Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2025: Trial rules

"I came to the Black Cloud Mountain Range this time, and the ranking was determined by the number of beasts killed. The jade pendant in your hand was refined by me. It will record the number of each beast you killed. The same, use When you explore this jade pendant with Soul Mind, you can also see your respective rankings. The higher the level of the monster beheaded, the more points you will get."

"The five people with the most points will follow me to the Xuantian City this time to participate in the Xuanhuang Conference. You can form a team or act alone in this trial. If you act in a team, the points you get will be divided equally. What should I do? Think about it for yourself, and set off after the time for a stick of incense. Last point, the scope of this trial is centered here, and the boundary is thousands of miles around. The first time you encounter danger, you must give me information. Take you this time It's here to increase combat experience, not to die."

After Tang Ao finished speaking, all the disciples also started to take action. This trial can act alone or in a team, but there are advantages and disadvantages to acting alone or in a team. After slaying the monster beasts alone, you can enjoy all the points, but if you are in a team, everyone in the team will share the points.

"Brother Chu Xuan, shall we form a team together?" After Tang Ao's voice fell, someone immediately invited Chu Xuan. Chu Xuan is now at the sixth floor of the Yuan Wu realm, and has always been in the inner gate of the Seven Killing Sect. Known as the first person in the family, although Chu Xuan was defeated by Tie Zheng in this dragon and phoenix list battle, no one would think that Chu Xuan was really worse than Tie Zheng.

Chu Xuan smiled and shook his head, and declined these juniors and younger sisters: "I will have the choice to challenge some high-level monsters in this trial. It is too dangerous for the juniors and younger sisters to team up with me." Zheng waved his hand: "Junior Brother Tie Zheng, see you in March." Then everyone saw that Chu Xuan was serious in one direction, and soon disappeared into the dense forest.

Tang Ao was still quite satisfied with Chu Xuan. As a genius warrior, Chu Xuan did not have that kind of domineering, humble and enthusiastic person. As long as he could grow up smoothly, he would definitely be a second Dongxuan Ye in the future. And compared to the cold Dong Xuan Ye, Chu Xuan was much more enthusiastic. Of course, this is not to say that Dong Xuan Ye is not good, but Tang Ao feels that Chu Xuan is easy to get along with many senior brothers.

Soon, these disciples left this place. Most of them chose to act alone, and there were only five warriors in the team. Tie Zheng and Bai Qing formed a team, perhaps because of their friendship. Because Bai Qing's cultivation base was relatively weaker, and she was only good at alchemy, Bai Qing and Tie Zheng teamed up. At this time, it was obviously Tie Zheng's burden.

However, Tang Ao saw that Tie Zheng took the initiative to invite Bai Qing to form a team. After Bai Qing refused, he insisted on the invitation. He obviously had his own ideas. What interests Tang Ao most are the three disciples from the other team, and these three disciples are directly ranked third to fifth in this dragon and phoenix list. It stands to reason that with their strength, acting alone is obviously not a problem.

But the three people chose to act together, obviously with the intention of taking three places. The most interesting thing is that among the three, a girl named Han Xiaoxiao is the head, and Baili Changyi, who is ranked third in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, and Sun Gan, who is ranked fourth in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, are all following Han Xiaoxiao. Behind.

After everyone left, Tang Ao raised his hand and threw out several formation flags. After these formation flags landed, a light curtain appeared in front of Tang Ao's eyes. There was a floating name on this light curtain. These twenty floating names naturally belonged to Tie Zheng and other twenty disciples. Everyone has their own points.

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