Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3586: It's me, what's wrong?

"Forbidden Soul Palace, I didn't expect to dare to kill the ultimate ancient road in an all-round way. The battle situation of the two dominant powers is like water and fire, and it is difficult to tolerate the other side."

Ye Chen looked at the fierce battle in the starry sky, and naturally wouldn't let the Forbidden Soul Palace feel better.

"Friend Bingyan Daoist."


Monarch Frozen shot, and while he stepped, he entered the depths of the starry sky and entered a more terrifying battlefield.

The strongest person here is just the battlefield of the quasi-king, he is invincible at all, but the quasi-king is nothing but a small fish and a shrimp to him.

Having been imprisoned for so many tens of thousands of years, Lord Bingyan is a **** vengeance against the Forbidden Soul Palace, and it is impossible to let it go. At this moment, he will naturally kill the real powerhouses of the Forbidden Soul Palace, such as the Lords of the Heavenly Temple of the ancient king level!

There is no doubt that facing the sudden arrival of the Ice Flame Monarch, Soul Forbidden Palace must pay a heavy price!

At the same time, Ye Chen took a step forward and also went to a more terrifying battlefield.

Here, the seven ancient road gods all shook their heads and sighed: "Forbidden Soul Palace is also sad. It is enough to be an enemy of my ultimate ancient road, but the two starry sky overlords have also forged the blood and blood feud, which is simply looking for death."

Being able to subdue the Ice Flame Monarch, it is natural to guess that the Fighting Saint King is probably also the outstanding one among the Primordial Kings, and it is very likely that he is even the Star Overlord.

What is the overlord of the starry sky, in fact, is the king of the eight heavens, is a peerless king, but the title of the overlord of the starry sky is more domineering.

It is said that the Primordial King is the overlord of the universe, but that is only the title of the ordinary period. In a large universe with multiple Primordial Kings such as the Ultimate Ancient Road, the King of Eight Heavens is the real overlord of the universe and the overlord of the stars!

Although it is marveling at the speed of cultivation of the fighting king, unprecedented, breaking the records of ancient and modern, but also fortunate, because the fighting king is on the side of the ultimate ancient road, otherwise it will be an enemy and it will definitely be a catastrophe!

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The two starry sky overlord level existed to make their moves, and between their gestures, they all had the infinite power of overturning the starry sky. When they raised their hands, they easily knocked down the Forbidden Soul Temple one after another in the depths of the starry sky.

In a blink of an eye, a full twenty-seven Soul Forbidden Halls were blown up.

The speed is so fast that it has surpassed the record of the ultimate ancient road for more than half a month, making the ultimate ancient road all the powers **** cold.

They also knew how powerful the Fighting Saint King and the Ice Flame Monarch were, but they were still deeply shocked by what they said with their own eyes.

After all, each of these Forbidden Soul Halls is not simple. They are comparable to the weapons of the **** king class. They are guarded by many **** king magic circles, and there are also **** kings. It is extremely difficult to capture or even destroy one, and it requires a huge amount of effort. cost.

What's more, the quasi-monarch sits in town. For example, not long ago, the sun-killing star master personally sits in an underground temple, making the ultimate ancient road gathering seven ancient passes not only unable to attack for a long time, but on the contrary, he was killed and blood-stained in the starry sky. , Tsing Yi Taoist, the old quasi-sovereign, had his life limit ahead of schedule, and had no choice but to sit back and die.

Therefore, the battle lasted for a full month, but the number of Soul Forbidden Palaces shot down was just over thirty.

As for the most powerful temple, none of them has ever been defeated. On the contrary, it was the ultimate ancient road that killed an ancient king and suffered a serious loss.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of Ye Chen and Monarch Bingyan, that was nothing more than that.

They are all too powerful, beyond common sense, once they are released, there is basically nothing that can be blocked in the world.

"Who are you? Nine-color fairy light surrounds the body, this monarch has never seen you before, is it a fairy monarch from the prehistoric world?"

In the extreme depths of the starry sky, there are countless phenomena rising up, sweeping across the heavens and stars, that is the heaven and earth phenomena of the Primordial King, gathering the infinite power of the big starry sky, terrifying.

The Lord of the Temple of Forbidden Soul, a true ancient king, but at this moment encountered a peerless enemy that is rare in his life.

The enemy came from a super strong man with ten wings on his back. Nine-colored fairy light circulated all over his body. Immortal fog filled his body, covered by the rules of the avenue, like an immortal king Linchen, surpassing the heavens.

The scene where the Lord of the Sun Slayer was killed, the Lord of the Temple of Heaven did not notice at all, because in the extreme depths of the starry sky, he fought against the Primordial King of the Ultimate Ancient Road. Suddenly, the Primordial King of the Nine-Colored Fairy Lights Sora appeared, inserted into the battlefield, and directly locked him.

Suddenly, the Lord of the Heavenly Hall was furious. He was a Lord of the Forbidden Soul Hall, and he shocked the universe. Several people in the star space dared to do so, even the ancient kings of the Emperor Clan would be jealous.

He yelled coldly: "What about the fairy, you must remember that this is not a prehistoric immortal realm, not to mention the supreme immortal, even the immortal king can't enter it. If you dare to intervene, this monarch killed you and your fairy clan What can I do."

"Forbidden Soul Palace, have you forgotten me so soon? You just destroyed one of your lairs not long ago, and killed several of your heavenly hall masters."

Ye Chen chuckled. The ten Immortal King Feather Swords are indeed very special can shield his own qi, and hang down the immeasurable qi. It is difficult for ordinary kings to perceive his true qi.

"What!" The Lord of the Temple of Forbidden Soul suddenly changed in horror: "You are the Saint King of Fighting!?"

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

The fighting sage king shook the boundless universe and achieved great fame. How could he not know that he suddenly appeared at this time, and really killed them by surprise.

"It's not too stupid. You will be rewarded for guessing right, and you will be rewarded for death." Ye Chen smiled lightly, killing infinitely!


Suddenly, endless visions appeared in the starry sky of the universe, alarming how many star fields, this is a vision of heaven and earth with the fall of the Primordial King.

The armies of both sides were clearly visible. In the depths of the starry sky, a Forbidden Soul Palace that was even larger than the stars exploded, and the Lord of the Heavenly Palace who was sitting inside was broken to pieces.

There, a big hand covering the sky and the sun was covered, and the chaotic aura was permeated, generating thousands of ways, like a great ruler, over the starry sky.

Raising his hand, a supreme king-level Heavenly Temple Lord was killed, his body and spirit were destroyed!

If it is looming, Ye Chen stands on the nine layers of blue sky, with ten wings on his back, the immeasurable fairy light and the ancient chaos, reflecting the sky!

"Battle Saint King!"

After all, the Soul Forbidden Palace found the person who came, and issued a furious roar, the invisible sound wave power layered upon layer, sweeping over half of the starry sky, and falling down.

This is the roar of the Primordial King. The power of the sound wave entrains the rules of the king. It is extremely terrifying, evolving and destroying the storm infinitely, and can easily destroy an infinite star field.

The quasi-monarchs will fall face to face, no collision.

"Oh, it's me, what's wrong?"

Ye Chen raised his eyes slightly, responded faintly, and flicked his fingers, causing the destructive storm that changed color on both sides to collapse silently.

The wind is light and the clouds are light.

(End of this chapter)

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