Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2008: Did you make it

Compared with the momentum, Tang Ao's thunder strike was far less shocking than when Thunder Anaconda used the Thunder Warhammer. But no one dared to underestimate the terrifying aura on Tang Ao's Qinglian sword. You know that Tang Ao easily killed a martial artist in the life-and-death state with a sword just now. Although the martial artist in the life-and-death state is only at the first level of life and death, Tang Ao’s Fighting power is beyond doubt.

"Thunder and slash!" Tang Ao shouted in midair, and then a half-moon-shaped thunder arc on the Qinglian sword bombarded several people. At the same time that Tang Ao swung this sword, Murong Zhi behind Tang Ao also seized the opportunity and suddenly pushed out his hands. In an instant, five huge fireballs blasted towards Tang Ao.

After these five fireballs flew in front of Tang Ao, before Tang Ao reacted, there was a terrifying explosion. For a time, the smoke above the Seven Kill Sect was filled with spiritual power. This terrifying power made it possible to see the Seven Killing Sect at the very moment where the Seven Killing Sect was undergoing a terrifying battle.

"Have you succeeded?" Murong Zhi looked at the flames flying in the sky, and Soul Mind carefully looked for Tang Ao's figure. After the others joined hands to block Tang Ao's thunder, they also let go of their minds and looked for Tang Ao's position.

"Where!" Suddenly Xiahou Kuangtian pointed in a direction, and when everyone looked at it, he was furious. Because at this moment, Tang Ao turned out to be among the warriors of the seven powers, and just a moment's effort, two more warriors of life and death fell. Every martial artist in the life and death realm was cultivated after their respective forces exhausted countless efforts.

But how long has it been fighting now, three warriors in the life and death realm on their side have already fallen. On the other hand, the Seven Killing Sect had just died some disciples of Yuan Wu Realm and Linghai Realm. As for the elders of life and death, none of them have fallen.

At the moment, the seven did not have any reservations. Under the siege of the seven, Tang Ao was able to sneak attack on the life and death martial artist on their side. When this word spread, the faces of the seven of them were completely lost. Murong Zhi looked at Xiahou Kuangtian who was beaten into a pig's head, and asked, "How can Xiahou Linyuan not come for such an important thing?"

Murong Zhi was very dissatisfied with the Xiahou family. Although Xiahou Kuangtian's fifth-level cultivation base was not low, because Xiahou Kuangtian was beaten by Tang Ao before, Murong Zhi felt that Xiahou Kuangtian was very useless.

Xiahou Kuangtian also cursed secretly in his heart. If his elder brother Xiahou Linyuan can come, Xiahou family still needs to join forces with these wastes? It's just that Xiahou Kuangtian didn't dare to say this. Tang Ao was the enemy at this moment, and there was no need to turn his face with these guys. When his eldest brother leaves the pass, what are the eight great sects of Xuanhuang, what are the six great families of ancient times, everything will become history, this continent will be ruled by the Xiahou family!

After Tang Ao made two sneak attacks on the warriors of the seven forces just now, this time Thunder Mang and others also stepped up their offensive, and the pressure on Tang Ao instantly skyrocketed. At this time, Tang Ao didn't want to be as calm as he was just now. It was no longer possible for Tang Ao to attack the life and death martial artists of the seven forces again. The disciples of the Seven Killing Sect looked up into the air while resisting the warriors of the Seven Great Sects.

I only saw the spiritual power frantic in the air, shaking Jiuxiao. Whether it was Tang Ao or the powerhouse of the Seven Great Sects, their attacks were terrifying. Any attack that falls below is absolutely deadly. Fortunately, at this moment, the warriors of the Seven Killing Sects and the seven great sects were fighting in one place, so neither Tang Ao nor the seven great sects powerhouse attacked the crowd below.

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