Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2072: Jiang Baihe

"Although the resources of these minor sects are not as good as those of the eight major factions and the six major families, they have also cultivated good disciples." Looking at the more than 600 people remaining on the duel stage, Jing Wushang was in the Tang Dynasty. Ao said with emotion.

"Yes, and because the cultivation resources of these small sects are not so abundant, these disciples have to find ways to obtain cultivation resources during the cultivation process, so the combat experience of these people is also very scary." Tang Ao has been watching. As everyone on the stage was fighting, Tang Ao also discovered that although some martial artists had a low level of cultivation, their combat experience and combat awareness were stronger than those of Chu Xuan.

After another half an hour, only two hundred people remained on the duel stage. By this time, the battle on the duel stage became more intense. In the beginning, the warriors on the duel stage would try to avoid contact with the warriors of the eight major factions and the six major families, but by now, no one in the entire arena can stay out of the matter.

Even the disciples of the Eight Great Sects and the Six Great Families were fighting at one point at this moment. And at this time, the warriors of the seven major forces immediately gathered around like Chu Xuan from the Seven Kill Sect. Their goal is very clear, which is to sweep out the three of Chu Xuan. It's just that at this time, the remaining martial artists on the ring are basically very strong, so it is not easy for these people to get close to the three of Chu Xuan, and they are entangled by their opponents before they walk a few steps.

"Baihezongjiang Baihe asks for advice from Senior Brother Seven Killers." At this moment, a young man dressed in white flutteringly appeared in front of Chu Xuan. This is also the strongest opponent that Chu Xuan has encountered so far. The cultivation base of this person is the same as that of Chu Xuan, who has reached the eighth level of the Yuan Wu realm. Chu Xuan didn't understand. At this moment, there were still so many kinds of six layers of martial realm and seven layers of Yuan Wu realm on the ring, how could this young man find himself.

However, Chu Xuan was not afraid at all in his heart. After holding a fist and returning a gift, he calmly said, "Please enlighten me."

The battle on the duel stage was in full swing, with warriors constantly being swept down the arena, and warriors constantly being beheaded in the arena. But the warriors on the ring were still fighting with firm eyesight. They suffered too much from this battle. The Xuanhuang Conference, held once every 100 years, determines whether the next hundred years will do everything to cultivate one's own sect and win a place in Xuanhuang Continent.

"Ah!" With a scream, a martial artist of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect was directly cut off by a white-clothed youth of the Long Song Sword Sect. And this is also the first fallen warrior at the level of the eight major factions and the six major families. With the fall of the martial artist of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect, the battle on the duel stage has become more intense.

After another stick of incense, the battle on the duel stage gradually stopped. This battle was not unrelenting. At this moment, a layer of blood had appeared on the duel stage. Many of the people on the duel stage were bombed off the stage, but there were more warriors who were directly bombarded and killed on this **** duel stage.

The cruelty of martial arts practice is also vividly displayed on this duel stage. At this time, most people's fighting has stopped. In the entire duel stage, only four people were still fighting. Two of them happened to be Chu Xuan and Jiang Baihe. However, after Jiang Baihe saw that everyone had stopped, he also blasted out a palm, and then withdrew.

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