Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1872: Sky Cloud Pillar

This palace is full of mess, there are many bones of warriors, and many broken immortals. That's right, after Tang Aocong entered this palace, all he saw were immortal weapons. From this it could also be seen that the warriors who fought here in the first place must be top powerhouses. Tang Ao didn't understand why such a complicated formation was used to hide a dilapidated palace. At first, Tang Ao thought that what was hidden was the remains of a certain strong man.

But then Tang Ao would know that what was hidden was just a broken palace, and there was no heritage left by the strong at all. After walking a few steps forward, Tang Ao suddenly stopped. Just now, Tang Ao was attracted by the black gold as soon as he came in. After taking the black gold, Tang Ao walked in this dilapidated palace.

However, Tang Ao ignored a very serious problem, that is, when he was outside the palace, Tang Ao used the formation method to show that this is a blank area, free from the image of the formation method, and under the circumstances. , Tang Ao came in by mistake. This place is obviously not in the same space as the canyon just now. Tang Ao is easy to get in, but how to get out later.

Tang Ao had walked in the palace for so long, and he didn't find a way out at all. As for returning from the place where he came in, it was also impossible, because the reason why Tang Ao first appeared in that place was also random, not because of the special space gate. If you are stuck here and can't get out, then the trouble will be big.

Tang Ao instantly opened the eyes of the celestial pole and scanned the surroundings. Under the pupil of the celestial pole, nearly a quarter of the palace received Tang Ao's eyes. But even so, Tang Ao still didn't find a place to leave this space. This space seems to be protected by a special barrier, completely independent of the void.

After observing and finding nothing, Tang Ao did not continue to observe, but searched for it in the broken palace. Because Tang Ao felt that this palace seemed to have been independent of the void since the beginning of its establishment, but later did not know what happened to be broken into this way. Since they are independent of the void, the people in the palace must travel between the palace and the outside world.

Tang Ao believed that as long as there is no problem with his judgment, there must be a channel connecting the outside world in this palace. Otherwise, every time you enter and leave the palace, the strong here will be broken and void? This was obviously impossible, thinking that Tang Ao continued to search in the palace. This palace was beyond Tang Ao's imagination. Even in his previous life, Tang Ao had never seen such a magnificent palace.

The Seven Killing Sect is already one of the top sects on the Xuanhuang Continent, but even the entire sect of the Seven Killing Sect is less than a quarter of this main hall compared to this main hall. After walking for a long time, Tang Ao came to the two stone pillars. Just taking a look, Tang Ao was startled by the materials of these two stone pillars. Tang Ao is definitely not someone who has never seen the world before, but it is really the first time that Tang Ao has seen this kind of stone pillars carved with heavenly marble. .

Heavenly Cloud Stone is the best material for refining formation flags or refining immortal artifacts. Because of its very good compatibility with celestial powers, refiners will choose to add Heavenly Cloud Stone when refining many precious artifacts. It's just that the heavenly marble is very precious. At least in the previous life, Tang Ao only saw a baby's fist-sized piece of heavenly marble at a top auction in Xuanhuang Continent.

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