Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2502: Assault on the fourth floor of the star realm

As Xuantiangong turned away, the rich fairy aura in the fairy crystal was drawn out by Tang Ao, and a trace of it was sucked into his body. The scene of Tang Ao's cultivation at this moment was astonishing. There were more than 20,000 middle-grade immortal crystals piled up around him, and the spiritual power in these middle-grade immortal crystals was constantly being sucked out by Tang Ao and gathered towards Tang Ao.

Immortal spiritual energy gushed from all directions, forming a terrifying spiritual power vortex above Tang Ao's head. Huang Keer, who was cultivating upright, also felt the fluctuations in the outside world, and felt that after Tang Ao was practicing, Huang Keer didn't think much. To Tang Ao, Huang Keer trusted her brother as much as she did. When she was with Tang Ao, Huang Keer felt very safe.

Huang Keer liked this feeling very much. After going to Wendao Academy, Huang Keer hadn't felt this feeling of being protected for a long time. The Chaos Beast was slumbering boringly. At this moment, after feeling the rich and extreme fairy aura around him, the Chaos Beast's little nose moved, and it gurgled and got up.

Then looking at the middle-grade immortal crystal in the place, the Chaos Beast walked over, picked up a piece and threw it in his mouth, and immediately chewed it. This scene was amazing, but it was a pity that neither Tang Ao nor Huang Ke'er saw it at this moment. A monster that can swallow immortal crystals, the two have never heard of it.

After eating a middle-grade fairy crystal, Chaos Beast hesitated for a moment, and still picked up the second fairy crystal. The reason for the hesitation was that when the Chaos Beast ate it, the fairy crystal didn't have any taste at all, it was just something to eat. But now the little guy is idle and boring, so he hesitated for a while, he still started to devour the fairy crystal.

"Boom!" After a stick of incense, most of the surrounding fairy crystals were consumed by Tang Ao and Chaos Beasts. Tang Ao's cultivation finally broke through the fourth floor of the Star Polar Realm and stabilized. The fourth floor of the Astral Realm is already in the middle stage of the Astral Realm. When Tang Ao was on the third floor of the Star Realm, he could hardly shake the Tianjiao on the sixth floor of the Star Realm with many means. Now that Tang Ao has cultivated to the fourth floor of the Star Realm, he will not have to struggle so much when he meets the purple bone wolf before. Up.

Tang Ao was so happy all over, when his eyes were closed, two bright lights went straight to the star, and disappeared quickly. Tang Ao looked at the half-shrunken Immortal Crystal around him, feeling very helpless. When the Nine Dragon Emperor jade body practiced, it was too resource intensive. If Tang Ao was not a third-rank immortal device master, third-rank immortal alchemist, fourth-rank immortal formation master, Tang Ao estimated that he would not be able to cultivate at all.

You know, even if the martial artist at the pinnacle of the star realm cultivates, there is no need to move tens of thousands of middle-grade fairy crystals. Normally, the middle-grade immortal crystal is used for the cultivation of warriors in the Yin and Yang realm. Ten thousand middle-grade fairy crystals are equivalent to 100 million lower-grade fairy crystals. This amount of fairy crystals is not something ordinary warriors can afford.

After seeing that there were almost 10,000 middle-grade immortal crystals left, Tang Ao knew that he had to get some immortal crystals with this method, otherwise, after a while, even his cultivation would be a problem. "Little black bear, you..." At this moment, Tang Ao saw a scene of horror, and the little black bear grabbed a piece of middle-grade fairy crystal and chewed it with chuckles.

Tang Ao didn't feel sorry for the fairy crystal, but felt that this scene was too shocking. Huang Ke'er also ended his practice at this time, staring at the Chaos Beast with big eyes in a daze. Not to mention the middle-grade fairy crystal, it is the lower-grade fairy crystal, and no monster dares to swallow it. But this little black bear was so overbearing that he ate the fairy crystal as jelly beans!

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