Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2540: Qianshanglou's decision

Because of this, when Wei Chu and others from the Star City came over, the strong man from Qianshang Building might not be halfway there. And Qianshang Building was able to have a martial artist to meet him Song Qiufeng, not because Song Qiufeng was important to Qianshang Building, but because Song Qiufeng found a refiner who could refine a large number of red gold immortal tools.

If this were not the case, Qianshang Building had basically abandoned Song Qiufeng in this case. After all, Qianshang Building is still a huge chamber of commerce and a group of businessmen. Merchants are all unprofitable people who cannot afford to be early. Song Qiufeng is trapped in the remote town of the Five Elements Wasteland, which belongs to the sphere of influence of the Star City.

The power of Qianshang Building wanted to go to the beast city, and the cost was not small. However, after learning that Song Qiufeng had eighty red gold immortal artifacts in his hands, the two deputy owners of Qianshang Building could not sit still immediately. Chijin Immortal Artifacts are treasures that can be placed in the martial arts spirit sea and can grow with them. Any piece of scarlet gold immortal artifact, even if it is of the ground level, is a treasure as long as it reaches the level of an immortal artifact after being refined.

Even the crudest red Jinsha is a fourth-grade immortal material, so it seems that it is not difficult to make immortal artifacts with red golden sand. But the fact is not the case. It is not difficult to use the Chi Jinsha refining artifacts. Even the crappy immortal artifact masters can use Chi Jinsha to refine the Ninth-Rank peak spirit artifacts, but the spirit artifacts are after all.

Only a pure gold weapon that reaches the level of a fairy weapon can inhale the spirit sea for warmth, and a spirit weapon is absolutely not acceptable. Although Chi Jinsha is a fourth-grade immortal material, it contains too many impurities. If you want to refine the immortal weapon level, you need to spend a lot of energy to remove the impurities contained in the red golden sand.

But in many cases, even with great effort, it is impossible to remove the impurities in the red golden sand. For this reason, any piece of red gold immortal artifacts are extremely precious. Now Song Qiufeng actually had 80 scarlet gold immortal artifacts in his hands, and it was a third-rank scarlet golden immortal artifact that had been forged three times, so Song Qiufeng could not have an accident.

Even if something happens to Song Qiufeng, these red gold immortal artifacts must be returned to Qianshang Building. Song Qiufeng sneered after seeing the reply from Wu Tong, the deputy host of Qianshang Building. In fact, at this moment, Song Qiufeng did not have 80 scarlet gold immortal artifacts in his hand. Although Tang Ao had already refined the scarlet golden immortal artifact, Tang Ao now only gave him 50 pieces. But Song Qiufeng knew that the more he said here, the faster the Qianshang Building powerhouse would support.

Tang Ao didn't know and was not interested in the intrigue between Song Qiufeng and the high-level of Qianshang Building. At this moment, Tang Ao was in the refining room, constantly attacking the Fourth-Rank Immortal Master. The immortal tools refined by the Third-Rank Immortal Tool Master are already sufficient for the use of the Star Realm martial artist, but the Third-Rank Immortal Tool, except for the special existence of the Red Golden Immortal Tool, is completely inadequate for the Yin-yang Realm martial artist.

Tang Ao is still a long time away from Yin-Yang realm cultivation, but it is always good to be able to improve the refining technique. A lot of skills don't overwhelm your body, the art is bold! Tang Ao's courage is not small, but the more capable he is, the more confident he will be on the path of cultivation.

The Five Elements Wasteland is close to the gusty desert, but the Five Elements Wasteland is neither as constant as the gusty desert nor as hot as the gusty desert. The two places are obviously not far apart, but the Five Elements Wasteland is very cold. Especially at night, the Five Elements Wasteland is surprisingly cold. Therefore, at night, most warriors would not choose to continue fighting with the blood servants, and return to the city.

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