Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1982: Blood Sea Enchantment

Feng Yao's perception became extremely keen after practicing the devil power. If the vertical pupil on his forehead felt danger, then it must be dangerous. Feng Yao really couldn't figure it out. After he performed the Heaven Devouring Magic Skill, he would have the power to fight against the Fengya at the first level of the Star Realm. Now facing Tang Ao, how could he feel the threat of death.

At this moment, the Qin family has become a ruin. The Qin family, which has been a tiger for more than ten years in Qingshi City, disappeared overnight, and the people in Qingshi City couldn't help but sigh. Even a powerful existence like the Qin family was wiped out overnight when facing the real strong, ordinary people like them were too small in front of the strong.

Older people know that ordinary people like them are like ants in front of the real strong, and their lives will be trampled at will. Therefore, these people didn't have much thoughts when they saw this scene. They have been numb in the long-term law of the jungle.

But those young men and women, even some teenagers. After seeing this scene, my heart was surging. In the past, the Qin family was the sky, the law of the Bluestone City. Whatever the Qin family said, they would do what they would do. But now, these people know that in front of a strong man like Tang Ao, the Qin family is just a slightly larger ant.

At this moment, in the hearts of these young people, they have extremely longing for the martial arts sect. Many people are already secretly planning when they want to leave Bluestone City to find a martial arts sect to practice martial arts. It must be a very happy thing to return to Bluestone City like Tang Ao after he is successful in his cultivation.

Compared with these people, everyone in the Tang family had a very solemn expression at the moment. In front of them, there was a black mist enchantment. Through their observations during this period, everyone found that Tang Ao in the enchantment seemed to be unable to see the outside of the enchantment, although they could see Tang Ao from outside the enchantment. , Can't help Tang Ao.

Even Tang Yun, who was on the first level of the Linghai Realm, couldn't use soul transmission or other means to contact Tang Ao in the enchantment. Tang Ao was very worried for Tang Ao in his heart. Although Tang Ao's cultivation level now looks good, Tang Yun can still feel that Tang Ao's cultivation level is a bit worse than Feng Yao.

And this time Feng Yao was obviously preemptive, and he didn't give Tang Ao any chance to resist and directly dragged Tang Ao into the illusion of blood. Tang Yun wanted to tell Tang Ao to blast through the surrounding walls. However, Tang Yun found helplessly that Feng Yao's blood sea barrier was completely isolated from the penetration of external soul thoughts.

Tang Yun felt that if her soul thought was stronger, maybe she could still try. But now, Tang Yun really had no choice but to pray that Tang Ao would be able to turn the danger into a breeze in the illusion of the sea of ​​blood. At the same time, Tang Yun was also evacuating the people of the Tang family, because if something happened to Tang Ao for a while, Feng Yao would certainly not let the rest of the Tang family go.

Although everyone hoped that Tang Ao would not do anything, but as the saying goes, they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Therefore, Tang Yun had to prepare in advance at this time. In the illusion of blood sea, Tang Ao was also very helpless. At this moment, he was in a very passive position, he could only be passively beaten all the time, and there was no room to fight back.

The strength of this alien warrior surpassed Tang Ao's imagination. Whether it was life spirit martial arts, combat experience, and combat consciousness, even though he didn't know how long he had fallen, he still didn't lose to Tang Ao. This battle can be said to be a duel between a pinnacle swordsman and a pinnacle swordsman. The difference is that this alien swordsman is dead, while Tang Ao is still alive.

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