Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2507: Leaving the Seal of Demons

After again painfully forcing a drop of original essence blood, Cain did not give Chaos Beast a chance, and immediately took a palm, and immediately a brand appeared on Cain's soul. Huang Keer and Cain also established a special connection. .

At this moment, Cain looked at Huang Keer's gaze, and was no longer as fierce as before. Although his tone was still cold, Cain still said in detail: "Your cultivation base is too weak now, even if you call this seat from the outside world, this seat There can only be ten breaths of time. In addition, you are now at the third level of the Astral Realm cultivation base. Every time you call this constellation, you will prepare three hundred rough stones. As your cultivation level improves, the rough stones will increase in turn. Darkness The rough stone is the best, as are other rough stones. Now this seat will send you out."

Seeing Chaos Beast looking at her with bright eyes, Cain felt a little guilty in his heart. Cain was worried about what secret technique the little bunny would perform, and he would be completely planted today. Then Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er saw that Cain raised their giant claws and slapped them on the ground. Soon Tang Ao, Huang Ke'er and Chaos Beast's figure faded.

Chaos Beast looked at Cain, provocatively sticking out his tongue. "Fuck!" Immediately when Tang Ao and Huang Keer left, they heard Cain's extremely angry but helpless roar.

When he reappeared in the Windy Desert, Tang Ao threw out a formation flag, Tang Ao, Huang Keer and Chaos Beast appeared in the formation that Tang Ao had arranged before. At this moment, there is a mess here, there are many human warriors here, there are also many blood races and blood servants. Tang Ao even saw a few extremely rare blood demons, but these were ferocious blood demons, not docile spirit blood demons.

After returning to his formation, Tang Ao knew that he had made a lot of money this time. Not only did he hatch the little black bear from the beast egg, he controlled the magic of the source of darkness and obtained a pool of essence of the source of darkness. Of course, Huang Keer had the biggest gain, and he signed a contract with a legendary powerhouse like Cain.

Although Huang Keer's cultivation base is too low now, even if Cain is summoned, Cain can't exert the power of a demigod. But Cain's invisibility is a powerhouse of the demigod level, in the wild martial world, absolutely crushes all existence. Tang Ao could see that the purpose of these warriors and blood races now is that both sides want to enter this stele space.

Tang Aogang came out of the stele space, and naturally knew what was in the stele. Tang Ao didn't want to participate in this kind of battle, so Tang Ao directly took Huang Keer for a walk. The place where Tang Ao is going now is the Five Elements Wasteland. Tang Ao was going to the Five Elements Wasteland to find the Five Elements Soil, as long as he obtained the Five Elements Soil in the Five Elements Wasteland, and then returned to Langya Realm to find the emperor beast bones, then Tang Ao would be able to cultivate sword fruit.

After walking a little farther, Huang Keer directly summoned the Blazing Pegasus. On the gusty desert, the Blazing Pegasus was faster than Tang Ao's Fenglei Mingyun. Because Blazing Pegasus is proficient in space power, and when running in the air, it is not afraid of space blades. But Tang Ao didn't dare to fly at full speed with wind, thunder and cloud.

Accidentally hitting a piece of space blade light, even if Tang Ao Dahuang Immortal Body had cultivated to the level of the original body, there would be no life. Of course, if Tang Ao was able to cultivate the Great Desolate Indestructible Body to the fifth level, that is, to the level of the Great Desolate Indestructible Body, then Tang Ao would have hit the Space Blade, and would only smash it directly.

The human races on the blast desert basically gather in blast city, Jinsha city and Siji City. But as Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er approached the Five Elements Wasteland, some villages immediately appeared. In these villages, there are warriors and ordinary people. Of course, because this area is also shrouded in the blood source of the blood clan, there are still many blood servants appearing.

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