Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2074: Rebellious leaf lonely

But many people also understand that this situation is only temporary. Now the resources of the Xuanhuang Mountains are allocated, so the seven forces are fighting separately. However, once the Xuanhuang Conference is over and the cultivation resources of the Xuanhuang Mountain Range have been allocated, it is time for the seven forces to attack the Seven Kill Sect. The seven forces have joined forces to besiege the Seven Killing Sect twice, and the Seven Killing Sect has long been an endless vengeance.

There were a lot of powerhouses of the Seven Great Elders, who were obviously planning to kill Tang Ao, the Sect Master of the Seven Kills Sect, and then annex the Seven Kills Sect in one fell swoop.

"The time is up, and the rules remain the same for this ranking match. The opponents are randomly assigned, the winner advances to the winner group, and the opponent in the winner group fights again, and the loser fights against the opponent in the loser group. Win a game, Get one point, lose one game, and deduct two points. Lose five games in a row, fixed rankings, no more fights. Win ten games in a row, qualify early, no need to fight again, let's start." Li Tianwen finished, raised his hand, one The huge array screen was just in front of everyone.

On this huge formation screen, there are the names of various warriors and their respective opponents. Tang Ao saw that Chu Xuan's opponent was unfortunately the young man named Jiang Baihe, and Tie Zheng's opponent was also very interesting, turned out to be Ye Guhong, one of the two great geniuses of the original Seven Kill Sect.

It's just that Ye Guhong is already a disciple of the ancient Xiahou family, and the only disciple brought out by the Xiahou family this time. In fact, with Ye Guhong's cultivation base, although it is good in the Xiahou family, it is still inferior to the peak combat power representing the Xiahou family. And the reason why Xiahou family brought Ye Guhong out, they didn't expect Ye Guhong to be able to perform astonishingly. It just wanted to disgust the Seven Killing Sect.

Tang Ao had to admit that this strategy of the Xiahou family had succeeded, because Tang Ao was really disgusted by Ye Guhong. After seeing that his opponent was Tie Zheng, this Ye Guhong was not only not embarrassed, but also very happy in his expression. Obviously when Ye Guhong wanted to come, if Tie Zheng was an opponent, he couldn't just want to lose in this battle.

It's just that Tang Ao also wanted to tell Ye Guhong that Tie Zheng is no longer what he used to be. He wants to win this game, undoubtedly it is a foolish dream. Soon, the original complete duel table trembles directly, and then everyone sees that the complete duel table just now has directly turned into thirty-six independent duel tables.

This time without Li Tianwen, a group of warriors stepped onto the duel stage and started fighting. Wei Pohu's opponent was the last disciple of Heavenly Star Saint Sect. A total of three people came to the Heavenly Star Saint Sect this time, and now only this last disciple remains. This kind of thing is unexpected to everyone. If the last disciple of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect also loses, then the Heavenly Star Saint Sect will make a joke at this Xuanhuang Conference. As the overlord of the last Xuanhuang Conference, this one was almost out.

At this moment, the supreme elder of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect, Yan Fengxing's face was gloomy as if dripping water, Yan Fengxing could not imagine that during his retreat and impacting the star realm, the disciple of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect turned out to be so weak. Even a warrior from Xiaozongmen could kill a disciple of the inner door of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect with an axe.

However, Yan Fengxing was very satisfied with the remaining disciple of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect at this moment. In the melee just now, the warrior of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect faced three warriors of the same realm with ease. Now against a weak warrior of Seven Kill Sect, there is no big problem. After Tang Ao saw Wei Pohu come to power, Tang Ao knew that Wei Pohu had won this game.

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