Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2541: Wufeng Mountain

When Tang Ao first came here, everyone's eyes were blank, they didn't talk to each other, and their emotions were very low. Some people even couldn't help it, revealing the ugly truth in their hearts. But at this moment, even with the cool breeze at night, the warriors stationed on the wall are still drinking and talking. There are still nine days. As long as you insist on another nine days, the coverage of the blood source array will shrink, and after the power of the blood source array is weakened, the blood family has no guts to stay here.

The blood servants and the weird blood demon are the greatest reliance of the blood warriors, because of the existence of the blood source array, the number of blood servants is endless and endless. The blood demon is also a very terrifying existence. The blood clan secret technique they control is even more terrifying and strange than the blood clan warrior. But whether it was a blood servant or a blood demon, they all existed relying on the blood source array. Without the blood source array that continuously transports blood qi, these blood demons are just fish on the knife.

In Tang Ao's refining chamber, flames were burning in the nine refining furnaces. While improving his craftsmanship, Tang Ao was also helping the warriors in the City of Beasts to refine fairy weapons. Tang Ao refining artifacts does not collect immortal crystals. No matter what immortal artifacts he refines, he only needs to prepare double materials and wait patiently.

"Brother Tang Ao, I'm so boring." In a training room, Huang Keer pouted and walked out. Although he is a strong player on Qianlong's list, after all, Huang Keer is still a child. Children always like to play. Before Huang Keer ran around with Tang Ao, there were new things along the way, and she felt very novel in her heart.

But now, Huang Ke'er has been with Tang Ao in the Beast City for a little half a month, so naturally she feels bored. Tang Ao touched his chin, pondered for a moment and said, "How about I teach you how to refining?" It is not the first time that Tang Ao teaches refining. In Tang Ao's view, he has refined each piece of fairy material into one piece. A powerful fairy tool is a very fulfilling and very fun thing.

"That's not more boring." Huang Ke'er said with a grievance on her small face after hearing Tang Ao actually want her to learn refining.

Tang Ao smiled bitterly, and immediately said: "In nine days, the blood line of the blood race weakens, we can return to Langya Realm and hold on." When speaking, Tang Ao reached out and touched Huang Keer's little head.

"I don't! It's not easy to come out. If you don't hurry up, I will practice day and night after I go back." Thinking of returning to Wendao Academy, I would like to learn the art of controlling beasts from the three old-fashioned men. Huang Ke'er felt like she was in great numbers, she felt that she had endured the pain she shouldn't have at this age!

But how did Huang Keer know that if she hadn't been for her exceptional talent and distinguished status, she asked the three elders of the Dao Academy where she would personally guide her in her practice. In the academy of questions, countless people squeezed their heads, and there was no way to get any precepts and deeds from any elder.

"Little girl, what do you want to do again?" Tang Ao was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized that this little girl must have wanted to do something again, otherwise she would not say that.

"Hehehe" Huang Keer smiled, did not immediately say anything, but pulled Tang Ao, walked to the window, pointed to the distance and said, "Brother Tang Ao, you see the five circular mountains No?"

"I see, that place is called Wufeng Mountain, and the five peaks are connected together to form a chain. I heard that there are many powerful monsters in the mountains, and there are also many good fairy grasses. If it were not for the blood servants besieged now, I would have the truth. Take a look." During this period of time in Hundred Beast City, Tang Ao naturally understood the surroundings of Hundred Beast City very well.

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