Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3594: The 8th Emperor

"Nine Emperor Envoys?" Ye Chen Meiyu raised lightly.

Emperor Xuyang had a solemn expression on his face, and said: "The Holy King of Fighting may not know it. As a hegemonic power, the Forbidden Soul Palace has a profound foundation, even surpassing the emperor. In the past, a statue of no one was born. God!"

Following the opening of Emperor Xuyang, everyone gradually learned some of the past history of Forbidden Soul Palace.

Forbidden Soul Palace, extremely prosperous and powerful, not only in the current world, but in several epochs.

In the past, the ancient emperor who ruled the 33 days was born, named Heavenly Soul Emperor, but he belonged to the early days of this era.

At that time, the entire universe belonged to the territory of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, and there were also nine strong followers, known as the Nine Emperor Envoys in the world. Everyone had at least the strength of the Starry Sky Overlord, and none of them were ordinary Starry Overlords.

But what is strange is that, as a supreme, Emperor Tianhun, with endless life and full blood, he ruled the universe for a few years in the early era and suddenly died suddenly. The emperor's way collapsed and once shocked the universe.

The emperor fell, but the nine emperors survived forever and were sealed, but in this life, there were emperors who chose to be born.

"Is an emperor?"

Ye Chen learned that every emperor was actually a follower of the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor in the past, and a few of them were even the direct disciples of the Great Emperor, who had cultivated for endless years and were extremely powerful.

Originally, the nine emperors were all in storage, and endless years were spent in deep sleep. If it hadn’t been for the ultimate ancient road of this life to fight with the Forbidden Soul Palace, and suffered a great loss, the emperor would not have been in deep sleep. Born.

Their existence has more important reasons.

Ye Chen looked at King Xuyang and said, "Is there no other starry sky overlord's awakening on the Ultimate Ancient Road?"

Forbidden Soul Palace has such a background, the ultimate ancient road is impossible to know, but if you dare to openly fight, there must be courage.

In fact, Cang is one of them!

King Xuyang smiled faintly: "Naturally, my ultimate ancient road has survived for multiple epochs. Compared with the Forbidden Soul Palace, it is not much shorter. How could it not? In fact, I also awakened and went to the Forbidden Soul Palace. In the old nest."

Hearing this, Ye Chen was slightly surprised and dared to go alone. It seemed that this mysterious ancient starry sky overlord also had absolute confidence.

Everyone immediately moved, leaving the ninety-ninth pass, and arrived at the lair of the Forbidden Soul Palace.


Seen from a distance, a vast and vast world is looming in the space of stars, making countless stars tremble, and the power of the powerful world is constantly being released.

An old figure appeared in the star space, and its gestures were not the power that shook the sky and the earth, constantly attacking this vast world.

Rao is the great world of the emperor, extremely stable, second only to the supreme emperor, but under the old man's shot, it still trembles, as if it will explode at any time.

The strength of that old man is so powerful that it can even make ordinary kings tremble.

Ye Chen looked at the old man deeply. From the latter, he was like him, and he felt the threats.

Emperor Xuyang smiled bitterly: "Battle Saint King, this is the starry sky overlord of my ultimate ancient road. It also belongs to the star sky overlord Qingyang in the early era. His strength is very powerful. He used to fight with the emperors of the heavenly soul. I have also fought against each other and have grievances."

"Master Qingyang?"

Ye Chen nodded slightly. He had also heard of the name of Maharaja Qingyang, and the overlord of the starry sky, who had been named like Lord Frozen, was the ruler of an era.

Monarch Bingyan said in surprise: "March Qingyang, this old fellow is still alive."

King Xuyang and other ancient road kings glanced at him, but did not dare to speak, even the prestige of Lord Bingyan.

In the depths of the starry sky, at least hundreds of star fields away from Ye Chen and others, Maharaja Qingyang is an old man with white hair and beard. He seems to be old and weak, but there is no slightest slack in his shots. On the contrary, it is swift and swift, and within a flash, there are a series of terrifying forces that encompass the star field, dragging the star field at will, and arbitrarily hitting this emperor world.

The starry sky was constantly shaking, and the flames of light shining for thousands of miles evaporated and flooded the boundless starry sky.

From a distance, you can see that countless powerful people with the Forbidden Soul Palace are resisting in the Emperor's Great World. Unfortunately, there is no effect at all, and they are even suppressed in the Emperor's Great World, and they dare not appear.

Obviously, Maharaja Qingyang's strength made them extremely jealous. If it hadn't been for the lair of the Forbidden Soul Palace, it would have been breached long ago with the presence of the ancient kings and blessings.

"Old ghost Yang, do you only dare to hide inside and be a tortoise with your head down?"

Maharaja Qingyang sneered, without the slightest majesty of being the overlord of the starry sky, on the contrary, he looked a little scornful, and inexplicably reminded Ye Chen of the Emperor Corpse Eater.

While, the attack never weakened, and it directly pulled up a star system with the sun and directly smashed it down. Infinite light directly wiped out hundreds of thousands of miles of land!

Even the emperor's great world was truly penetrated. The first three of the heavenly hall masters vomited blood and flew upside down. They weren't the opponents of Qingyang at all.

"Qingyang, you dare to attack my Soul Forbidden Palace world, you really want to die!"

Finally, from the deepest part of the Emperor's Great World, there was an angry voice that shook the great world, among which many powerful figures from the Forbidden Soul Palace flew out, and there were more than a dozen figures of Primordial Kings, which can be said to be exhausted.

The leader is extremely powerful, far surpassing the lord of other heavenly halls, and belongs to the level of starry sky overlord. It is one of the nine great emperors of the former Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, so powerful against the sky.

"Yang Shen, you are just an old fellow. Do you really think you are the eighth emperor who was invincible in the past? The old man is not afraid of you."

Maharaja Qingyang chuckled, looking old, but the power of shaking the starry sky of the universe is far beyond countless ordinary kings.

With a fist clenched, a monstrous brilliance gleamed, and all the rules of the king were flashing, evolving a place in the sky, and bombarding the world of the emperor fiercely.

"you dare!"

The eighth emperor yelled, collided with it, and resolved the offensive of Maharaja Qingyang.

At the same time, a long spear appeared in his hand, a famous spear of trial.

As soon as this gun was shot, it caused the thunder of the entire universe and the starry sky, turning into a mighty sea of ​​thunder, shining with unknowing how many rules of kings, belonging to the rules of the king of thunder, and terrifying.

The Thunder Sea is more like the Tribulation Light Thunder Sea, like the Heaven's Tribulation, crashing down, breaking many star regions.

Undoubtedly, the eighth emperor Yang Shen is really outrageously powerful, at least possessing the terrifying power of the Eighth Heavenly King or above.

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