Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3584: If you hear about it, you can die at night

The ultimate ancient road is located in the center of the universe, and runs through many important star regions.

Rushing from the frontiers of the universe to the center of the universe is a full half of the universe, and hundreds of millions of miles are no longer enough to describe.

However, both of them are called starry sky overlord-level existences, in the true sense of the sky and the earth, the movement is the movement of the stars, across the endless star field, rushing to the center of the universe at a speed against the sky.

But Ye Chen still felt slow, he was afraid of accidents. After all, the fuse of all this was caused by him, and he had always had a good impression of the ultimate ancient road, and he did not want an accident on the ultimate ancient road.

"Friends, enter my chaotic aperture!"

Ye Chen said suddenly, Monarch Ice Flame was a little surprised, but he still entered the chaotic halo that appeared on the surface of the former.

"Let's go!"

The ten fairy king feather swords that looked like holy wings trembled slightly behind him, and countless ancient and mysterious Dao patterns emerged, faintly, as if there was a long river of time surrounding them.


In an instant, the two turned into a nine-colored fairy light, traveling through the starry sky at an astonishing speed that the peak king would be stunned.

Goal, the ultimate ancient road beyond half of the universe!

At the same time, far away from half of the universe, the ultimate ancient road beyond the infinite star field, one of the important battlefields.

As I can tell, the ancient gates of trial trials collapsed and disintegrated in the land of stars.

There were also numerous Forbidden Soul Palaces exploded.

Whether it is the ultimate ancient road side or the alien side, many powerful men have fallen, and the blood stained the stars, which is amazing.

"Ah—Forbidden Soul Palace!"

At the half-collapsed trial ancient pass, a blood-covered **** king rose into the sky, with unparalleled power, summoning numerous stars to face a huge, star-like Forbidden Soul Palace.


The Forbidden Soul Palace was surrounded by magic mist, and there were also extremely thick Forbidden Soul chains shot out, shattering the stars, and there were also god-level figures attacking and fighting with them.

This is just one of the scenes. Deeper in the starry sky, there is a duel between quasi-kings, and even a battle between the life and death of the ancient king.

The war lasted for two months, and both sides had the fall of the Primordial King, with heavy casualties, and all the races in the universe were frightened.

Whether it is the Ultimate Ancient Road or the Palace of Forbidden Souls, they all possess the most powerful force that destroys the starry sky and sits on the Primordial King, and their background is amazing.


With a terrible cry, the many guardians of the ultimate ancient road and the outstanding testers saw an old and respected quasi-king blood in the starry sky. Many people were crying, but more people fought into the sky.

"Hehe, the ultimate ancient road dare to provoke the majesty of my Forbidden Soul Palace, and today another quasi-monarch will be punishable!"

A quasi-monarch walked out of the Temple of Forbidden Soul. He did not look old. He was in the middle age. His blood was strong enough to drown the starry sky. His soul was strong, and his body and spirit were at the peak of his life. powerful.

He turned out to be a star-swallowing beast, belonging to one of the starry sky giants, becoming a quasi-monarch, it is enough to show that it is extremely powerful, and looking at the starry sky giants, it is enough to be called a giant-level existence.

He transforms into a human form, looking extraordinarily tall and burly, like a hill, fighting against the quasi-king of the ultimate ancient road, Old Antique, under the strong and direct collision, the quasi-king of the ultimate ancient road is **** and has a negative impact.

"Has the star behemoth clan also joined the alliance camp of the Forbidden Soul Palace?"

"That is the quasi-prince of the star-slayer star master, the star-swallowing beast clan. It is reported that he is in the stage of quasi-king's Great Perfection. He can almost take another step and become one of the primordial kings!"

"Ah--, my senior Tsing Yi of the ultimate ancient road, has lived for too long, even if he is a quasi-monarch, he is on the verge of his life limit, and if he does not break through the ancient king, he will eventually die. Exhaustion is the opponent of the sun-killing star master."

The protector of the ultimate ancient road and the leader of the trial are weeping. Even if they are not opponents, even if they are likely to pay the price of their lives after the first battle, the Taoists of Tsing Yi are still going forward and are not afraid of death.

The sun-killing star lord is majestic, and the Taoists in Tsing Yi coughed up blood, and said coldly: "Old man, you are old and weak, and the peak period is only the late quasi-king, but I am the Dzogchen quasi-king Ninety percent of the world within the source has transformed into the world, how can you be my opponent."

While speaking, the phantom of the heaven and the earth in the original source of 90% of the world shape was released, and it crushed the past, causing the stars in the starry sky to collapse one after another, making it difficult to withstand the pressure of this world.

"Morning heard it, you can die in the evening!"

Taoist Tsing Yi appeared very calm, even though the corner of his mouth coughed up blood, there was a transcendent brilliance shining.

The sun-killing star master sneered, stopped speaking, but displayed a more terrifying attack, straddling the sky, causing the Taoist Tsing Yi to cough up blood continuously, and his spirit and energy became weaker and weaker.

At this point, he was approaching the end of his life, and every drop of blood was precious, and the continuous spilling of it accelerated the approach of the end of life.


