Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2026: Each gains

After they kill the monster, the jade card will automatically record their score. But so far, Tang Ao saw that everyone's scores were still zero, and he didn't know if they hadn't encountered the monster beast, or hadn't planned to do anything with it. After all, this trial in the Black Cloud Mountain Range was the first time these disciples had left the sect to trial.

In addition to the lack of trial experience, they don't have many supplies. Thinking of this, Tang Ao suddenly understood why Tie Zheng insisted on inviting Bai Qing to form a team with him. Bai Qing got her own alchemy experience jade slips, and advanced to become a third-tier spirit alchemist, Tang Ao knew.

In the Black Cloud Mountains, besides the endless monsters, there are endless spiritual grasses. These spirit grasses may be just good treasures for other disciples, but in Bai Qing's hands, they will soon become pill. As long as Bai Qing followed, Tie Zheng could get a steady stream of pill supplements. On the contrary, Bai Qing was not good at fighting, but Tie Zheng was very good at fighting. In the Black Cloud Mountains, Tie Zheng can also protect Bai Qing.

In this way, the two of them are better than acting alone. If she was acting alone, Bai Qing wouldn't even dare to leave Tang Ao too far away. With her cultivation base at the fourth level of Yuan Wu realm and not good at fighting, even if she encountered monsters of the same realm, Bai Qing would most likely not be able to cope.

At this moment, the light curtain in front of Tang Ao fluctuated a bit, Tang Ao looked up, and immediately saw that within less than a stick of incense, the appearance had already been reaped. After Chu Xuan's name, 60 points were added directly. Obviously, in this very short period of time, Chu Xuan had already encountered a monster of the sixth level of Yuan Wu realm, and successfully killed this monster.

After Chu Xuan, the light curtain fluctuated again, and then the names of Tie Zheng and Bai Qing appeared 35 points. Seeing this, Tang Ao was a little surprised, because the two of them actually killed a monster beast of the seventh level of Yuan Wu realm. You must know that Tie Zheng is only the cultivation base of the sixth floor of the Yuan Wu realm, while Bai Qing is only the fourth floor of the Yuan Wu realm, and is not good at fighting.

But this is not over yet. Soon after the names of Tie Zheng and Bai Qing, another 35 points were added, which meant that the two of them had completely killed a monster beast of the seventh layer of Yuan Wu realm. After thinking for a moment, Tang Ao quickly realized that this should be due to the luck of the two of them. They encountered two Yuan Wu realm seven-layer monsters who were fighting, and then asked them to pick up a bargain.

Exactly as Tang Ao guessed, after Tie Zheng and Bai Qing entered the Black Cloud Mountain Range, Bai Qing's soul thoughts were immediately swept to the point where there were two Yuan Wu realm seventh-layer monster beasts fighting. After a discussion between the two of them, they just let go. When the two monsters were both lost, Tie Zheng made a sneak attack and directly killed the two monsters.

After the trio of Tie Zheng, everyone's points soon broke zero. One day later, Tang Ao saw that there was only one disciple named Wei Pohu, whose points were still zero. However, Tang Ao could clearly perceive Wei Pohu's jade pendant. Wei Pohu stayed in one place and was not killed by the monster. Wei Pohu and Tang Ao still have some impressions, this is a bald teenager with a little dull.

Although his personality is a bit dull, the strength of this Wei Pohu is not bad. He has the strength of the pinnacle of the fifth level of Yuan Wu realm. Only one step is short of being able to enter the sixth level of Yuan Wu realm. Therefore, Tang Ao tested, at this moment, Wei Pohu is extremely strong. It is possible that it is impacting the cultivation base, so it has stayed in place.

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