Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2495: Weird blood servant

This means that more than 90% of the warriors are selected into the Qianlong list without any problems. Up to now, almost fifty warriors who participated in the trial of the Fairy Ruins Chamber of Commerce this time have fallen. All of these fifty people are on the list of outstanding people, and the warriors of the Qianlong List have fallen a little bit by now. . But up to now, none of the warriors in the Qianlong Ranking are eliminated.

"This is... what's going on?" Tang Ao suddenly asked as the Flame Pegasus ran. In Tang Ao's soul thoughts, Tang Ao saw many blood servants and blood servants, and walked in another direction. According to the comparison of the map, that direction is not Sands City, and there is nothing special.

That being the case, why did these blood races go in this direction. Tang Ao saw that even these blood martial artists didn't seem to know what was in that position, they just followed the Blood Servant and walked towards that place with a face of confusion. Unlike Shipwreck City and Four Seasons City, Golden Sands City has long been hostile to the blood race.

As long as there are blood races within the territory of Sands City, they will definitely be killed by the warriors of Sands City. Therefore, this area is also very strange to the blood martial artist. It's just that at this moment these blood servants are very excited to go in one direction, as if there is something very attractive to them in that area.

Tang Ao thought for a moment, and also asked Huang Ke'er to put away the blazing flying horse, and then brought Huang Ke'er closer with Feng Lei Mingyun. Because Tang Ao had discovered that a small amount of red golden sand had appeared in this area. And it is also going deeper in the direction of the blood servants, the more the number of red golden sands, the better the quality.

At this moment, among these blood race warriors, there is no blood race's top powerhouse, and no blood race genius is too powerful. Tang Ao glanced at the reward list of the blood race, Tang Ao confirmed that none of these blood race warriors were on the list. This also let Tang Ao breathe a sigh of relief. Generally, the blood martial artists on the list are very difficult to deal with. In Tang Ao's eyes, the rest of the blood clan warriors were not much better than the warriors of Xianxu.

As he deepened, Tang Ao gradually felt a sigh of coldness. This coldness was not cold weather, but a feeling of depression originating from the soul. Moreover, Tang Ao discovered that the surrounding desert was no longer red gold, but turned into a strange black. It stands to reason that in the dark yellow sand, the red gold is easier to find.

But on the contrary, there is no red golden sand in these dark sands. "Senior Brother Tang Ao, what is that?" After getting closer, Huang Keer saw a huge stone tablet. At this moment, there was a strong spatial force on the stone tablet slowly turning.

"This is an enchantment, but this enchantment seems a bit weird." Looking at the space formation on the broken stone tablet slowly, Tang Ao said in confusion. With Tang Ao's eyesight, it is natural to see that this formation and this stone stele are the products of the same era. It's just that Tang Ao didn't know, who arranged what kind of barrier here.

After these blood servants walked here, they immediately stepped into the formation with excitement, as if something in the formation was calling them. Seeing this weird scene, many blood martial artists hesitated. After a long time, a blood martial artist from the sixth floor of the Star Realm walked out. After a few words with a few people around him in a low voice, the blood martial artist entered the stone tablet directly.

Not long after this warrior entered, the warriors who stayed outside seemed to have received the message from that warrior. At the moment, everyone cheered and entered the formation on the stone tablet. As a result, Tang Ao became even more curious.

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