Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2666: Destroyer Arrow

"Sister Bai Lu, don't worry, I have invited our Tianjiazhen Clan's treasure to destroy the fairy arrow." When Tian Liangguang spoke, he waved his hand and the four people behind him immediately held two jade boxes in front of him. When the jade box opened, it was a long bow and a feather arrow.

Bai Lu was overjoyed when he saw Tian Liangguang really brought the Miingxian Arrow. This Xianxian Arrow was something that the Tian family took root. Bai Lu didn't expect that Tian Liangguang would be qualified to call Tian Family's Xianxian Arrow. If this Xianxian arrow was used by her father Bai Shengyan or Lu Zexing, then one arrow would kill two or three enemies. It's just a pity that at this moment, both Bai Shengyan and Lu Zexing were dragged down by the other six, and they lacked skills.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Tian, ​​and also invite Senior Brother Tian to do it right away, Junior Sister is grateful." Although her father and Grandpa Lu could not use Miexian Arrow, Miexian Arrow is a very sky-defying existence, even if Tian Liangguang is a star The six chaotic world experts did not dare to ignore the immortal arrows shot by the nine-layer warriors of the extreme realm.

If Tian Liangguang was lucky enough to shoot a chaotic world powerhouse, that would be a great deal for Bai Shengyan and Lu Zexing. After all, at this moment, these six people can barely suppress Bai Shengyan and Lu Zexing. For a while, it is impossible to kill Bai Shengyan or Lu Zexing.

"Okay!" Seeing Bai Lu's encouraging smile, Tian Liangguang smiled heartily. For a while, Xianyuan turned, and Tian Liangguang directly picked up the Miexian bow and hit the Miexian arrow. Then the whole body was surging, pulling away the Miexian bow with great effort.

Tang Ao naturally saw the Miexian Bow in Tian Liangguang's hand. Although this Miexian Bow was good, it was still a lot worse than Tang Ao's Yuanshi Shengtian Bow. But what surprised Tang Ao was this Immortal Extinguishing Arrow. This type of Immortal Extinguishing Arrow was apparently used by top experts to inject immortal power from time to time. Within the Extinguished Immortal Arrow, Tang Ao felt the nine levels of restriction and the terrifying immortal power. .

If all the immortal powers of these nine levels of prohibition and blockade can be stimulated, Tang Ao estimates that even if this Tian Quanguang is a fool, he can shoot a chaotic world powerhouse with one arrow. What only disappointed Tang Ao was that this Tian Liangguang used the power of the two tigers, and only barely opened the three-tier restriction on the Misery Arrow.

And the moment Tian Liangguang let go, these three levels of restrictions were restored instantly, so the arrow that Tian Liangguang shot was just a very ordinary one. Such an arrow is not a big threat to the Yin-Yang realm warriors, not to mention that those who are fighting in mid-air are all the powerhouses of the Chaotic Sky realm.

A warrior wearing a red mask in midair looked at Mie Xianjian, and his feet felt cold. Under the red mask, Hu Yang almost went crazy looking at the Missing Immortal Arrow that was flying. Hu Yang looked back at a warrior with a black mask in the distance, and couldn't help but ask via voice transmission: "Tian Chusheng, are you crazy?"

Tian Chusheng naturally also saw the Immortal Extinguishing Arrow flying towards Populus euphratica. At that moment, Tian Chusheng looked cold and immediately said, "This is a fake, what are you afraid of." Tian Chusheng knew that this Immortal Extinguishing Arrow was of course not a fake, but His self-righteous trash son has no ability to inspire Mi Xianjian.

Otherwise, if Tian Liangguang really inspired Mi Xianjian to kill Populus euphratica today, then his good days for Tian Chusheng would come to an end. Just in case, Tian Chusheng rolled his sleeves, and he was about to put away the Immortal Arrow. But without waiting for Tian Chu's vivid hand, Populus euphratica directly printed a palm on Miingxian Arrow, and then Miingxian Arrow flew towards Tian Liangguang's trio at an even more alarming speed.

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