Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1871: Black gold

Before, Tang Ao said that he would refine some monster-slashing axes, but until now Tang Ao has not refined the monster-slashing axes. It happened that Tang Ao had nothing to do now, so Tang Ao simply began to refine the Demon Slashing Axe. It is not the first time that Tang Ao has refined this kind of high-level immortal weapon. The previous Yuanshi Sacred Heaven Bow and Shennong Ding were of a slightly higher grade than Demon Slayer Axe.

There are nine levels of bans in Demon Slashing Axe. This time Tang Ao is going to refine the first three levels of bans, if not, then only refining two levels of bans. After refining, Tang Ao will be more comfortable using the Demon Slashing Axe, and the power of the Demon Slashing Axe will be even greater. The person who was familiar with the road forced a drop of blood from his eyebrows and merged it into the Demon Slayer.

Immediately Tang Ao penetrated his soul thoughts in. Tang Ao knew before that the internal damage of the Demon Slashing Axe was severe, but now that he started refining, Tang Ao understood how severe the internal damage was. There are many inscription formations inside the Demon Slayer Axe, and these inscription arrays are like a vein all over the Demon Slayer Axe.

However, at this moment, these inscription formations were destroyed by more than 70%. Under the mutual influence, the inscription formations inside the Demon Slashing Axe are still working at this moment. Tang Ao quickly refined the first-tier restriction of Demon Slashing Axe, but after refining the first-tier restriction, Tang Ao did not continue to refine the second-tier restriction, because now refining the second-tier restriction can only be futile. .

After refining the Demon Slashing Axe and holding the Demon Slashing Axe in his hand, Tang Ao immediately had a feeling of moving with his heart and being closely connected. Tang Ao held the Demon Slashing Axe and swung it at random, and an axe blade flew out from the Demon Slashing Axe, and soon it exploded and shattered a piece of basalt beyond Tang Ao's three feet. Feeling the violent power of Demon Slashing Axe, Tang Ao was very satisfied.

Without thinking, Tang Ao walked to the mountain wall just now. Since it was deduced from the formation that the blank area was here, Tang Ao also wanted to see what was there. Tang Ao's thoughts moved, and the majestic vitality in his body gathered on the Demon Slashing Axe, and as Tang Ao's vitality continued to gather, the Demon Slashing Axe trembled slightly.

When the trembling of the Demon Slashing Axe became more and more intense, and Tang Ao's vitality could not continue to pour into the Demon Slashing Axe, Tang Ao let out a loud shout, and then violently cut out the Demon Slashing Axe in his hand. It was completely different from the dusty and broken mountain wall in Tang Ao's imagination. When Tang Ao's axe was cut out, the two Tang Ao disappeared instantly with the axe.

When Tang Ao reacted, Tang Ao had already come to a completely strange place. This is an abnormally dilapidated palace. Even though there are only a few broken walls left at this moment, Tang Ao can still feel how brilliant this palace should be at its peak. There was no one in this dilapidated palace at this moment, but Tang Ao saw a lot of good things.

These treasures are scattered randomly, and this place is like no one has ever been here. In addition to various treasures, Tang Ao certainly saw some skeletons. At this moment, there was a skeleton in front of Tang Ao. This time the skeleton appeared pale gold. The owner of the skeleton seemed to have encountered a fierce battle in front of him, and the entire right arm was completely gone.

And in his left hand, he took out an ashen knife. Although this knife seemed to sell very poorly, Tang Ao knew that it was definitely a good thing. Because Tang Ao had already recognized that this was a weapon made by Heiwujin, its grade had also reached the level of Immortal Grade II. Although this was an immortal weapon, Tang Ao still wanted to say that the refining of this knife really failed.

Because Heiwujin is a sixth-rank immortal material, and now the good sixth-rank immortal material is not known to be used by that bad refiner, since he has only refined a second-rank immortal weapon. Tang Ao didn't like this big sword, but he was very interested in the black gold Tang Ao. Tang Ao just checked with the celestial pupil, this black gold is very good. This refiner obviously knew that he was not at home, so he just used a whole piece of black gold to make a big sword without adding the rest of the material.

So Tang Ao was able to remove all the inscriptions from the sword, and then the black black gold sword would naturally become a piece of black gold material. Although Tang Ao didn't know what he was going to use Black Black Gold to refine, even Tang Ao didn't have too many top-level materials. Since he encountered it, he must put it away.

After putting away the black black gold sword, Tang Ao continued to walk up to this place. Tang Ao knew that he must still be in the giant Dunjia formation at this moment, but the space where Tang Ao was at this moment seemed to be independent. Obviously fierce battles took place in this palace back then. Through the aura remaining on some of the bones, Tang Ao could even vaguely feel how tough these guys were during their lifetime.

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