Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2496: Stele world

"Senior Tang Ao, should we also go in and have a look? I left Lan Ling outside. If something happens inside, we can send it out through Blue Spirit at any time."

"Okay." Tang Ao smiled and nodded. Tang Ao didn't expect that Huang Ke'er's ancient blue spirit had the ability to teleport. However, it seems that this blue spirit is currently limited in strength and can only teleport in a small range and short distances. But even so, the value of the ancient blue spirit is still very huge.

Just like when exploring these strange places, as long as the ancient blue spirit is outside, even if something unexpected happens in the enchantment, it can be transmitted immediately, and safety is greatly guaranteed. Although Tang Ao was also able to arrange a spatial formation, he and Huang Keer could teleport out when they encountered danger in the barrier.

But if this barrier interfered with Tang Ao's formation, causing Tang Ao's teleportation flag to fail, it would be very dangerous if something accident happened in this barrier space. Tang Ao immediately took out the formation flag, arranged a hidden formation, and then arranged another teleportation formation in the hidden formation. The teleportation formation is activated at any time, as long as Tang Ao activates the formation flag in his hand, it can be transmitted immediately.

Of course this is normal, but if the barrier has a strong interference with Tang Ao's formation, then Tang Ao's preparation is naturally meaningless. Fortunately, the ancient blue spirit was good at special spatial transmission power, no matter what Tang Ao and Huang Keer encountered in the barrier, as long as the two of them figured out, then the ancient blue spirit could easily bring them out.

After everything was ready, Tang Ao shook Huang Keer's figure and rushed directly to the stele. At this moment, there are no blood warriors outside the stele, only some later blood servants. Sword Qi swept through Tang Ao's hand and directly blasted a passageway. Immediately, Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er also came to the entrance of the barrier. After Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er came here, an astonishing suction radiated.

Naturally, Tang Ao and Huang Keer didn't have time to make any response, so they were sucked by the formation. After entering the formation, Tang Ao discovered that this is indeed an enchantment, and this enchantment area is still very large. Around Tang Ao, besides Huang Keer, the blood martial artists who just entered the formation, and those Tang Ao didn't even notice the strange blood servant.

The whole of the barrier was dim, and even the candlelight on the surrounding stone pillars was very dim. Tang Ao saw that there was a hot spring not far away, and there was a continuous black breath in the hot spring, which looked very strange. But in the strangeness, it also gave Tang Ao a familiar feeling. This kind of breath seemed to be a kind of nether aura, but it was a bit different from the nether aura that Tang Ao knew well.

Just as Tang Ao was thinking about what to do next, the weird egg flew out excitedly. And the goal of this egg is surprisingly a hot spring not far away. With a grunting sound, the strange egg fell directly into the black hot spring water, and then I enjoyed swimming in the hot spring pool.

When Tang Ao turned the celestial pupil and looked over, he immediately discovered that the black breath in the hot spring water seemed to be some kind of original breath. At this moment, in the hot spring water, that strange egg is constantly devouring this pitch-black original aura. With the absorption of these breaths, the breath of this egg gradually became domineering.

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