Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1983: Bladestorm

On the surface, Tang Ao should have more advantages. In fact, this is not the case, because this alien swordsman is already dead, this guy has repeatedly used wounds for death. He is a dead soul, naturally he is not afraid of injury. So his attacking method was very unfavorable to Tang Ao. Don't talk about swapping injury for death, even if you trade injury for injury, Tang Ao couldn't bear it either.

In the illusion of the sea of ​​blood, slices of swords, lights, swords and shadows are vertical and horizontal. Tang Ao now didn't give the skeleton warrior a chance to get close to him at all, and kept a distance from the skeleton warrior with Feng Yun Xiao. There was already a blood hole on Tang Ao's left shoulder, which was caused by this guy just now.

Of course, Tang Ao also seized the opportunity to penetrate the heart of this skeleton warrior with a sword. It was just that Tang Ao discovered that, exactly as he thought, this skeleton warrior had no fatal injuries. Therefore, Tang Ao felt that there were only two ways to deal with this skeleton warrior. Either completely destroy the skeleton warrior, or find out Feng Yao who is hidden in the dark. After Feng Yao is beheaded, the skeleton warrior will naturally no longer exist.

In the previous life, Tang Ao had obtained half-step Heaven Devouring Demon Art, Tang Ao absolutely this exercise did not seem to be a human martial artist's technique, and now seeing Feng Yao, who had practiced the entire Heaven Devouring Demon Art perform it, this feeling became more intense. Tang Ao always felt that although this technique was powerful, it was not a good thing. This feeling was very abrupt, and Tang Ao didn't know why.

At this moment, the two long knives in the hands of the skeleton warrior burst into bright light. Immediately Tang Ao saw that this evil skeleton warrior's devilish energy was tumbling, and he suddenly swung two swords. Then two blade storms rushed towards Tang Ao, Tang Ao swung several swords in an instant, and Feng Yun Xiao's killing momentum took shape immediately.

It was just that Tang Ao was quite surprised that the killing sword intent that disappeared this time was defeated in an instant after encountering these two powerful blade storms. The two sword-blade storms of the skeleton warrior were torn to pieces, but fortunately, Tang Ao was also a strong man who had experienced countless lives and deaths. In this situation, Tang Ao didn't panic.

Tang Ao stepped back as soon as he showed his body shape. After that, Tang Ao's body was slightly lowered, and waves of terrifying thunder and lightning were also condensed on the Qinglian sword. If the Qinglian sword in Tang Ao's hands was just a thunder snake when Tang Ao used the thunder before, then the Qinglian sword in Tang Ao's hands at this moment is a domineering thunder dragon.

"Roar!" Only a thunder roar was heard, and a huge thunder sword qi of hundreds of meters was cut out by Tang Ao. This Thunder Sword Qi carries an infinite power, as if everything will be cut into nothingness in front of this Thunder Sword Qi. Because it was too strong, when this thunder sword aura passed through the space of the blood sea illusion, it left ripples in the blood illusion.

"Boom!" Soon Tang Ao's lightning sword aura collided with the two blade storms of the skeleton warrior. Suddenly, the entire space became trembling, a sea of ​​blood churned, and thunder roared. Amidst the terrifying thunder and explosions, Tang Ao's figure was also overwhelmed by the sky. Even though Tang Ao was still in the illusion of blood at this moment, Feng Yao suddenly didn't know where Tang Ao was.

The doubt in Feng Yao's heart was just that Feng Yao was shocked to see that Tang Ao had already appeared behind the Skeleton Warrior at some point, and at this moment the Qinglian Sword in Tang Ao's hand had disappeared. Instead, it was a silver axe. This axe doesn't look big, but it feels heavy.

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