, they dare not easily blend in.

But there are also some royal families who hope to take advantage of the fire and get some places for enlightenment in the Tomb of Death, and choose to join the alliance of forces of the heavens.

There are also some forces, such as the Eternal Sky Clan, the Crimson Scale Demon Dragon Clan, Wanbao Pavilion, etc., who choose to help the human race explicitly or but after all, they are only a minority. After all, more than ninety-nine people are not. I am optimistic about the human race, and do not think that the human race can survive this disaster.

At the same time, it is expected that the forces of the heavens will inevitably launch the most terrible war. Although the human race has the confidence and the corresponding back-ups, it has never been underestimated, and it is also afraid that this war will also use some unknown and terrible trump cards. .

Zhu Qiang of the human race is also preparing urgently.

With the many treasures that the lion has opened up from the forces of the heavens, the human race can be vigorously developed in a short time.

Under the leadership of many quasi-kings, the magic circle was portrayed, and the **** king set off to prepare many war weapons.

The entire emperor world is in motion.

The ten emperors and daughters of the human race have also returned to their retreats a long time ago, continue to accept the continuous tempering of the emperor's descendants left by their fathers, in order to go further and contribute more strength in the more terrible battle.

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