Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2007: Assault the dead warrior

The battle between Tang Ao and Murong Zhi was on the verge. After Tang Ao squeezed Murong Zhi's two fire dragons, the others looked at each other, and they immediately smashed Tang Ao. Lei's Thunder Python, Shenfeng Sect's Qingfeng Yin, and even Xiahou Kuangtian, who had just been taught by Tang Ao, all shot at this moment. In an instant, Tang Ao was surrounded by seven strong men.

At the top of the entire Seven Kill Sect, all kinds of dazzling spiritual brilliance shot randomly, and the other warriors of the seven forces below also rushed over. Supreme Jing Wu and the others wanted to go up and help Tang Ao, but at this time Tang Ao shouted: "Don't let the powers of life and death slaughter my disciples of the Seventh Sect."

This time the seven major forces had clearly come prepared, except for the seven life-and-death realm powerhouses who were in midair with Tang Aozhan. Below, there are still more than a dozen strong people in life and death. If no one of these people stops, then the disciples of the Seven Kill Sect will soon be completely killed by these life and death martial artists.

Tang Ao naturally didn't want to see such a situation. This time, it can be said that it was a calamity for the Seven Killing Sect. As long as it survives this time, the road to the Seven Killing Sect will only become smoother. Above Tang Ao facing seven life-and-death realm powerhouses at the same time, the pressure was not uncommon. But what made Tang Ao anxious was that Jing Wushang and the others couldn't stop all the life and death martial artists of the seven major forces.

At this moment, a warrior in the life and death realm rushed into the disciples of the Seven Killing Sect, and blasted out with a palm of his hand, and hundreds of the Seven Killing Sect disciples died tragically in an instant. Seeing this scene, Tang Aojie was about to split, he was about to rush to kill this warrior. It's just that at this moment, Tang Ao was dragged by Murong Zhi, Lei Mang and others, and couldn't get away for a while.

When Tang Ao rushed down, Xiahou Kuangtian bit his head and rushed forward, and the spear in his hand also stabbed out towards Tang Ao. Although Xiahou Kuangtian was beaten by Tang Ao just now, when Tang Ao was restrained by several other people, Xiahou Kuangtian on the fifth level of life and death also threatened Tang Ao.

"Go away!" Tang Ao directly swept out an extremely domineering sword, blocking Xiahou Kuangtian's spear away. Suddenly, the sword strength of the Qinglian sword in Tang Ao's hand suddenly changed, and a breath of killing was immediately exploded. When the warrior at the life and death level below was about to take action against the other disciples of the Seven Kill Sect, suddenly a threat of death enveloped him. When he looked up, he saw the sky full of sword energy crushing him. In the face of these extremely powerful sword auras, there is only one thing he can do, and that is to wait for death.

With the sound of chuckle, the warrior at the first level of life and death level hadn't even figured out what was going on, he was strangled to pieces by Tang Ao's wind and wind. The disciples of the Seven Killing Sect watched Tang Ao fight against the master tribe of the seven forces alone, but seized the opportunity to kill a strong man at the first level of life and death with a single sword, and immediately became energetic.

Just now, seeing so many warriors from the Seven Great Forces rushing in, everyone was desperate, but none of the disciples thought that the new Sect Master appointed by the elder Fengya on his deathbed would be so overbearing. After using Fengyun Xiaosha to kill a life-and-death martial artist, Tang Ao's sword continued, and thunder lights began to gather on Tang Ao's Qinglian sword.

Seeing the thunder light on Tang Ao Qinglian's sword, Thunder Python sneered, and immediately after the Thunder Warhammer blasted out, waves of terrifying Thunder also gathered towards Thunder Python. Thunder Python was originally a warrior who cultivated the Thunder System technique, so now Thunder Python is like a thunder god, standing in the void, with infinite thunder and lightning flashing all over his body.

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