Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3160: All King 8


   The next moment, he was blown down by the reincarnation body of the great emperor.

   The two great emperors even held the supreme emperor soldiers, and steadily suppressed the holy ancient emperor in mid-air, unable to move.

The emperor’s reincarnation held the emperor star and shrank to the size of Zhang Xu, but the emperor’s prestige was even more terrifying. He said coldly: "What if you call you a bastard? Can you beat me? Now you are a bastard. The tortoise's shell is hard, so take it off if you have a seed to prove to me that you are not a bastard.

The ancient emperor naturally knew that this was the radical method of the reincarnation of the great emperor, and he just endured it, and immediately laughed loudly: "Hahaha, the more you are like this, the more I know that you can't help me, otherwise you won't be like this. Yes. Kill me if you have one."

   There is no fear!

   "Little King Eight!" the reincarnation of the emperor cursed.

   "Come and kill me!" Saint Ancient Emperor has no fear.

   "Little King!"

   "Stop scolding me, kill me now!"

   "Little King!"

   "Stop talking nonsense, kill me!"

   "Little King!"

   "Your uncle!"

   "Little King!"

   "You bastard, can you just change the sentence!" Sheng Gu Dijun was anxious, this little **** only used one sentence to scold someone, but he was anxious to scold him.

   "Little King!"


The ancient emperor was angry and angry, because the reincarnation of the great emperor was too hateful. He said every word of the little bastard, but he didn’t change it. He replied a few of them, but all of them were sent back by the other side saying "Little bastard." They were flushed with anger.

   And he couldn't attack each other because Emperor Tonggu and Emperor Shura each held a supreme imperial soldier, and stabilized him so that he could not break free.

   At this time, the reincarnation of the great emperor was holding the emperor star the size of Zhang Xu and smashed wildly. Even with the protection of the supreme armor, for a long time, the ancient emperor would be swollen and bruised, very embarrassed.

   "Even if the battle armor on your body belongs to the supreme battle armor, I don't believe you can last a lifetime."

   The reincarnation of the great emperor looked for a reason, and desperately held the emperor star to smash it.


  Finally, Saint Gudijun was vomiting blood.

   Although it is the Supreme War Armor, after all the suppression of the two emperor soldiers, not to mention the Emperor Star is also the emperor soldier, resulting in more than 40% of the power being able to penetrate him.

   Of course, with the powerful vitality of Saint Ancient Emperor, he can naturally recover quickly.

   But this is not a solution in the long run. If he is suppressed and brought back to the Yandi Region camp, Yandi will take action, not to mention the Supreme Battle Armor, even if he becomes the Supreme, he will not survive.

   After a short while, the other three emperors in the Saint Emperor Realm camp were finally shocked and rushed over.

   On the other side, the same is true for the three emperors of the Yandiyu camp.

   When they saw this scene in front of them, when they saw the reincarnation of the great emperor holding the emperor star and smashing it crazily on the ancient emperor, Rao Yi was also dumbfounded.

   This is too rough for him!

   They all saw their scalp numb.

   Moreover, the emperor’s reincarnation attacked both physically and mentally while smashing it while cursing the little king.

   "Hurry up and let go of Saint Gudijun!"

   The three emperors of the Saint Emperor Realm camp quickly rushed over and scolded them.

   But the three of the emperor’s reincarnation were ever afraid, especially the emperor’s reincarnation responded: "Who dares to rush over, I was the first to kill him with the emperor star."


  Emperor Star fell heavily on Saint Ancient Emperor. Emperor Wei Yaosheng didn't know that the Supreme Battle Armor was smashed and collapsed by the birthplace, and the Saint Ancient Emperor inside vomited blood.

   Of course, the Supreme War Armor is still immortal, returning to its integrity autonomously.

   But it was also shocked that the three emperors of the Saint-Emperor Realm camp had more than one face twitching, this Saint-Sovereign is really a cruel person.

   "Hahaha, the Holy Sovereign is really powerful."

   The three emperors of Taichu, Samsara, and Xuanxu came over and laughed happily.

   "Hurry up and save Sheng Gu Dijun, he can't have anything to do!"

Although the trio of Emperor Zushan saw that there were six emperors in the other side, they couldn’t kill the ancient emperor because he was the heir of the strongest emperor. If something happened, the strongest emperor would not let go. Pass them.

   "Everyone, take action together to suppress these four kings!"

   The great emperor reincarnated with a loud shout, greeted all the emperors of the Yandiyu camp, and even grabbed the suppressed saint ancient emperor with one hand, and took the emperor star in the other and rushed to the three hostile emperors such as Zushan emperor.

   Everyone fainted, this lord is not generally fierce.

   Of course, the other five emperors of the Yandiyu camp laughed loudly and rushed forward one by one.

  The three emperors such as Zushan Dijun can only bite the bullet and rush up, no matter what, they must rescue the ancient emperor.

   A melee of ten emperors unfolded.

   Of course, anyone can see that the Yan Emperor Realm camp has the absolute upper hand, because it has a numerical advantage, but there are two more emperors than the Saint Emperor Realm camp.

   Besides, Saint Ancient Emperor is still suppressed, and the other three emperors can hardly face the Yan Emperor Domain camp with twice the number.

   It didn't take long until the emperors of the Saint Emperor Realm camp began to get hurt.

Among, the most ferocious one is naturally the reincarnation of the great emperor. He directly joined forces with five other emperors to impose countless heavy emperor-level seals, making it difficult for the ancient emperor to break the seal and break free in a short time. The ground lay there, motionless, eyes wide.

   "Hey, your humanoid weapon is really good."

   The reincarnation body of the great emperor smiled, and directly carried the Saint Gudijun as a humanoid weapon, with the emperor star in one hand and the Saint Gudijun in the other, rampaging and killing in the forefront.

   Immediately, the Saint Emperor Realm camp turned over by himself.

Although the three emperors such as Zushan Dijun wanted to rescue the ancient emperor, but now they saw the reincarnation of the great emperor swept over him as a humanoid weapon, they were all jealous and failed to truly fully exert their full strength.

   "I use this little **** to kill you old fellow."

   The reincarnation of the great emperor yelled, waved the upright Saint Ancient Emperor, swept across the Zushan Emperor.

   There was a loud bang, and there was a splash of fire, and the emperor's armor on the Zushan emperor's body clanged loudly, and the brilliance was dim, and he was directly blown up, coughing up blood.

   "It really deserves to be the son of the old bastard, the tortoise shell is really hard, it's so easy to use to hit people, cool!"

He grinned and shouted, he was used to shouting, and he really took the Saint Ancient Emperor as the Little Bachelor. The supreme armor of the original body protection became a weapon to attack his own camp, allowing the three emperors of the Saint Emperor Realm camp. They are very helpless.

   Sheng Gu Dijun was even more frustrated and was about to faint.

   He swears that once he gets out of trouble, he will break the corpse of the little bastard, the holy monarch, into the emperor's fire and burn the soul for hundreds of millions of years to relieve his hatred.

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