Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3585: Commit suicide

By his side, Lord Bingyan looked at him in shock, because the speed that Ye Chen showed before had really shocked his soul.

That speed is beyond reach, far surpassing the king.

He looked at the ten great fairy king feather swords behind Ye Chen that looked like holy wings. Unsurprisingly, it was because of these ten wings, what exactly was this? Is it the fairy wing of the Supreme Immortal?

Eyes swept away the **** void, Ye Chen's eyes flashed, with a trace of apology: "Sorry, some are late."


A majestic sound blasted the starry sky out of thin air, and immediately everything in this area was reversed, time and space flowed backwards.

The giant claws of the sun-killing star retreated along the trajectory, and the three ancient **** kings who were photographed to pieces also reorganized their body and spirit and returned to their original form.

Everything has returned to the sun-killing star master before he shot.

These methods are omnipotent like the creator.

The moment when the sky returned to normal, the sun-killing star lord retreated for the first time, because he felt the extreme threat of death from both.

These two people can kill him!


The powers of the ultimate ancient road are all surprises. Even time and space can be reversed. The three **** kings who were killed by the gods and exploded countless fragments have all survived in the process of reversal. Does it mean that the senior Taoists in Tsing Yi can also save Alive?

"Senior, are you?"

Although everyone on the Ultimate Ancient Road knew Ye Chen, after Ye Chen became the King of the Ancients, he was transformed in all directions, and his appearance and temperament were transformed to perfection and perfection, so he couldn't recognize his true identity for a while.

Even the seven ancient road **** kings should look respectfully inquiring at this moment.

"Battle Saint King."

Ye Chen's attitude towards the ultimate ancient road was very kind, which shocked the ultimate ancient road Zhuqiang, surprised and delighted.

Originally thought that after the battle between the Ultimate Ancient Road and the Forbidden Soul Palace, the Fighting Saint King would leave his domain and dare not participate, and face the Forbidden Soul Palace. The return now proves that all the doubts in the past have been wiped out!

On the other side, the sun-killing star master was frightened and frightened. Isn’t it clear that because of the fighting of the holy king, ten king-level heavenly masters fell, even the No. 5 taboo weapon? Also revives the memory, awakens, and gets rid of the control of the Forbidden Soul Palace.

The other person beside the Saint King of Fighting War is afraid that he is the legendary No. 5 weapon, the former starry sky overlord Bingyan Monarch!


The sun extinguishing star master hurriedly backed away and wanted to leave here.

"Who gave you the opportunity to leave before my eyes?"

The indifferent voice is like death pronouncing judgment.

The invisible force passed through the sky and grabbed it. The Sun Slayer Star Lord of the Dzogchen Quasi-Sovereign was so weak that he was caught in front of Ye Chen, imprisoned in all aspects, unable to move.

Seeing the fighting sage king, raising his hands to suppress the Dzogchen quasi-kings such as the sun star master, the ultimate ancient road Zhuqiang is truly seeing the fighting sage king's method of conquering the world.

Earlier, the desperate enemy who made the Seven Great Tests of the Ultimate Ancient Road, the ancient pass, has become so vulnerable now that it makes people **** in the cold, and it also makes countless trials of outstanding people glow.

This is the King of Fighting, the ultimate goal and idol that countless trials of the ancient road regarded as the goal and idol.

The Seven Great Ancient Road God Kings also asked themselves to be far inferior, there was a huge gap between them.

After suppressing the sun-killing star master, Ye Chen imposed heavy seals and threw it in front of the seven ancient **** kings like ordinary people, saying: "Everyone, this little quasi-prince, what do you deal with, Perhaps it is also a good way to let King Gulu take the initiative and perform enslavement."

Hearing, the sun-killing star master was very frightened and roared: "I am the dignified sun-killing star master, the quasi-king of the star-swallowing beast clan. Whoever dares to enslave me is an enemy of my star-swallowing beast clan!"

The great kings of the ultimate ancient road also showed hesitation. The Star Devouring Beasts belonged to the strongest clan of the star beasts. They were born to swallow the stars and are inherently powerful. Not considered the strongest of the Star Devouring Beast clan.

Throughout the ages, the Star-Swallowing Beast clan has given birth to several Primordial Kings. One of them is a starry sky overlord. In the past, he could swallow the starry sky with his mouth open, and he could hide countless star fields in his belly, so powerful.

This also made the Star-Swallowing Beast clan, although the number of Star-Swallowing Beasts was small, but looking at the entire chaotic ancient universe, few people could afford it.

Ye Chen slapped it with a simple slap, causing the Sun Slayer Star Lord to almost explode, covered in blood and devastated.

He said indifferently: "I am an enemy of the Star Devouring Beasts? What if I am an enemy of yours? Does your Star Devouring Beasts dare to be an enemy of me?"

In the faint words, staring at the starry sky, dare to do everything.

What kind of star-swallowing beast family, what starry sky overlord?

How frightened he was, dare to come and suppress it together.

Turning to look at a few ancient road gods, he said majesticly: "Tell the ancient road kings, saying that there is no harm in enslavement, the star swallowing beasts dare to come for revenge, I fight the saint kings suicide and come!"

That's right, it's killing the door, not the door!

Who is Known as a line of powerful and domineering fighting saints, he is also a master of supernatural power, ranking among the starry sky hegemons, outstanding among peerless kings, and all enemies dare to come. Suppress it.

Countless testers listened to the words, and called their eyes to show dazzling light.

This is the invincible fighting king, the first person on the ultimate ancient road, the invincible in the true sense of the two ancient roads!

"Okay, please follow the words of the fighting king!"

The few ancient road **** kings did not neglect, and directly accepted the sun-killing star master. There was no fear at all about the words of the fighting holy king.

They knew that the mysterious man standing next to the Fighting Saint King was, unsurprisingly, the legendary Ice Flame Monarch, one of the former starry sky overlords, no less than the starry sky overlord of the Star Devourers clan. .

"Battle Saint King, you are so powerful and master the ways of time and space, can Senior Tsing Yi come back?"

Several ancient road **** kings looked forward to Ye Chen, and countless trial heroes did the same.

Taoists in Tsing Yi, Taoists in Tsing Yi did not hesitate to burn their form and spirit to turn the Tao to the end for them, so that they would feel ashamed and hope that he can survive.

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen sighed lightly: "Sorry!"

The reason why the three ancient **** kings could be rescued was not only because Ye Chen mastered the time-space emperor's "Yuanshi", but also because the three were broken into pieces, but the flesh and spirit were only blown to pieces and could be reorganized back and forth.

However, the Taoist in Tsing Yi has a life-saving limit, and he will end up with a higher level of Dao rules. Not to mention him, even if the supreme comes, he can't recover!

Hearing that, everyone in the ultimate ancient road all showed sorrow, and a senior with such a high regard was lost in this way, unable to return to the sky, and passed away forever, making them extremely distressed and even more angry.

One by one, they roared up to the sky, ignited their will, and killed the strong man in the Forbidden Soul Palace.

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