Suddenly, a ray of sacred light appeared on Taoist Tsing Yi, but seeing this scene, everyone on the ultimate ancient road was all sad, because it was the fire of the Taoist Tao, indicating that Taoist Tsing Yi was weak in returning to heaven and was about to transform the Tao.

The sun-killing star master also looked at each other with some fear. He didn't dare to get the fire of the Taoist equivalent of the realm. Once possessed, a little carelessness would cause him to also end up with the Tao.

"Let the old man release the last bit of heat in his life on the battlefield!"

The Taoist in Tsing Yi was still very calm, as if death was a relief, rushing to the earth and sun star master.

"Old guy, how dare you!"

The sun-killing star master roared, turned into layers of invisible sound waves and exploded, and even used supreme means to stop the Taoist Tsing Yi in incarnation.


Taoist Tsing Yi exploded, burned his body in Huadao, exploded Xingshen, and inflicted heavy damage on the Master of Sun Slayer.

With blood constantly spilling, the main energy of the Sun Miserable Star dropped a lot, and it was obviously severely damaged. He cursed, "Damn old guy, I will not forget the dying and blew himself up."

"Senior Tsing Yi!"

Many people on the Ultimate Ancient Road were crying, and the Taoists in Tsing Yi did not hesitate to limit their time in advance, and they turned to the end. They wanted to pull the sun-extinguishing star to die. Unfortunately, they failed.

The sun-killing star master is too strong, the Dzogchen quasi-king, and it is only one step away from the Primordial King, as long as he crosses over, he will be the overlord of the universe.

"The old ghost in Tsing Yi dared to hurt me like this, today, let all the trials of the ancient road of the ultimate ancient road pay for their lives!"

The sun-killing star master snorted coldly and manifested his supernatural powers. There were huge stars traversing the starry sky, slowly rotating, filled with powerful star power, crashing from the sky and crashing into the seven ancient trials of trials below.

The seven ancient gates of trial, all have the seat of the **** king, but the quasi-prince does not come out, who will fight?

Under the action of the sun-killing star master, the falling of many stars caused the **** kings of the Seven Great Trials to vomit blood and fly upside down, and they were even more powerful to break their bones.

Under the shot of the quasi-king, it is far from the match of the **** king.

"Destroy it!"

The sun-killing star master put out a big hand and turned it into a giant claw, which is the giant claw of the star-swallowing beast. It covers the sky and obscures the sun. It is much larger than the stars and crashed down to the seven trial ancients below. Close, covering a full range of stars is amazing.

The seven trial ancient gates all felt desperate, and the other quasi-kings of the ultimate ancient road were also unable to take care of them. They were also restrained by the quasi-kings of the Forbidden Soul Palace, unable to extend a helping hand.

"Come on, we blew ourselves up, buy some time for these little guys."

The seven gods of the ancient road soared up into the sky, and their eyes were determined to each other. They also made the ancient road Tianjiao feel grief, and even bought them time without hesitating to blew themselves up. This is the protector of the ancient road.


A dazzling cold light flashed in the eyes of the sun-killing star master, staring at the seven kings. Under the infinite power of the quasi-kings, there were strands of the king's heavenly power, imprisoning time and space, making the seven kings unable to move or even self-destruct. .

These methods are beyond imagination.

The seven great gods are so sad that they can't even blew themselves up, and they are in vain.

"Let's go to death all of them."

With a soft drink, the eyes of the sun-killing star became cold and cold for countless times, the star swallowing beast's giant claw fell, and the first ancient road **** king exploded, his body and spirit collapsed and headed for extinction.

Immediately, the second ancient road **** king also fell to pieces, and the third also died.

In the blink of an eye, the three great kings were vulnerable to a single blow, and they were photographed to an end.

This is the terrifying power of Dzogchen quasi-king.

The four kings of gods do everything they can to burn their souls, but they must also break free and try to blew themselves.

"It's useless, this monarch is best at the way of time and space, there are few people in the world who can come out of my side." The sun-killing star master is as cold as watching a group of ants, full of ridicule, and the only **** king is even the most in his eyes. Simple self-destruction cannot be done.

This is strength, absolutely crushing strength!

"Oh, you said that there are not many people in the world who can leave you? What if it's me?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the star space.


Silently, everything in this vast starry sky stopped.

Whether it is the ultimate ancient road powers, the remaining four **** kings, or the sun extinguishing star master, they all stopped and could not move!

Two figures appeared in this starry One of them was perfect and perfect.

Behind him, there are ten wings, and the radiant nine-color fairy light circulates, like an immortal king Linchen, beyond the red dust.

He looked at the Sun Slayer Star Master indifferently, and said lightly: "The strength is quite weak, but his tone is not small at all."

The look of the sun-killing star master changed drastically, because he found that time and space had stopped and was imprisoned, even if he was best at the way of time and space, he couldn't break free.

How could this be possible? Even if some of the ancient kings were good, they could hardly be compared with him in terms of time and space.

Who is this person in front of me?

Even the great powers of the Ultimate Ancient Road were very surprised, astonished, and at a loss, because they didn't know whether the two who came suddenly were friends or foes, and it was still unclear.

This person is naturally Ye Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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