Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2667: Tang Auduojian

After Tian Liangguang shot an arrow, he was still waiting to kill the guy wearing the red face mask, but Tian Liangguang didn't want to get it. Not only did Miiexian Arrow not kill the red face strong man, but he was shot and flew by the palm of the opponent. come back.

Tang Ao's eyes condensed, and Hu Yang slapped casually, directly breaking through the seven-layer prohibition of Mie Xianjian. If the last two layers were broken open, the three Tang Ao would be wronged today.

Thinking of this, Tang Ao didn't dare to hide it anymore. This Immortal Extinguishing Arrow was too dangerous. If Tian Liangguang, this straw bag, was shot again, and any one of the warriors directly broke the nine restrictions, then Tang Ao and Bai Lu He was killed by Tian Liangguang.

Tang Ao didn't hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, ten fairy shields refining from Red Jinsha appeared immediately. Mie Xian Jian smashed all these fairy shields all the way, and after smashing ten pieces of fairy shields, the speed and momentum of Mie Xian Jian weakened. The thunder surging around Tang Ao, several thunders instantly wrapped the Miingxian Arrow, even though there were ten fairy shields to resist it before, the powerful force of Miingxian Arrow flew out with the support of Tang Ao.

The warrior in the chaotic world made a random blow, which turned out to be terrifying! However, there were also many warriors who looked at Tang Ao enviously. No one thought that a person would have so many scarlet celestial tools. There are also some warriors who feel it is a pity that every piece of red gold immortal artifact can be cultivated as a life immortal artifact. Now that the ten fairy shields that hadn't grown up were broken, the real martial arts world lost ten more natal fairy weapons.

"Boom!" After smashing many boulders in succession along the way, Tang Ao completely removed the energy on the Misery Arrow. After removing the energy from the Miing Xian Arrow, Tang Ao flew into the sky without waiting for Tian Liangguang to come over and ask for the Mi Xian Arrow. Immediately, a long bow with golden light also appeared in Tang Ao's hand.

This bow is the Ninth-Rank Peak Immortal Tool, Yuanshi Shengtian Bow. When Tang Aoxiu's base was still shallow, he couldn't use the full power of Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow, and even 10% of Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow could not be used. But now, as Tang Ao Xiu's base improved, Yuan Shi Shengtian Bow really showed its grandeur.

"Drink!" Tang Ao let out a loud yell, and smashed the Miing Immortal Arrow on the Yuanshi Shengtian Bow. Immediately, countless thunders gathered around Tang Ao, and continued to condense on the Yuanshi Holy Heaven Bow. At this moment, Tang Ao's whole body suddenly changed, as if he was the Nine Heavens Thunder God. Tang Ao's powerful soul thought also instantly condensed on Miing Xianjian. With Tang Ao's strength, it was still not enough to break through the nine prohibitions of Miing Xianjian.

However, Tang Ao was not ready to break the restriction with brute force. With a thought, the way of fire was expelled by Tang Ao again. The Dao of Fire, which had not been calm for a long time, rioted again, and a terrifying aura spread, and Tang Ao only felt that his body and soul would be incinerated into nothingness by the Dao of Fire.

Tang Ao didn't dare to be careless in his heart, and hurriedly began to guide the power of Huo Dao Ze to surging on the Misery Arrow. In an instant, the power emerging from the way of fire seemed to have found a catharsis, madly rushing into the Extinguishing Arrow. The nine-layer ban on Misery Arrow was broken by the way of fire for eight and a half layers almost instantly.

But at this moment, the Dao of Fire seemed to perceive that Tang Ao used its power again, and the aura of the Dao of Fire disappeared without a trace at this moment. Tang Ao was so anxious that he didn't expect that the way of fire would come out like this. Seeing that the last layer of restriction was about to be broken, Tang Ao couldn't manage that much, burning his blood crazily, trying to break the last half of the restriction.

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