Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2508: The precarious city of beasts

"Senior of Tianma City, please help me." As Tang Ao and Huang Keer were rushing to the Five Elements Wasteland, a cry for help suddenly came from below. On the way, Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er shot and killed the Blood Servant from time to time, but that was all because the Blood Servant happened to stand in the way. However, Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er have not yet encountered someone calling for help.

Now that there are people calling for help, Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er are also in shape. Tang Ao's soul was swept away, and he was immediately shocked by the blood servants appearing here. I didn't know what was going on in this place. The number of blood servants appeared far beyond Tang Ao's imagination. Similarly, here is also a small city, with many warriors and ordinary people standing by the city at the moment.

Tang Ao saw that the materials used to build this city were just ordinary stones, but there was obviously a very powerful formation mage in this city. At this moment, there was a guard formation above the whole city, and there were also third-rank formations on the surrounding walls. Method flashes. It is also because of this that under such a intensive attack of blood servants, this city can stand firm.

The one calling Tang Ao and Huang Keer was a young man with a big axe on his back. During this period, every time the young man saw a strong flying by, he would shout twice, although until now, only Tang Aohe Huang Keer stopped.

"Brother Wei Hu, you really called people down." A young girl said beside the boy. The young man named Wei Hu was also very surprised. Obviously, he did not expect that there was a real reason for the martial artist to help them.

"Why do you have so many blood servants here?" Tang Ao ignored Wei Hu's surprise, but asked instead.

Wei Hu was staring at Huang Keer in a daze. Wei Hu was not much older than Huang Keer. Looking at the pink and tender Huang Keer at the moment, Wei Hu immediately liked it. It's just that Huang Ke'er is looking around curiously. Because Huang Keer discovered that the warriors here are also good at controlling monsters, and at this moment, many warriors control monsters and blood servants to fight.

"Because the surrounding villages and cities have all missed, so a large number of warriors fled to us and attracted more blood servants. Our beast city because sister Ling Xueyao is a third-tier immortal formation master, the entire city uses The formation has been strengthened, so there is nothing to do. However, there are too many blood servants here. We want to ask for help, but no one wants to help us."

Although Wei Hu was not old, he had a clear understanding of the current situation in the City of Beasts. After hearing Wei Hu's words, Tang Ao nodded. Wei Hu was right. Even now, Tang Ao could still see that many warriors fled in all directions and plunged into the light curtain of the Beast City formation.

The formation light curtain of Hundred Beast City can block the blood race, the blood servant, and even the blood demon, but it will not block the human warrior. Tang Ao saw that above the city, there was a woman in a green dress walking among the crowd, throwing out the formation flag in her hand from time to time to mend the guard formation of Beast City.

But in the City of Beasts, she seemed to be the only one who could repair the formation. At this moment, this pretty woman's face was pale as paper, and she was swaying when she walked, obviously because of excessive consumption of her soul. Even though the distance was far away, Tang Ao could still see that this woman's appearance was not inferior to Shen Yunwei, and she was also a scourge-level beauty.

But at this moment when life and death are at stake, not many people have the intention to appreciate it. In other words, I often see that at this moment, I also have some resistance. But the warrior who had escaped from other cities saw the swaying Ling Xueyao, and immediately had an idea in his heart. At the moment, the warrior's **** rose, and he directly reached out to Ling Xueyao and grabbed it.

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