Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1992: Filling valley

Buried in the valley of love, Tang Ao waved his hand as a fierce sword curtain swept out. These sword curtains collided with Qin Yueshuang's stars, and the terrifying power immediately dispersed. For a time, the entire Buried Love Valley was in a mess, with sand and rocks, and trees rolled back. In the place where Tang Ao and Qin Yueshuang fought, almost no stone was intact.

After his cultivation was restored, this was Tang Ao's first full fight. Although the previous Feng Yao was good, Feng Yao was too timid and relied on the devil power of the sky, so he didn't fight Tang Ao with all his strength. But now Qin Yueshuang and herself both hold the mentality of having to kill each other. Therefore, there was no hand left between shots, a solemn aura swept across the valley of Buried Love, and then the chaotic atmosphere between the world and the earth instantly became solemn.

Tang Ao swung a sword, which was the first sword of the Seven Kills, Fengyun Xiao Sha. Under Tang Ao's sword, several formations of light were shattered by Tang Ao, but more star light bombarded Tang Ao, instead of endless coincidence. Qin Yueshuang was also slightly surprised in her heart. Although her destiny crape myrtle body was forcibly pulled away and only had less than a year to live, her strength had grown so much.

It was hard for Qin Yueshuang to imagine how terrifying Xiahou Linyuan, who had obtained his destiny crape myrtle body at this moment, would be after leaving the customs. Tang Ao didn't stop after the wind and the cloud was killed, thunder flickered on the Qinglian sword, and countless thunder began to gather. A horrible aura also scattered from the Qinglian sword.

The aura on the Qinglian sword at this moment made Qin Yueshuang a little heart palpitated. It seemed that although Tang Ao didn't know where to hide in these years, he had never slackened his martial arts practice. Otherwise, Tang Ao would not have mastered such terrifying martial arts.

After the thunder condensed to the extreme, Tang Ao slashed out, and then a huge thunder arc sword energy slashed towards Qin Yueshuang. Qin Yueshuang waved her hand, and the power of stars condensed, and then in front of Qin Yueshuang, a shield containing the power of infinite stars emerged. After Tang Ao's invincible sword and thunder slashed onto the star shield, it only blasted a crack in the star shield and then slowly disappeared.

The technique Qin Yueshuang displayed was also familiar to Tang Ao, which was the sacred canon of stars he had seen in his previous life. Although Qin Yueshuang's cultivation base is not as good as the old guys in the previous life, Qin Yueshuang's control of the sacred canon of stars has surpassed those people. However, Tang Ao originally had no intention of defeating Qin Yueshuang with just a sword of thunder, so after a sword of thunder, Tang Ao's sword in his hand kept flashing, and he came to Qin Yueshuang.

As soon as Qin Yueshuang raised her hand, a pin of stars hit Tang Ao's chest. However, Tang Ao was cut out with a sword, and Qin Yueshuang's offensive was resolved. After breaking Qin Yueshuang's move, Tang Ao's Qinglian Sword continued to swing, and it was a natural sword that was swung out again. At this time, a terrifying sword force around here was also conceived.

This terrifying sword power seemed to exist from birth, it was not condensed by Tang Ao's sword, but Tang Ao's Qinglian sword awakened it. With a whisper, Qin Yueshuang saw a beautiful Phoenix bird in her eyes. This phoenix bird is completely composed of a sword aura with a murderous intent, and it is reaping life ruthlessly in this beautiful scenery.

This was the third sword and phoenix dance nine days of the Seven Kills Holy Path. Tang Ao didn't use it many times, but his power was very terrifying. Only at this time, Qin Yueshuang stepped back. Afterwards, among the stars in the sky, a pair of big stars suddenly peeked out of the void, protecting Qin Yueshuang between his palms. The defense of these big hands of stars far exceeded Tang Ao's imagination.

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