Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3159: 3 the emperor abuses the holy ancient


   At this time, Ye Chen's second chaos holy soul villain also manipulated the reincarnation of the emperor to kill him, and the emperor star and Emperor Buddha Ge Qi appeared, and thunder appeared.

   is like a supreme battle, riots suddenly appear, and the illusory world of one side has been affected one after another and blown up.

   "Friends of Taoism, please hold a supreme emperor soldier." The reincarnation of the great emperor sent the Buddha to Emperor Tonggu.

"it is good!"

  Tong the ancient emperor took over the Buddha Emperor Ge, and almost completely recovered the supreme emperor's soldiers, and the faint light of the emperor surrounds his body. This is the symbol of the emperor, and now holding the supreme emperor's army, it is almost like a true ancient emperor.

   "Senior, please take over."

   At the same time, Ye Chen also sent the Tianhuang Euphorbia, which fell into the hands of Emperor Shura.

   "The phaseless euphorbia."

   The Emperor Shura was surprised. As the ultimate ancient enemy of the year, he was naturally familiar with the soldiers of the Wuxiang King, but he did not expect to be in the hands of Ye Chen.

   Under the power of the emperor, the Tianhuang Euphorbia began to fully recover, blooming with the supreme emperor rank power, and it was a supreme emperor soldier.

   Tianhuang Shendi has also recovered, and seeing Emperor Shura, it seems that he has seen an old friend: "Shu Luo, in another era, I didn't expect to see you again."

   "Yes." Emperor Shura also sighed, but his fighting spirit was even more boiling.

  Three emperors exist, each holding a supreme emperor soldier, and jointly attacking the ancient emperor.

   Only as soon as he met each other, many illusory worlds continued to explode.

  Even if the ancient emperor has the supreme emperor's arm in the hand, he is absolutely not an opponent. He has been bombarded with half of the emperor's immortal body. The blood is boundless, shaking the three thousand worlds, and also alarmed many powerful men in both camps.

As soon as    appeared endless spatial turbulence, it was an unforgettable scene.

  The three emperors held the supreme emperor's army, chasing and killing the ancient emperor, killing him with blood and embarrassment.

   "Master Sheng Gu Dijun was hunted down!"

   All the strong faces of the Saint Emperor Realm camp were horrified, and they could hardly believe it.

That is the Saint Ancient Emperor, one of the strongest in the Saint Emperor Realm camp. There is a monarch above and below the ancient Emperor, one of the invincibles who have the hope to prove the supremacy, but now he is chased and killed with blood. Very embarrassed, can't believe it.

   On the contrary, the Yandi Region camp is full of brilliant eyes.

   "Look, that is the Lord Sovereign Lord, he actually summoned two emperor-level strong aids to besiege the ancient emperor together!"

   "Well, the emperor with the ancient tower and blood armor on his head seems to have known each other, like the Shura king of the last era."

   "Yes, that's him. Back then, he followed the supreme King Shura of Jiuyin, who had killed the twelve primordial kings in succession, but he didn't expect that the Lord Sovereign would get the help of this powerful emperor."

   "Who is the existence of another emperor? No impression."

   During the discussion between the two camps, the three emperors are aggressively attacking the ancient emperor.

   "The immeasurable emperor stars, suppress the heavens!"

The reincarnated emperor yelled and threw out the emperor stars directly. The giant of billions of miles, crushed and rolled into the sky, successively shattered a square of illusory world, fiercely hit the ancient emperor, and blasted his emperor’s battle armor. There must be many cracks, and the light is dim.

   Saint Gu Dijun wanted to stop him, but at this time, Tong Gu Dijun held the Buddha Ge and cut off the right arm of Saint Gu Dijun.

The Emperor Shura is even more fierce, worthy of the title of a generation of fierce men. He directly got close and waved the Tianhuang Euphorbia, giving the ancient emperor a heartbreak. His heart was penetrated, and a lot of blood flowed, and he was killed by the Tianhuang Euphorbia. Swallowed.


   Sage ancient emperor roared continuously, full of grief and anger, full of rage, he was a generation of emperors, and now he was beaten by the three emperors, which is simply too bullying.

   "There is a kind of one-to-one, three-to-one, with more people bullying and less people, what's the skill!"

   He roared mournfully, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

   These three people have absolutely no identity and majesty as emperors.

"If there are too many people to bully others, there is no ability?" The emperor reincarnated with a sneer, fell from the sky, kicked and sneered again and again: "Don't you other races like to play this routine the most? Back then, no matter if you were against the Emperor of Heaven or against the saint ancestor , It’s still to the unphased emperor, but there are too many bullies and fewer people."

   "The most incompetent is your group of alien scumbags."

   The reincarnation of the emperor became more and more angry, these foreign scumbags were simply shameless.

   He took advantage of the two great emperors to suppress the ancient emperor, and constantly shot, fisted, and beat the latter to blood.

   Even the skull was broken apart, and the skull was faintly visible.

   But he never died, because the Emperor's battle armor would resist more than 70% of the attack power.

   Of course, facing the attack of the three emperors holding the supreme emperor soldiers, the emperor’s battle armor could not stand for long, cracked, and the light was constantly dimming, and it was on the way to destruction.


   Finally, at a certain moment, the emperor's battle armor could no longer bear it, and it broke directly.

   "What a tortoise shell was finally broken."

   The reincarnation of the great emperor kicked his body, and the fragments of the emperor's battle armor scattered, but there was a more terrifying brilliance.

   Under the shattered armor, a pair of magnificent armor is secret patterns of the emperor are intertwined.

   is a supreme armor.

   "His uncle."

   The reincarnation body of the great emperor couldn't help but scream, and finally broke the emperor's battle armor, but I didn't expect that the emperor's battle armor was only the surface, and inside it was hidden a more immortal supreme battle armor.


   Saint Ancient Emperor laughed, he was very arrogant, even crazy: "Don't you really want to kill me? Come now, let me see what you can do to crush the Supreme Armor."

   Typical fearlessness.

But it also has this ability to fear everything. The defense of the Supreme War Armor is far superior to that of the Emperor's War Armor. It is fully recovered and exudes a strong emperor light. Even if the three emperors hold the Supreme Emperor’s soldiers and go crazy The attack was also resisted by more than 80%.

   The remaining attack is less than 20%. Although it can still cause injuries to Saint Ancient Emperor, it is far less serious than imagined.

   and the ancient emperor began to repair his wounds, his whole body rumbling with blood, he would completely repair all the injuries in a short time.

  He is holding the Supreme Imperial Soldier, ready to counterattack.

   Two Supreme Imperial Soldiers, one offensive and one defense, fearless.

   "It's really a tortoise shell. It should be made by you Lao Tzu, right? It really is the little bastard's bastard."

   The reincarnation of the great emperor continued to curse, bluntly denounced that the strongest emperor is the old king, and the ancient emperor is the little king, making the ancient emperor extremely angry.

   can scold him, but never scold his father.

   "Holy monarch, dare to scold my father, I fight with you!"

   Saint Ancient Emperor yelled, his whole person almost burning.

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