Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2650: The 10th God King Tribulation!

Chapter 2650 Tenth God King Tribulation!

Ye Chen also took action and began to refine many pills that could be used in wars.

Pills are rare things that can improve cultivation base, and can quickly recover injuries in a short period of time, and increase a lot of combat effectiveness. The effect on the battlefield can be said to be quite huge.

With enough pill, it can even change the course of a war in many cases.

Many years ago, Ye Chen had become a ninth-level alchemy master, and now after refining part of the emperor’s heavenly soul and chaotic source liquid, his power of divine soul has more than doubled, which is even more powerful than that of ordinary quasi-kings. Much stronger, refining a lot of pills, it is more handy and smoother.


He directly sacrificed to the cauldron to refine alchemy, and under the power of the soul, many rare medicinal materials were continuously poured in. Under the action of the chaotic road fire, they were directly burned into a mass of spiritual medicinal liquid up and down, and the dross in it was slowed down. Evicted slowly.

Counting with one mind, quickly refining the pill, even the eighth-order pill is easy, it seems so easy to do.

This makes the other alchemists in the human race respect like gods.

This kind of alchemy method is not shocking, so many alchemists, even eighth-level alchemy masters, are beyond the reach.

At this time, Ye Chen naturally did not cherish himself, spread the teaching, so that more alchemists can directly watch alchemy and gain a lot of alchemy experience, and the difficulties encountered in the past can be easily solved at this moment.

Occasionally, Ye Chen would also preach, benefiting many alchemists a lot, and then being able to comprehend something, and one after another began to accelerate the speed of refining pills.

With the support of the human race, batches of pills appeared directly, all for the terrible war that was coming soon.

At the same time, Ye Chen's exit made the Chaos Tianfu grow faster.

Now, in Chaos Tianfu, apart from Ye Chen, Yuqing, Abenu, Corpse Devourer, Will, Pheasant, and the seven supreme Tianjiao under his command, it does not count the army of the gods who joined later, it has 33 members. God king.

In addition to the Destroyer Legion, there are almost 70 **** kings, which is extremely amazing.

There are also five quasi-kings.

Coupled with the reincarnation body of the Great Emperor, a terrifying clone that surpassed the level of the general primordial emperor, the entire Chaos Tianfu was even more powerful than other emperors and immortals by many times.

The Qin family of the current imperial clan is inferior in comparison.

When Ye Chen fell into retreat in the depths of the Tianling Mausoleum, Chaos Tianfu was handled in an orderly manner and developed continuously under the management of King Tongtian.

The Chaos Tianfu is now even more powerful. It has long since become the Hall of Law Enforcement, the Hall of Punishment, and the Hall of Alchemy, etc., responsible for its operation.

In addition, many of the princes of heaven who joined the Chaos Tianfu have successively entered the Dao of Enlightenment to the Strong in the Mausoleum of Death, and are constantly improving and becoming stronger.

The powers of the human race are working hard to operate, and before the war arrives, the strength of the human race will be raised to a whole new level, so as to better cope with the terrible battle in the future.

Everything is preparing nervously.

During the period, Yuqing, Abenu, and the Emperor Corpse Devourer seemed to know about the upcoming battle and were about to go out to prepare for the battle, but was prevented by Ye Chen. He bluntly said that everything was under control and there was no need to worry.

At the same time, Ye Chen was also rushing through the barrier. He kept on impacting, vowing to break the shackles of the strongest young supreme **** king nine calamities and step out of the tenth calamity.

Outside the emperor's realm, at the deepest part of the vast starry sky, the entire celestial universe was submerged by ancient chaos.

In that chaotic area, there was a breath of great terror, rippling and permeating.

The heavens and stars are trembling, making all beings frightened, and the **** king will be frightened when he comes.

No one knows that it is the fighting sage king who is enlightening and cultivating the law.

In the chaotic star field, there are blazing thunders, each of which is many times larger than the mountains, and occasionally there are huge thunders comparable to the stars appearing, like a thunder dragon, but also contaminated with the atmosphere of chaos. , It is terrible.

In the center of the star field, Ye Chen sat cross-legged, continuously spreading a lot of ancient chaos, drowning his whole person, as if an immortal.

In him, there is a breath of great terror exuding at all times.

He is enlightening and practicing.

By his side, there were a kind of **** king spirits emerging, and with his continuous improvement, these **** king spirits had reached the ninth rank of the **** king, comparable to the **** king of the nine calamities.

But the so-called rivalry, not counting the spirit of the **** king of the Nine Tribulations, is still amazing, and any kind of **** can kill ordinary **** kings at will.

Many spirits of gods and kings are emerging, there is a world, there is nothingness, there is gold, wood, water, fire and earth, there is time, space, life, and death...

Seventy-seven-forty-nine gods and kings' spirits are manifesting, and Ye Chen is in it. He seems to be the detached one.

So, five months have passed.


On this day, Ye Chen awakened, and he urged his chaotic Taoism to the extreme.

The most terrifying aura of the God King erupted, covering the entire starry sky, rumbling, and the stars of the sky trembled, almost exploding a lot.

Even the hundreds of millions of creatures under the starry sky can feel the waves of destruction that originate from the deepest part of the starry sky, which can be called great terror

A huge pillar of chaos divine light suddenly soared into the sky, breaking into the deepest part of the starry sky, he tried to take the next step, striving for the tenth divine king's calamity.

With the growth of the chaotic holy soul and the increasing level of cultivation, he already felt the limit and was able to take the next step.


Above the unattainable sky, there was lightning and thunder, countless terrifying thunders and lightnings boiling, with ancient chaos, and the great terrorism that truly destroyed the world, alarming the entire Qin family emperor realm.

The people of the world looked at the deepest part of the starry sky. Although they couldn't see all the things there, they could completely feel the unparalleled aura of extinction.

The three Primordial Kings of the Human Race were all startled, and their eyes turned to the deepest place.

Qin Wu, Emperor Qiong, Xiao Ding, Canglan, and the five quasi-princes of the Goddess Legion all looked there with shocked and solemn expressions.

Which step was really taken by the Fighting Saint King and caused the tenth Divine King Tribulation?

The kings of the gods also look at the deepest part of the starry sky from

"Today, the Fighting Saint King wants to go further, break the shackles, and step out of the tenth calamity?"

The world is watching closely.

At this moment, attract worldwide attention!


A loud noise completely exploded the entire emperor realm and attracted the attention of the world.

Immediately, the world-destroying aura suddenly disappeared.

As if never appeared before.

The sky was vast and the avenues were boundless, the so-called Tenth Divine King Tribulation did not come at all.

In the Chaos Star Field, Ye Chen looked a little ugly.

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