Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2071: Opportunities and Challenges

After a while, there were more than a thousand young girls on the high platform of the central square. From this it is not difficult to see how enthusiastic the various forces on the Xuanhuang Continent are for the Xuanhuang Conference.

"You go up too, if you provoke the majesty of the Seven Killing Sect, don't keep your hands." After seeing that the disciples of each sect were almost on stage, Tang Ao said to the Chu Xuan trio behind him. The Xuanhuang Conference adopts this form of melee, which is in fact very unfair. Because in the ring, if a disciple of a certain sect is targeted, it is easy to be swept out of the game.

You don't need to think about Tang Ao. After the three of Chu Xuan went up, others didn't know what to do, and the disciples of the seven major forces could not sit still. It was also because of this that Tang Ao told Chu Xuan and all three of them not to keep their hands. However, Tang Ao also discovered that the camp of these seven forces is not monolithic. Otherwise, there would be no incident between the Heavenly Star Saint Sect and Huang Gujia just now, thinking about this, Tang Ao also watched the battle that was about to start on the ring with great interest.

At this time, the number of warriors on the ring has finally stabilized, and gradually there are no more warriors on stage. "Which one of the sect's disciples is going to participate, come on stage quickly!" Li Tianwen's voice spread throughout the Xuantian Square without losing the opportunity, but after Li Tianwen's voice fell, no one was on stage.

Seeing this, Li Tianwen nodded, and immediately said: "Let's start." At the moment when Li Tianwen's voice fell, the terrifying spiritual power on the entire duel stage instantly sprayed out, and various colorful life souls continued to bloom in the duel. In just a moment, there was a moment when the warrior died tragically in the ring. The Xuanhuang Conference was a grand event for all the sects on the Xuanhuang Continent, and it was also an opportunity for many sects.

But this opportunity is not so easy to grasp. The reason why the top sects are getting stronger and stronger is because they have always held a large amount of training resources in their hands. With these training resources, they can continuously cultivate strong people among the top sects. . Among the more than 1,600 people on the stage, the martial artist with the strongest cultivation base already has the cultivation base of the ninth-level peak of the Yuan Wu realm, and the weakest, but has just entered the Yuan Wu realm.

Those warriors who had just entered the Yuan Wu realm, with the sustenance of their respective sects, embarked on this duel stage with luck, but after going up, most of them had no chance to come down directly except for a small number of people. What surprised Tang Ao was that at this time, Tang Ao didn't see the disciples of the Seven Great Forces starting to besiege the disciples of the Seven Killing Sect.

This made Tang Ao somewhat puzzled, but after a while Tang Ao understood the reason. That is, although the disciples of these small sects are generally weak, there are still talented disciples. At this time, if they started with the Seven Kill Sect warriors, even if they were able to sweep out the three of Chu Xuan, they would still have to pay a price.

It was only the first melee in the Xuanhuang Conference, and there was no need to fight the Seven Kills Sect and lose both. And within the seven major forces, they are also not monolithic. Facing the resources of the Xuanhuang Mountain Range, everyone wants to eat more meat. Therefore, no matter which sect warrior among the seven powers is, they did not choose to take the lead in attacking the Seven Killing Sect.

As time went on, more and more warriors were swept off the duel stage. By now, there are no warriors below the sixth level of Yuan Wu Realm on the duel stage. The three people of Long Song Jianzong were the first to come to the duel stage, but until now, these three people have only shot once. After seeing the leader directly slay an eighth-layer warrior in Yuan Wu Realm with a single sword, the others naturally did not dare to touch his edge.

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