Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2501: Chain of Hell

On the other side, the little black bear ate the spirit beast pill and started playing with Huang Keer. This little black bear was very naughty while still in the monster beast egg, and now it was still very playful after coming out of the monster beast egg. However, Tang Ao was still very surprised, because the little black bear was still very weak after eating so many spirit beast pill queens. It was hard for Tang Ao to imagine how many natural treasures it would take for this little guy to be full.

After half an hour, Tang Ao finished adjusting his breath. At this moment, Tang Ao was calm and full. Tang Ao also began to carefully feel the feeling of being in contact with the source of darkness just now. Under Tang Ao's calm mind, Tang Ao was immersed in an ethereal state. At this moment, Tang Ao's six senses were extremely sharp, and Tang Ao's figure appeared in the Sea of ​​Consciousness space as if deducing the Holy Way of Seven Kills.

Tang Ao shook his palm. This palm strength was not a thousand mudras, it was just an ordinary palm. It was just that this palm contained the rules of the origin of darkness. After pushing out this palm, Tang Ao immediately shook his head. The origin of darkness was not. Used like this. This palm containing the origin of darkness, in Tang Ao's eyes, was far inferior to his own thousand mudra. And the power of the source of darkness does not seem to be used in this way.

After a moment, a dark ball of light condensed in Tang Ao's hand. This ball of light was completely compressed by the source of darkness, and Tang Ao suddenly blasted the ball of dark light out of the sea of ​​consciousness. The dark ball of light exploded not far from Tang Ao, and countless dark origin auras scattered. This dark origin aura, which can block the soul thought, looked pretty good, but it was not the method Tang Ao wanted to use.

In this way, Tang Ao fell into a state of deducing epiphany, as if not aware of the passing of outside time. Huang Keer also had some insights into the origin of darkness, and she was immersed in the moment and began to understand the origin of darkness in detail. In the True Martial Realm, there are not many places where you can directly contact the source of darkness. As a disciple of Wendao Academy, Huang Keer has also not been exposed to the source of darkness before.

The source of darkness is ubiquitous in heaven and earth, but if you don't feel the special talent, you can't perceive the existence of the source of darkness. In Tang Ao's sea of ​​knowledge, Tang Ao's figure turned out to be sitting down at this moment. In Tang Ao's pupils, the Taiji diagram slowly circulated, and not far from Tang Ao, a cloud of black mist also slowly changed.

This time, Tang Ao used his eyes to control the source of darkness! Under Tang Ao's control, the source of darkness quickly turned into a series of pitch-black chains, these chains changing in the void, appearing sometimes and unpredictably. A smile appeared at the corner of Tang Ao's mouth. The Origin of Darkness is not good at attacking, and good at restraining power!

"This trick is called the Black Prison Chain!" Tang Ao said lightly in his heart. With a thought, the black prison chain changed and turned into a cage. This cage was pitch black. If Tang Ao didn't understand the source of darkness, it would be Tang Ao. The pupil of the celestial pole couldn't see clearly. As for the naked eye and soul mind, it is even more impossible to pass through this cage.

If you want to break this cage, if you don't have a special secret technique, you can only break it with brute force. Tang Ao roughly estimated that with the firmness of the black prison cage today, even the martial artist on the seventh and eighth levels of the Star Realm would not even want to break open for a while. Just when Tang Ao was about to use the Black Prison Chain to try to pass the test, Tang Ao suddenly clicked in his body.

This noise was not heard by others, but to Tang Ao, it was so sweet. Tang Ao looked overjoyed, and Tang Ao didn't expect that after he realized the origin of darkness, his realm would loosen. Right now, Tang Ao took out a lot of middle-grade fairy crystals and spread it all around, and immediately began to attack the realm of cultivation.

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