Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1991: Where is Yueru

"I ask you seriously, if you tell me honestly, although I will still kill you, I will let you die with dignity." There is no room for relaxation between Tang Ao and Qin Yueshuang, but Tang Ao still There is one thing to ask Qin Yueshuang. That's where Qin Yueru went.

Qin Yueshuang was taken aback when she heard it, and then said indifferently: "Tell me, what do you want to know? Maybe I'm happy for a while, but it's nothing to tell you."

"Where did you get Yueru?" Tang Ao took a deep breath and said calmly. Tang Ao didn't know how big the Xuanhuang Continent was. Tang Ao only knew that in his previous life, his cultivation base at the ninth level of the Star Pole Realm had traveled half a lifetime, and the area he had traveled was only one-tenth of the Xuanhuang Continent. Therefore, without any clue, it is almost impossible to find a person on the Xuanhuang Continent.

Just like when the Mingdi secret realm ended, the eight great sects of Xuanhuang and the six ridiculous families were looking for Tang Ao, but after so many years of searching, they still couldn't find where Tang Ao was.

"Unexpectedly, you still think about Yueru, it is rare. But since you are thinking about Yueru, why do you have to kill everyone in the Qin family. Even if we are sorry for you in the Qin family, at least for Yueru, you are not Kill the Qin family to all." When saying this, a sorrowful look in Qin Yueshuang's eyes flashed away.

I thought of Qin Mansha who practiced evil arts, the Tang Qu that mixed with Qin Mansha, and Qin Tieshou and others. Tang Ao calmly said, "Everyone in the Qin family died unjustly. It is no shame that they have died ten times. It's just that I have pity for my Tang family's children, and you have killed many innocent people in your anger. Now you can tell me where Yueru is."

"Haha, you don't need to think about it, you never know where she is." Qin Yueshuang gave a madly sorrowful laugh, and then moved her body. Behind Qin Yueshuang, slices of stars and souls instantly appeared. Suddenly, this space seemed to be wrapped in stars. Feeling the momentum on Qin Yueshuang's body, Tang Ao was also secretly surprised.

"Unexpectedly, you have reached the stage of half a step into the star realm." Now Qin Yueshuang's aura is very strong, and it has reached the level of infinitely approaching the star realm. It can be said that with Qin Yueshuang's savvy, as long as there are three or five years, Qin Yueshuang's achievement in the star realm is a certainty.

"There are only seven levels of life and death, your hidden jade body in the stone doesn't look very good." Tang Ao has the hidden jade body in stone, and many elders in the Seven Killing Sect already know. With the power of Xiahou's family, Qin Yueshuang could naturally inquire about this news.

"It's enough to deal with you." A golden light flashed on Tang Ao's body, and golden runes emerged one by one, forming a shiny golden armor on the surface of Tang Ao's body. Then another burst of blue light slowly emerged behind Tang Ao, the blue light was solid, but it was a seven-handled green lotus sword. The cold light flashes on the Qinglian sword, killing intent is pressing!

With a wave of Qin Yueshuang's hand, countless stars immediately burst out countless rays of light toward Tang Ao. These rays of light seem soft, but the terrifying power contained on them is like the fall of a comet, terrifying. Suddenly, the entire buried love valley dimmed. After these stars bombarded the ground, bursts of terrifying explosions continued in the Valley of Love.

Many warriors who tried nearby have hurriedly stopped. This kind of terrifying power doesn't need to be known, it must be a very powerful warrior fighting ahead.

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