Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2073: Heavenly Star Saint Sect loses another person

"Brother Chu, you and I didn't give your full strength in the previous battle. If you encounter Brother Chu in the ranking match later, please ask Brother Chu to do your best."

"Definitely!" After Chu Xuan said this, he also retracted the six clusters of golden flames floating around.

The two people who were still fighting on the other side were two martial artists from the seventh level of Yuan Martial Realm. One of them was a disciple of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect, and the other didn't know which martial artist was from the small sect. In the shocking eyes of everyone, the warrior of that small sect stepped out, and the ground trembled. Immediately, the martial artist of this small sect suddenly violent, holding a Xuanhua axe in both hands, and slashing from the top of Mount Hua towards the martial artist of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect.

With a "ding", the long knife in the hands of the Saint Sect of Heavenly Star was smashed by the giant axe, and then, before the disciples of Saint Sect of the Heavenly Star could make any movements, this Xuanhua axe directly attacked the warrior of Saint Sect of Heaven. Cut in half. So far, the first 100 people of this Xuanhuang Conference have appeared.

Two disciples of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect actually fell two when they were promoted to the top 100. Yan Fengxing was furious, raising his hand and arrested the young man who had killed the Heavenly Star Saint Sect martial artist. Facing Yan Fengxing's attack, the young man's eyes were full of despair. But fortunately at this moment, Li Tianwen waved his hand casually, eliminating Yan Fengxing's attack.

Then Li Tianwen said without any expression on his face: "Now the first 100 people have been resolved. After an hour of rest, everyone will be in a ranking battle." Although Li Tianwen has not appeared on Xuanhuang Continent for thousands of years. But the Xuanhuang Conference thousands of years ago was basically hosted by Li Tianwen. Therefore, now Li Tianwen is once again presiding over the Xuanhuang Conference, and he is naturally familiar with it.

The three of Chu Xuan returned behind Tang Ao. At this moment, both Chu Xuan and Wei Pohu were spending a lot of money, but Tie Zheng had better luck. In the ring just now, they didn't encounter any powerful characters. After Tang Ao took out the pill from the storage ring and gave it to the three of them, he said, "There are quite a few strong enemies this time, and the three of you don't be careless next."

Regarding the strength of Chu Xuan's trio, Tang Ao was still very relieved, but this time the disciples from the rest of the forces were also strong, and some small sects also appeared in large numbers. Therefore, Tang Ao still has to remind Chu Xuan and the three of them to be careful. Of course, even so, in Tang Ao's opinion, the three of Chu Xuan had a chance to enter the top ten, but whether they could make the top ten depends on luck.

Because in the next battle, if you are unlucky and encounter some warriors who are of average strength but are more restrained, it is not impossible to be defeated. Moreover, Tang Ao had already seen that the cold spiritual power cultivated by Jiang Baihe, who had just fought with Chu Xuan, and Chu Xuan restrained each other.

There is also a warrior from a small sect, with unparalleled dexterity, and a big offensive like Wei Pohu. If you face this warrior, you may not even be able to touch the other party's clothes. But in the same way, although this martial artist's body skills are clever, his attack power is obviously insufficient. With Wei Pohu's formidable body, as long as he is not hit, he can't even break Wei Pohu's defenses.

Everyone who came to participate in the Xuanhuang Conference this time thought that the Seven Kills Sect would definitely be kicked out first, but what everyone did not expect was that the new Sovereign of the Seven Kills Sect was too strong and the methods were very good. . Up to now, the Seven Killing Sect is still fine, but the seven major forces have touched their noses.

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