Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3595: The Rule of Devouring Kings

"Lei Mie!"

Following Yang Shen's roar, an incomparable thunder sea descended from the sky, overwhelming the sky, and directly flooded the entire starry sky, and even enveloped the Qingyang, to kill it.

With this blow, the ordinary King of the Ancients will inevitably be crushed.

Qingyang was shrouded by the sea of ​​thunder, and the infinite thunder light flickered. What's more terrifying is that those are the rules of the Thunder King, and each path has evolved into a thunder dragon. I don't know how many heads, killing the King Qingyang.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Maharaja Qingyang was scorched all over, and bursts of burnt fragrance came out.

Maharaja Qingyang has no slightest majesty as the overlord of the starry sky, and he can't help but yell at him: "Damn Yang Shen, he was struck by lightning, don't you know how to respect the old and love the young?"

He jumped and cursed while on the other side hurriedly rushed out of the range of the thunder sea.

But the eighth emperor Yang Shen refused to let Maharaja Qingyang fulfill his wish. With a cold snort, his heart moved. He commanded a more powerful force of thunder, constantly bombarding Maharaja Qingyang, causing him to constantly blame. Called endlessly.

Maharaja Qingyang spit out a few mouthfuls of water and shouted: "Yang Shen, you forced me, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With a thought in his heart, Maharaja Qingyang also displayed the extremely terrifying power of the rule of the king, turning into a sea of ​​fire, rumbling against the sea of ​​thunder, and the fire and thunder are endless, almost destroying everything in the world!

The two starry sky overlords are facing each other in the Lair of Forbidden Soul Palace.

But obviously, the Eighth Emperor made Yang Shen stronger, causing Maharaja Qingyang to have blood from the corners of his mouth, and his figure kicked back.

That spear of judgment is the boundless thunder light that swept across the nine heavens, long strikes down, as long as it smashed the thirty-three layers of the sky, and then slammed on Maharaja Qingyang, causing his chest to collapse and coughing up blood!

At this time, Maharaja Qingyang glanced in the direction where Ye Chen and the others were, and shouted: "Xuyang, and this fairy clan junior, don't you hurry over to help when you are here, do you want to watch? Is the old man killed?"

Obviously, he did not recognize Ye Chen's identity, and thought he was a young junior of the fairy clan.

King Xuyang smiled bitterly, and said to Ye Chen: "Please forgive me for the Saint King of Fighting Fighting. Senior Qingyang has such a temper."

Ye Chen smiled: "It's okay."

A group of people crossed the sky and came to the front of the emperor's great world, and the king of Xuyang directly stepped forward. With his hands raised, there were millions of kings and rules across the sky, turning them into a river of rules, deriving all kinds of powerful magical powers to assist Qingyang. Jun.

The eighth emperor Yang Shen said coldly: "Dare to intervene in the rule of the Million Dao Kings? Get out of here!"

He waved the spear of trial, swept through the endless thunder, turned into billions of miles, directly crushed his supernatural powers, and hit the Emperor Xuyang.

Although King Rising Sun is the Seventh Heaven Super King, and the number of rulers mastered has reached a million Dao, Yang Shen was the overlord of the starry sky long ago, even more terrifying than King Qingyang, easily three million. The rule of the Taoist King is far better than the King Xuyang.

Wielding the gun of judgment in this way can be described as a crushing one.

Maharaja Qingyang raised his eyes, trying to stop it, but Yang Shen did two things with one heart and two, raising his hand to evolve the Thunder Emperor's form, like the ruler of the heavens, descending on a hundred and eight thick thunder beams, each of which can have It is hundreds of millions of miles long, standing between heaven and earth, bombarding Maharaja Qingyang.

Undoubtedly, under this kind of offensive, Maharaja Qingyang also changed slightly, beyond imagination, unable to take care of him, and hurriedly resisted.


Ye Chen moved to the extreme, before the birth and death came to King Xuyang, his white jade hand rose to the sky, the chaos shook the sky!


The gun of judgment was blocked, and it was no longer possible to descend the slightest.

Ye Chen, like a nine-day fairy king, with nine-color fairy lights descending, the most godly and holy.

King Xuyang breathed a sigh of relief immediately, otherwise he would stop him, most likely to be severely injured, or even exploded into the body.

The eyes of the eighth emperor Yang Shen and Qingyang Maharajah, the two starry sky overlords, are all condensed. The former's trial spear is enough to kill the ordinary primordial emperor. How sacred is this kid? Awesome.

Speaking of which, the two have not reacted yet. They know the fighting king, but they have not yet accepted the relevant information about the fighting king carrying ten wings, because Ye Chen and his party are too fast, and they crossed the endless sky directly from the battlefield. Arrived at the ninety-ninth pass.

Whether it is the Ultimate Ancient Road or the Forbidden Soul Palace, the relevant information has not been fully received.

"Somewhat capable, are you also the starry sky overlord of Eighth Heaven?"

Yang Shen squinted his eyes, and shot out a ray of danger, the whole person's qi suddenly climbed, and the strength of the qi surpassed the ordinary eighth heavenly king.

At the same time, the spear of trial was bursting with immeasurable thunder, and on the surface it exceeded the emergence of five million rules of the Thunder King, and it was strongly suppressed.

The power of this blow was enough to kill the super king of the Seventh Heaven, but it used a big——

However, the ten Immortal King Feather Swords behind Ye Chen circulated the more flaming Nine-Colored Immortal Light, resisting the boundless thunder.

That chaotic sky-shaking hand still went up to the sky, motionless, as strong as Yang Shen could not hold it down.


Yang Shen finally changed his color, because the strength of the young perfect man in front of him was too strong, even outrageous, he had already shown such a powerful force that he couldn't suppress it. This is impossible!

"Show the power of thunder in front of me?"

Ye Chen sneered, and in the center of his eyebrows, the chaotic thunder source buzzed, visible to the naked eye, the infinite thunder light in this starry sky was swallowed madly, even the power of the Thunder King's rules was no exception.

At this point, Ye Chen is enough to use the eight sources of chaos.

This is the supreme treasure that even the emperor can swallow, not to mention just the thunder power of the Primordial King.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

It can be seen to the naked eye that a circle of black holes emerges from the center of Ye Chen's foreheads, and the source of chaotic thunder is rising and falling. Millions of rules of the Thunder King on the Gun of Judgment are continuously being seized and swallowed by the source of chaos.

"Do not!"

Yang Shen couldn't maintain his composure. It would be fine if his attack couldn't hurt Ye Chen, but right now, the Thunder King's rules that he had spent countless years of painstaking practice were being swallowed.

Yes, that was swallowing, swallowing naked!

He was able to sense that, as long as the rules of the King of Thunder had been swallowed, they had completely lost contact with him, and waited for them to be completely deprived.

This shouldn't be the fact that every rule of the king cultivated has established a certain connection with the Primordial King, and stamped the corresponding mark. Unless you want to, you can't be deprived.

But now something like this has happened.

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